
Spade didn't move, but Myorka stirred, and a terrible wail escaped from the lips of the queen bookkeeper.

Serenica didn't understand the reason for all that fuss. The king-captain was merely sleeping, in such deep slumber that he did not care about the world.

Then the healer saw his left forefinger on his tattoo.

She realized in a flash of horrible lucidity that her captain had felt the moment of his death crawling near. Perhaps half asleep already, gently rocking on the waves between life and death he had decided to call on the dead for one last time.

Serenica stared blankly as Myorka punched and kicked the dead body of her husband.

"Why – you – you hangable bastard! You dare to die on me?!"

Then the woman wept again. "Sorry! I am so sorry for saying that! It is your right -"

She beat her own chest as if her own heart had murdered her husband.

Serenica had not even realized she was in tears as well.