
Everyone was, of course, terribly worried about the king and his doctor. The search party woke Serenica up when the dawn was just starting to stretch its legs.

The healer did not have a hangover, but she was in her underwear and quite annoyed to be disturbed at all.

"You do have a right to have your closure, I guess," the Admiral said. He looked tired as well.

"I do, and I do not intend to be watched over every single day for the rest of my life," Serenica said. "Besides, your face looks funny. You have not slept?"

"How could I have time for sleeping? When I have to take care of over fifty thirsty pirates and see that they don't hack each other in pieces?"

The healer chuckled. "You are exaggerating. They are not that bad."

"Right…they aren't." The first mate grimaced. "But they will be, once they learn of my plans."

"What plans?"

Then Serenica heard all about what would happen to her precious ship, the Princess.