Part II - Chapter 6

The rest of Nathan's party wasn't bad. The food was good, especially the desserts. Nathan seemed to appreciate the gift I got for him, which was nice. Thankfully, Kyle didn't bother me for the rest of the party, and it didn't seem like he had snitched to Nathan or my parents.

The fact that Kyle was a watcher of my streams, though… I didn't really quite know how to feel about that. I still continued to do my streams as I usually did, but knowing in the back of my mind that Kyle was probably watching made me feel a little bit weird.

One day I ended up driving to the gym near the hospital where Kyle worked, since my mom suggested it would be nice of me to hit the gym for a few workouts while I wasn't at school.

Yeah, I worked out, alright. Worked Kyle's dick in my mouth in the locker room and swallowed his load. Then I got his number after that, so I'd say that it was an efficient day at the gym.

Kyle wasn't the only new relationship I established. One day while I was working my shift at the grocery store, I was minding my own business and staying at one of the cash registers, waiting for a customer until I suddenly yelped when someone slapped me on the back.

"Hey, ya!" The person said. I looked behind me to see a dark-skinned boy who was maybe around my age with locs on his head and braces on his teeth.

"Uh… Hello," I said, unsure why he was talking to me. He was wearing the same uniform as me, so that obviously meant he worked here.

"I'm Wyatt, I just finished training last week," the boy said with a sure nod.

I slowly nodded back. "Cool…"

He took a moment to read my nametag. "Cody, yeah? What school do ya go to?"

"I'm not in school right now," I said. What a weird guy.

Wyatt nodded again, slightly rocking back and forth on his feet. "Oh, I thought you were in high school. I am. I'm a senior at Arcadia," he said proudly, pumping a fist in the air. "Can't wait to graduate this year!"

"Right…" Is all I said before turning back.

Somehow, he didn't get the hint and kept on talking. "Hey well, if you ever need anything, just remember me. Wyatt. W-Y-A-T…" He took a moment to think and make sure he was spelling his own name right. "...T."

"Okay," is all I said before he finally went away to actually do his job.

A few hours into my shift, I kept seeing that one girl who liked me staring at me from one of the aisles. When I caught her gaze, she'd quickly look away and clumsily go back to stocking the shelves.

I rolled my eyes before bagging the customer's groceries. Once it was time for my break, I headed to the back room to go and relax for a bit, until I saw it was Wyatt's break as well. Great…

"Yo, Cody!" He greeted, sitting up and walking over to me to sling an arm around my shoulder. "Yes, just us two bros get to hang out!"

I smiled weakly.

"So, listen… Since we're bros, you gotta help me out," Wyatt said, pulling back and seeming to be a bit more serious. He walked over to open the door, beckoning me to come over. I sighed and walked over to him to see what he wanted to show me. He gestured to the girl who was stocking the shelves, the one who had a crush on me. "That girl over there… I like her," Wyatt said with a goofy smile as he scratched the back of his head bashfully. "You've been working here for a while, right? What's she like?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't talk to her."

"Aw, come on, man…" Wyatt waved his hand dismissively. "You don't even know her name? Throw me something, here!"

I shook my head. "If you want to know about her, why don't you just talk to her?" I asked, as if pointing out the obvious.

Wyatt laughed nervously before holding his hands behind his back, shifting side to side anxiously. "I'm worried she'll think I'm lame."

She wouldn't be wrong, I thought to myself.

"You'll help me, right? You're a handsome guy, you must know a lot about getting girls."

I nearly burst into laughter right there. "I'm not into girls."

"Oh," Wyatt said, taking a moment to think. "Well, don't gay guys usually know a lot about girls? You would know a lot about, like, clothes and makeup and all that, right?"

"I'm outta here," I said, deciding to have my break somewhere else far away from this weird kid despite him calling after me.


That shift with Wyatt had me exhausted by the end of the day. Not only did his stereotypical comment about my sexuality kind of put me off, but the store got pretty busy after my break, too. I tried to tell myself that Wyatt was just a typical straight high school boy who didn't mean any harm, but that didn't mean that I particularly wanted to see him again.

When I got home all I wanted was a hot shower and a nap. After I had both of those things, I changed into something comfortable before I went to my room to flop into bed and scroll through Flumblr on my phone. I had posted a selfie set earlier of me in the bathroom mirror wearing my work uniform. Even though it was a lazy set of photos where I barely did anything to look good, my followers seemed to love it anyway.

