Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Good Morning dairy I always think that it nice being alone and all because you can have a peace of mind away from the busyness of life a time where you can relax and forgot about everything. But sometimes being alone to often you have many time with yourself that sometimes you think about things negatively. When it continious for a long time you become stressed of the life that your leading that you can have a better life if you just do it or that correctly.
Moderation is a thing I guess, a time to relax that is when you are alone and time to communicate with the outside world. Another is if you busied yourself with things that you temporary forgot about it. I guess that's where a workaholic came? Or maybe something else.
Now because of Covid there's a lockdown, there's a lockdown you have so many free time on your hands, more free time more time to think unnecessary thoughts, more unnecessary thoughts lead to stressed, and stressed can become depressed in time, what viscous thought right dairy.
I don't know what to say dairy give me some help please. Huh maybe this count dairy in Genshin impact my first death is falling on a cliff funny right. It's like this im trying to climb a cliff I thought I can do it and I almost reach it but my stamina runs out so you can guess what happen next. I explore a little and found a what does it called? I don't know so I will describe it, in a specific place in the ground that have a wind going up that when you try jumping there you will gonna be lift up and fly.
Then by using that I reach where I was supposed to go. That's that dairy.
My singing "my hearth will go on" right now dairy even if I don't get the right note like the song said I will still goes on hahahaha. Good Night dairy I still have a class on 7:30 so bye bye.