Sunday, April 25, 2021
Good Morning dairy I just like to inform you that our next clan war is going to be hard first of all the enemy clan is already lvl 10 while mine lvl 1 that means the enemy clan has a +2 lvl in there troops donation just that is a huge advantage on us but sure hope that our enemy is a noob attacker.
About the tittle dairy tomorrow is Monday the most hated day I think? because I myself hated it too. I'm going to continue reading manga this day dairy, so see you later?
Ohh and wish me luck on our coming war and still bring the win to our clan to have a 3 war win streak later.
I just start noticing this but the f*cking guide how to write is so annoying it just f*cking keep pooping out of nowhere and keep distracting the hell out of me.
Sorry about that dairy I just want to let it out hahahaha. Where are we now ohh yes im listening music in youtube right now dairy while reading a manga aren't I amazing listening while reading hahaha but adds are definitely annoying they ruin the mood that the song sets. Then later dairy.
Dairy I found a manga adaptation of the novel that I kind of like so im reading it right now while lmao reading. Seeing is a different thing with reading while reading you can just fill it with your imagination manga fullfil that but sometimes novels are much better because of the minute details that a manga forgot about. They have both pros and cons so, I think reading both is good?
Hello dairy I still want to stay awake and read some novels or manga but my eyes says different. It wanted to close itself and I have a hard time not closing them and start dozing off. So see you tomorrow dairy goodnight.