Soon, I got a text from Farid. I went into the messages app to see what it said.

"Hey, Cody. This is Farid, you know, Nathan's favourite friend in the entire world. Hope you don't mind, but I got your number from Nathan. Anyway, I was wondering if you were still interested in starring in one of my HueToob videos. If you are, text me back. If you aren't, text me back. If you can't decide right now and need more time to think it over, TEXT ME BACK. Please don't leave me on read, I don't think I'd be able to handle getting R-bombed by such a cute boy. Thank you," the message said, with a smiley face emoticon at the end.

I almost forgot all about that proposal Farid offered back at Nathan's party. I took a moment to think. Hmm… I'm actually kind of interested in doing it, I thought to myself. I don't really like Farid, but I also don't think I want to pass up on an opportunity like this to get some exposure…

I pulled up my phone's keyboard to begin typing out a message. "Thanks for texting me, Farid. I'm still interested in doing a video together. Let me know the details so we can plan something," I typed out before hitting 'send.'

I watched as the little bubble in the corner of the screen that indicated that the person was typing kept bouncing up and down. After about a minute or two, Farid responded.

"HEEEEYYYY thanks for texting back," the message said with a bunch of smiley-face emoticons. "Okay, so I got an idea for a video for next Friday. How about meeting at around 11 AM? We can meet at my apartment. Don't worry, I'll be having a crew over who will help me with my filming, so unfortunately we won't be alone," followed by a crying emoticon before he sent the address of his apartment.

I sighed before sending a thumbs up emoticon as a confirmation message. I wonder how this will turn out…


The Friday of filming finally came around. I didn't know what I was supposed to wear, so I stuck with my usual springtime style consisting of a T-shirt and jeans. I pulled up the address to Farid's place on the GPS on my phone as I got in my car, following the directions as I drove my way there.

He lived in a metropolitan city about half an hour away from where I lived. Finding his apartment was a bit difficult with so many similar buildings everywhere I'd look. Not to mention the traffic was awful, too.

I finally reached the high-rise apartment building where Farid said he lived, trying to find an empty spot in the parking lot. Once I finally found one and parked my car, I walked to the entrance of the building and called Farid on my phone. After not even two rings, he picked up. "Hey, Cody! Are you here?"

"Yeah," I said, looking up at the building. It certainly was tall.

"Nice. I'll open up the door for you. Head up to the twentieth floor and look for apartment number twenty-twenty-two," he said, before I heard the sound of the building's front door unlocking. "Alright. See you then," I said before hanging up, opening the door and heading to the elevators, waiting for the elevator to come down. It was a pretty classy looking foyer, definitely a modern apartment complex for those who had to be making quite a bit of money. Farid must be a bit loaded to afford to live somewhere like this.

The elevator finally came, and I headed inside before pushing the button for the twentieth floor. Even the elevator was a bit classy.

The elevator arrived at the floor and opened up before I headed down the halls, looking for Farid's apartment. When I finally found it, I took a moment to take a deep breath before I knocked on his door.

Farid answered right away, dressed in a stylish jacket. He smiled at me. "Cody! So glad you're here. Come on in," he said, moving aside to let me in. I nodded before entering, my eyes widening at how nice Farid's apartment was. He had a bit of a minimalistic yet modern taste from the way he designed his apartment. Near the back where the balcony was were cameras and more filming equipment being set up by a few guys.

He laughed seeing my expression. "You seem so surprised at how nice it is," he said. I shrugged. "I didn't expect that someone like you would be able to afford such a nice place like this."

"Damn, you sure are honest," he said with a smile. "If you want to know, I'm in a really good position with the tech company I work with. Filming videos for my channel is part of my work."

"I see," I said. I wonder what kind of video we'll be filming, I thought to myself.

He clapped his hands together. "Well, let me introduce you to the guys," he said, bringing me over to where his crew were setting up for the video. He spoke to them in what I assumed to be arabic, before turning to me. "Cody, meet my crew who help me with all my HueToob videos," he said as they all waved and greeted me. I nodded back at them.

One of the men talked to Farid for a moment before Farid nodded. "You ready to film, Cody?" Farid asked me.

"Ready to start whenever," I said. "I just don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what kind of videos you make."

