
There was a sound of great wings pushing air back and forth.

Everyone on the street turned their heads towards the sky to gawk at the beast.

"The Black Mountain's going to come for your gold," Serenica said to the Maroon King.

The old man turned his head away.

"You thought you would be let free after this?" Myorka smiled a dissonant, cheery smile, unbefitting for someone about to commit murder.

The two women were leading the former king away from the crowd, towards streets that were not quite in the rebuilding stage just yet.

"How do you reckon we could forgive you?" the bookkeeper continued.

Serenica just wanted to get this done. She was still worried about the tricks the old man could pull if taunted severely enough.

"I reckoned you might have a bit of human decency in you," he said quietly. "I was wrong."

"Oh, get lost, decency is for the losing side." Myorka snarled at the man, pushing him against a brick wall.