
"By the way, you mentioned a school trip? How old is Callum?" Ella asked looking over at Callum's mature face.

"He looks so old. My mum thought he was already in his twenties when she first met him." Patty laughed at the memory.

"I'm 17," Callum said bluntly as if to stop her joking. Ella looked at him in surprise. He definitely looked older than 17 years.

As if to change the subject Callum took a necklace out of his pocket. It had a bright yellow star pendant that glistened as if it were made of real gold.

"Wow, that's pretty," Ella said completely enchanted by it. Otto also caught a glimpse of the necklace before abruptly getting up.

"I'll catch you later Ella, I gotta take care of something," He said then disappeared through the wall.

I wonder where he has to go. Ella thought but then turned her attention back to the necklace.

"Well, it is yours," Callum said passing it to her.

"Th-thank you..." She said still captivated.

"I didn't buy it, you've had it for a long time now. It was given to you when you were younger." Callum said casually.

"R-really, so you're giving this to me..."

"To at least see if it will bring back a few memories," Callum said.

"It is so pretty," Patty added, her eyes fixed on the pendant. "Didn't aunty have this before?" She asked Callum.

"Yeah, I suppose it's about that time of year, it's understandable that she would be holding it close," Callum said staring back at his phone.

"Time of year?" Ella asked in confusion. Callum looked at her with conflicted eyes. He thought about keeping his mouth shut but then realised that Ella would find out eventually whether she had her memories or not.

"It's death his anniversary." Callum began. "Your brothers," He said bluntly. At that moment it was as if Ella's entire body froze. She didn't know how to react. She sat in silence, her heart pounding uncontrollably. A brother she has never met before, who is already dead. She definitely didn't know what to say.

"I-I have a brother?" She asked for reassurance.

"You had a brother. He... passed away four years ago." Callum said awkwardly.

"Four years ago?" Ella repeated.

"Yeah, actually it was before you were hospitalised. Patty also only saw him briefly before he passed." He said turning to the little girl who was uncomfortably sitting by.

"So... what can you tell me a-about him?" Ella asked connecting the dots in her mind that were rushing around uncontrollably.

"Well, there isn't much I can say about him. You were the closest person to him so you should know him the best." Callum said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "But I suggest not mentioning him in front of your mother. She is still having a hard time dealing with this again, especially with how you are now."

"What do you mean again?" Ella asked forcefully.

"Well," He began a little surprised. "Your dad was a carrier for this virus you have and it was passed down to his offspring's; you and your brother. Your brother was affected by it the worst and eventually couldn't move anymore, he was practically a vegetable. He lived in this hospital and had a tube feeding him the nutrients he needed to survive. But your mother's heart was too weak to see him like that every day." Callum said with pain showing in his eyes.

"Brother Cal, are you sure you should be talking about this? What if aunty finds out?" Patty asked with concern and sympathy, holding onto Ella's hand.

"No, don't worry about aunty. I want to hear this." Ella said with a strong smile. She then turned her gaze back on Callum. "So... did she..."

"She had no choice. She couldn't do it herself. A doctor used an injection, and just like that your brother was..." Callum railed off then cleared his throat awkwardly. "Sorry, you had to find out this way. I mean if you had your memories back you probably would have stayed ignorant of how he died since it was a tough time for you as well." He said.

"I-I see..." Ella only muttered those words. Thoughts were swarming around her head. Her grip was gradually getting stronger around the pendent, Callum noticed that.

"Actually that's the last thing your brother gave you..." Callum said pointing at her clenched fist. Ella stared at the pendant in her hand. "You held it just like that when he died. I guess you haven't changed that much since then." He said trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Brother, you said too much." Patty snapped glaring at him.

"Sorry, but someone had to tell her." He said with a strong voice as of not regretting anything.

"Sorry, could I be alone for a moment," Ella said, her voice trembling.

"Right..." Callum said getting up and motioning to Patty. She reluctantly got up and they both left the room.