"Ah, okay. Well, it's pretty simple, we're doing drop tests of the newest brands of phones to see how durable they are. We also do drop tests with different levels of protection on the phone, such as cases, a phone inside a block of ice, or a phone covered in rubber… Stuff like that. Just be hype about what we're doing, like you're having the time of your life."

Huh, that's the kind of stuff he does? I always thought those kinds of videos were silly, but I guess it's making him good money, I thought to myself. I nodded back at him. "Okay. I'll do my best."

Farid talked to one of the crew members before they left to go down to the impact spot to film there. He brought me over to the balcony before instructing his crew as they finished preparing everything so that we could start filming the video. He pulled out his phone to check how his reflection looked, running a hand through his hair. "Alright, ready to go," he said before putting his phone back in his pocket.

The cameraman began to count down with his fingers. "In three… two… one…"

Farid straightened his jacket and smiled. "He-llo, all my fans and friends from near and far! Today we will be doing a-nother round of phone drop tests, testing out the new Obsidian X 720. And I have a guest with me today who will be helping me out, Cody Vale!"

The camera then pointed at me and I smiled. Somehow, having a camera on me felt natural after all the times I've been streaming. Just play the role, Cody… "Heya. I'm Cody. Thank you for inviting me, Farid."

He moved next to me. "Mmhmm. You're on Flumblr a lot, aren't you?"

"That I am," I said with a nod.

"Nice. Very nice," he said before smiling at the camera again.

"Alright, cut." The cameraman said before gesturing for one of the other crew members to bring over the phone. One of them came over and presented the phone to us, handing another camera to Farid so he could take a high quality shot of the phone with the sun reflecting off of it for the thumbnail.

After he was done, he put down the camera and took the phone and handed it to me. The phone was surprisingly thin and light. "So, when I tell you to, you hold the phone over the balcony and drop it. Try to drop it in front of the cameraman down there," he said, gesturing towards the cameraman down at the parking lot below as, seeing him wave from down below.

I nodded. "Alright."

The cameraman started counting down again before beginning to film. "Alright, here in Cody's hand is the new Obsidian X 720," Farid said, taking my arm and holding it up to show off the phone in the shot. I didn't know why, but his strong grip on my arm felt kind of…nice.

"He is going to drop it down, from this balcony that's over two hundred feet from the ground!" He said excitedly to the camera as he pointed down at the parking lot below. "Get ready to see some action!"

He let go of my arm and smiled. "Alright, ready, Cody? Hold it over the railing and drop it on the count of three, 'kay?" He said, and I nodded in confirmation. "Got it."

"Alright, one… two… three!"

Just like that, I released the phone from my hand, widening my eyes as I watched it quietly drop all the way down from the balcony, right down until I heard the sound of the impact when it hit the ground.

"Awesome job, Cody," Farid said to me as he raised his hand for me to high five him. "Now, we wait for the runner to come back with the phone, and we'll see the damage."

We waited a few minutes for the runner to come up and give us the phone, as Farid took it and hyped up the damage to the camera. "Look at all that," he said, pointing to the shattered glass and the plastic that had cracked and broke off of the back of the phone, exposing the insides. "As you can all see, all of that on the side had come off, and the glass is completely cracked," he said as the camera zoomed in on the parts he was specifying. He tried to turn it on, and surprisingly, it was still working. "As fragile as the Obsidian may be, it sure can survive a twenty storey drop."

The rest of the filming was surprisingly a lot of fun. We had done drop tests with different materials protecting the phone, such as different cases, a phone wrapped snugly with saran wrap, and even a phone covered in slime. Somehow letting my frustrations out by breaking technology was kind of relieving. I could tell Farid and the rest of the crew were having a good time, as well.

We finished recording everything and all that was left was the editing to be done, but Farid said he usually edited his videos on his own. He ordered food for everybody and we all had a delicious lunch together in Farid's living area before Farid thanked them and sent them on their way.

Then it was just Farid and I sitting next to each other on his couch. Farid was scrolling on his phone, seemingly tired after filming. Although it would have been rude to just leave right then, I didn't want to sit in awkward silence.

"So, what now?" I asked, patting a rhythm on my lap.

Farid looked up from his phone. "Sorry, Cody. I got caught up in checking how well my last video did."

