Expectation is Hard, to Bad I Plan on...

Sunday, May 2, 2021


Good Morning dairy I win in clan war the enemy bases are awesome but there attacks are lame so we win because of that. I can't start a war because it's clan war league and it will last for a week also you cannot start a normal war when clan war league start. I only have 6 members and the minimum member needed to join is 15 so we have to pass on that until someone want to join and our clan grows.


Starting from today dairy im only going to write when I want not always everyday because at first im excited when writing and as the times goes by it become a bother and not that enjoying anymore so hope you understand.


Really understanding or learning a new language for the sake of reading a novel/manga is a noble thing for me hehehe. Because there is a effort and dedication they put in achieving it. That's all dairy goodnight and have a nice dream.