
"No! NO! DEIM!"

"What did you expect when you started that war?" the cannibal hissed at her. "I wanted peace! Peace, for the sake of all known gods! You keep putting my family in danger and you have the gall to expect me to be fine with it! This time, we are not throwing you into a prison of obsidian. We are feeding you obsidian."

"But Myorka wanted a different world for herself!"

Deim was now dragging her up to Kinley. "Did she really? Or did she just go along with Spade, her insane husband?"

"And here they come," Kinley said to her bookkeepers. "Look at that."

"I will feed you to crows!" Serenica hissed and tried to get her pistol out, but Deim grabbed her hands and brought her to Kinley, like some kind of an animal, something inhuman, something very close to inanimate.

"Have you been able to consume the late captain yet?" Kinley asked the cannibal.