"This is all you do for your job? Drop phones off of balconies?"

He chuckled. "No, not all. I'm an engineer at my tech company. The whole 'dropping phones off of balconies' stuff is part of it, though."

I nodded. "I see, I was just wondering if you could afford all of this," I said, gesturing to around his apartment, "...with just what you make off of HueToob."

"Ah, no. I do get paid quite a bit for both jobs, though." His teeth were so white.

"Do you live alone?"

He seemed to become slightly flustered at my question. "Yeah, I live alone."

"None of you in Nathan's friend group are married yet, huh?"

He chuckled. "Well, you probably know what I'm like, Cody. I'm a flirt, I'm always bringing someone back here almost every night."

I smirked. "You sleep around with a lot of women?"

"You could say that," he said with a wink, making my heart skip a beat. "Not just women. I swing both ways, so I get some men over here too."

Oh, is that so? I raised a brow. I wondered to myself if he was telling me all this to flirt with me, but Farid had always been all about oversharing.

He really is handsome… I actually find that he's grown and changed since we were young.

Farid stared into my eyes. "You know, you've really grown up, Cody… It's really amazing."

I snorted. "That's how aging works. It's not some kind of phenomenon."

"I know, but…" Soon I felt his hand touch my knee. "You've always been good-looking. It's just that you've really grown into such a handsome man."

I looked down at his hand and felt my heart begin to pick up its pace. So… He really is hitting on me, huh? I looked back up at him. "I could say the same about you."

"Yeah?" I watched as his hand slowly moved up my thigh. He licked his lips, moving close to my ear. "Just let me know if you want me to stop."

And that was the thing, I didn't stop him. I just let him palm at my crotch, making me sigh while he slid off of the couch and got down on his knees in front of me. He reached under my sweater, his fingers undoing the front of my jeans. I could only blush and watch him as he smirked up at me, pulling down my pants and underwear together before setting them aside.

I was surprised he wanted me to be completely nude from the waist down. He motioned for me to bend my knees upward and hold them, feeling shy as I did so, shivering from the breeze from the window making contact with my asshole.

He sighed as he spread my legs, pressing his lips against my inner thigh before he began peppering kisses all over the skin. I couldn't help but slightly whimper at the feeling of his soft lips leaving kisses against me, teasing me, getting me worked up.

"Your skin is really soft and pale… I can see where I kissed you," he said, showing me the marks on my inner thigh. He gave the same treatment to my opposite thigh, leaving kisses and small nips against the skin there, continuing to tease and caress me.

Soon, he took my cock and spat onto it before he took it into his mouth, beginning to suck on the tip before quickly moving down to fit the entirety of my cock into him, making me lean back and moan. Wow, he must have a lot of experience, I thought to myself.

He looked up at me with a wink before moving his warm, wet mouth up on down on my cock, slurping loudly. He began slowly, but would speed up, and smoothly transition between the two speeds, much to my pleasure.

I closed my eyes and let out soft moans as Farid continued to suck my dick. I enjoyed giving head, but receiving it was completely out of this world. I could hear the faint sounds of the city in the distance from the open window, another breeze passing by.

My cock was hardening in his mouth as he continued to suck me off. He popped off of my dick with a loud popping sound before jerking me in his hand. "Can I rim you?" He asked me, tugging and stroking my dick.

I didn't know what 'rimming' was, but I just nodded, assuming that whatever he suggested would feel good. He moved down and I could feel him spread my hole open, widening my eyes and covering my mouth when I felt his warm tongue probing at it. "N-nn…!"

Farid hummed pleasantly in response, licking at the hole and swirling his tongue around the ring of flesh before he pushed his tongue inside me. I gasped and clenched my fingers as his tongue wagged within me, his fingers pressing into my thighs.

So, this is what 'rimming' is? It feels amazing…

He continued exploring my insides with his tongue before he pulled it out from me. "Your boy pussy is delicious," he murmured breathily before going back in to eat me out again.

It felt so good, so fucking good getting eaten out like this, almost like a girl. I ran a hand through his hair as he moved back to spitting on and sucking on my cock again, which was now nice and hard.

He alternated between sucking me off and eating me out, a heavenly balance between the two. God, I felt like I was on cloud nine being pampered like this with Farid's mouth. The feeling of his warm mouth on me and his close-shaved stubble rubbing against my skin, it was all so much.

