Friday, April 16, 2021
I wake up earlier maybe about 5:00 if I remember but still tried to sleep because it's not 8:00 yet. Ohh by the way good morning dairy, the weather is still so hot right now even in the early morning thinking about it how hot will it be this afternoon.
Ohh dairy a have a nice dream, I forgot about it but I still feel that it is a nice dream.
Our prof is discussing something right now, let me see what is it. Surveying is the subject it's pretty boring you know dairy. That my eyes are consciously closing on there own, that's why I decide to pay you a visit dairy.
Shes still on it still discussing but I am sure that not all my classmate are listening. They are like me, with the headset or headphones on while lying on the bed and your hand is busy with another thing.
Student life now that covid is on the spreed, lazily staying at home with the routine eat, game, pop, sleep, then game. I will try listening so see you later bye bye.
Nee dairy our prof is now doing a graded recitation and I didn't even know what are they talking about, Im like what? hahahahahaha. Well this is the outcome of me not listening and it looks like my other classmate are listening. Let me write the topic our prof is discussing ( Probable Error of the Distribution) (Probability Curve or Normal Distribution of Error) my brain can't follow. Oh a topic I know show up it's about Mean Median Mode but it have a f*vking twis (Probable Error of the Mean) the tittle man.
Im not good with dairy and just looking at the formula shown I don't get a single thing. Later dairy let me listen for a bit maybe just maybe I can understand even a little and my sleepiness is gone because of that.
Our prof in surveying got mad because no one is answering her questions because of that she gave us a homework that will be submitted today. It takes an hour dairy before I can even barely understand it and the answer that I submitted, I don't know if they are even correct.
Later dairy im going to listen to concert in youtube.
I just want to tell you dairy that im going to sleep now im to sleepy you know my eyes are closing while playing a game. So goodnight have a night dream.