After a few more minutes of Farid pleasing me, I felt like I was quickly getting closer and closer to my climax. "Nnn… Hey, I'm getting close…"

Farid just continued to suck me off faster, moving his mouth up and down quickly like he really was a pro. My grip in his hair tightened as my body tensed up, my toes curling as I felt myself reach my orgasm.

I felt Farid swallow around my cock, taking my cum down his throat. He kept eye contact with me the whole time, then winked at me when I finished.


He pulled his mouth off of me before handing me back my clothes. I quickly put my trunks on in embarrassment as he chuckled. "How was it?"

I blushed. "...Good," I mumbled quietly. He smiled at me as I put my jeans back on. "I liked it too," he said, watching me as I dressed up and straightened out my clothes. "You have my number, so if you ever want to do more, call me anytime," he said with a wink and a smile of his white teeth again.

"Alright," is all I said before I decided it was time for me to head back home. "I guess I'll see you around."

"Yeah. Take care. Thanks for coming over to film with me today… What we just did is just my way of saying 'thank you,'" he said with another wink. "I meant what I said, Cody. You've really grown up. If you ever want to film a different kind of video together, hit me up."

I blushed and mumbled a 'bye' before I made my way back down to the parking lot to get into my car and head back home.

While on the freeway, I couldn't help but think about what Farid and I had done. We really had a quickie after filming, huh? I'm really just letting anyone fuck me. I must be desperate…

I smirked to myself. But then again, I liked it. I like being admired, I like getting off and getting other people off. Where's the harm in that if we're being careful?

I thought about how I've been led to believe growing up that any kind of sexual activity were grave sins.

Well baby, I'm a sinner, I thought to myself as I turned up the car radio, singing along to a funky jazz tune.


Farid texted me a few days later to let me know he was done with the editing process, and that he would upload the video at the very moment. I was at work at the time, so I wasn't able to watch the video yet until my shift was over.

I finished bagging a customer's groceries before they left, and I saw Wyatt strutting over to me. Oh, great…

"Hey, Cody," he greeted with a brace-filled smile. "How's it hanging? Did you watch that basketball game last night? Man, crazy stuff."

"I don't watch sports," I said.

He smiled weakly before clearing his throat, holding onto the edge of the counter and rocking back and forth on his feet. "So, I actually came over here to apologize for what I said last time we talked," he said, referring to that comment he made. "It was rude of me, so I wanted you to know that I'm sorry, man."

Huh… As annoying as he may be, I appreciate that he went out of his way to apologize to me. "Thanks, that's nice of you," I said with a nod.

"I'm gonna try harder to be a better friend to you, Cody. To make up for it, I'll work your next shift," he said as he flexed his arm. I shook my head. "You don't have to do that—"

"But I will, as long as you help me," he said with a smile. "You know… With that girl." He looked over at the shy girl who was stocking the shelves again.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. He's still going on about this? "Alright, fine. I'll help you. But don't expect much out of me, I'm not really that good with people," I explained.

He just smiled. "No problem, just having you there with me is all I need," he said with a sure nod. I closed my cashier lane before two of us walked over to the girl, who seemed to freeze up when she saw us walking towards her.

Wyatt smiled at her. "Hey, there. I'm Wyatt, I just started working here recently," he said proudly. "My buddy here is somewhat of a mentor to me, so he's showing me the ropes. So I thought, 'hmm, what's a tour of the store without introducing myself to the most eye-catching thing here?'"

I knit my eyebrows in confused bewilderment. This is painful to watch.

The girl just played with the ends of her hair, blushing wildly as she tried to look away from me. "N-nice to meet you… I'm Katelyn," she said quietly.

"That's a really pretty name. How old are you, Katelyn?"

She gulped, still playing with her hair nervously. "S-sixteen…"

"Wow! That's cool, I'm seventeen," Wyatt said as he grinned wider. He nudged me and I sighed. "I'm Cody, and I'm nineteen."

She seemed to become somewhat disappointed after hearing my age, as if her chances with me had diminished in her mind. It's a shame her chances with me were doomed from the beginning.

"What school do you go to, Katelyn?" Wyatt asked her.

"Lady Clair," she quietly said, referring to the all-girls school that was in our city. I knew about it because I'd always overhear Nathan's friends talk about girls from that school back then.

"So cool," Wyatt said with a nod. "Maybe I should transfer there."

"It's an all-girls school," I informed him, and he blushed in embarrassment, scratching his neck. "W-well… What I meant was that if I was a girl, I'd transfer there. If they have girls like you there, it must be a pretty great school."

I saw Katelyn smile a little bit at that, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Nice job, Wyatt.

Even though Wyatt seemed a bit nervous talking to her, he seemed to make her giggle a bit and let her guard down. He would try to use me to help ease the conversation and make it a casual talk between three co-workers.

Eventually, the two spent some time talking to each other like the awkward teenagers they were, and it seemed that me just being there eased Wyatt's nerves a bit. Although Wyatt did most of the talking, I could catch Katelyn glancing shyly at me from time to time, quickly looking away when I would catch her gaze.

It wasn't until one of our managers caught us slacking that we all went back to work. Katelyn seemed to be embarrassed realizing that she was distracting us from doing our jobs, but Wyatt reassured her that she was a 'beautiful distraction.' So forward…

The rest of the shift, both Wyatt and Katelyn seemed to be in a lot higher spirits. Katelyn seemed to be smiling a bit more while she worked, and Wyatt seemed to be more chipper than usual. It honestly made me smile.

Finally, my shift was over and I was ready to go home and rest. I clocked out and was about to leave, but Wyatt approached me again. "Hey, Cody… I wanted to thank you for helping me out today, man. Couldn't have talked to her without you there."

I shrugged. "I didn't really do anything…"

"Still, just knowing you have my back really means a lot," he said with a smile and a nod. "I owe you, big time," he said before going back to work.

I walked out of the store and to my car as I sat and thought about Wyatt and Katelyn. It was nice to see two young people like that, it reminded me of how Daniel and I were…

I smiled sadly to myself remembering him, touching his bracelet around my wrist. Five years ago… I wonder, Daniel. Do you ever think of me, still?

I closed my eyes and leaned back in my seat, taking a moment to breathe as I remembered the times we shared. He was the first person who ever really made me feel something.

I thought about the way he would smile at me, and how he had beautiful dimples. I thought about how enthusiastic he was whenever I'd talk about myself. I thought about those emails we would send each other, and how he made the young boy that I was so damn happy.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek before I wiped it away and shook my head, trying to get my mind off of it all. I turned on the radio and started my car, driving home, the thoughts of Wyatt and Katelyn on my mind—and the lingering thoughts of Daniel, too. Once I got home I headed straight to the shower before I hit the bed for a snooze.

Before taking a nap, I checked my phone to see a new text from Farid.

"Have you checked out our video yet? It's blowing up! People love you!"

He attached the link to the video and I curiously tapped on it, opening the video in my web browser. The editing was definitely cheesy, and I cringed at hearing my voice. I did look good, though, as if I was made to be on camera.

I didn't pay much attention to the video other than the parts where I was featured. I widened my eyes seeing that the video had over four hundred thousand views already.

I tapped on the comments, curious to see what people had to say.

"Awesome video as always, Farid! So interesting to see how durable the new Obsidian phone is. The guest you brought for this video is sooo cute, I've never seen him before! He's really handsome, I hope you bring him back for another video."

"Great, informative video. Thank you for showing us the strength of the Obsidian. Makes it even better that a cute guy dropped the phone, I'd let him take my phone and drop it off a balcony, too."

"Anyone got the @ of Farid's friend???"

"That boy Cody is pretty as hell. No homo."

I wasn't surprised that a lot of the comments were about me. I didn't have a HueToob account, but I wondered if I should make one. Maybe one day.

Someone replied to the comment asking about my social media by excitedly linking my Flumblr profile, exclaiming that they 'found me' and that my pictures are 'super hot,' and that reply got well over five-hundred likes.

When I exited the video and opened up the Flumblr app, I saw that I had gained an influx of new followers and comments on my photos.

"Found you from Farid Alqatani's new video, decided to follow cuz ur cute lol"

"This is the guy from FreshTechFarid's video!!!! So hot!!!!"

"He looks soooo pretty... Like a girl… haha"

I locked my phone before rolling onto my side to relax for another nap, clueless to anything else as all I wanted at the moment was to kick back and have a nice rest.

If only I knew at the time that video would end up changing my life forever.