Part IV - Chapter 14

The day had finally come for me to leave for New York. I had packed all my things and Nathan had come over with his things as well. Our parents gave us a 'talk' about being safe when being away in New York. I guess they were a bit more cautious about this trip, since New York was much further away from home than Los Angeles was.

They drove us to the airport, constantly telling Nathan to watch over me while we were on our trip, as if I was still a baby or something.

When they dropped us off, they helped us get our luggage from the trunks before hugging us and wishing me luck. Then Nathan and I made our way down to our terminal and sat down to wait for our flight while we talked.

"Are you nervous? This is your first time doing some big shoots, right?" Nathan asked me as he ate a burrito he bought. Airport prices were always so expensive.

I nodded. "I'm a bit nervous, but I'm definitely more excited," I said. "Sorry for making you accompany me, I know you would rather be at work."

Nathan shook his head. "I needed a vacation."

"You haven't even been working for more than a year…" I said quietly before sighing. "Oh, by the way, I heard from mom that you're dating someone. Congrats."

Nathan blushed and stuffed his face with his burrito. "Th-thanks…" He said with his mouth full.

"What's her name? And do you have any pictures of her?"

Nathan nodded before he swallowed his food. "Her name's Sonia. She's a first-grade teacher at the school I work at." He pulled out his phone and went into his camera roll before turning the screen to me. In the photo, Nathan was smiling and had his arm around a shorter girl next to him who was also smiling and holding a giant unicorn plushie. They seemed to be at a carnival.

"She's cute," I said with a nod. "What's her ethnicity?"

"She's Indian," he said before taking his phone back. "She's an amazing cook."

"That's awesome," I said. He put his phone back in his pocket before nudging me. "What about you? Are you dating anyone?"

I shook my head. "No… But there's someone I really like," I said with a sigh, clutching at my chest. "He's… Been on my mind a lot lately."

Nathan raised a brow at me. "Really? Who is he?"

I shyly looked down, feeling embarrassed having to say it out loud. "My best friend's father," I said. "But it's not like anything will ever happen between us, though. He definitely doesn't see me in that way."

"You never know, he could be into younger women. Or… men, I guess," he said as I rolled my eyes. "He hasn't even looked at another woman since his wife died."

"I didn't think you'd be into old dudes," Nathan said with a face. I shrugged and smirked. "DILFS are hot. I think the only guy I've been with who was the same age as me was Daniel." I tapped my chin in thought as I looked at Nathan. "By the way, how are your friends doing? Are you guys still not talking?"

Nathan looked uncomfortable, as if he wished that I didn't bring it up. "I mean… We're all kind of just avoiding talking about it," he said awkwardly. "But I suppose we're all okay."

I nodded. "Okay," I said. Soon, we were all called to start boarding the plane. Nathan and I boarded on the plane before sitting in our seats. Thankfully, I got to sit beside the window.

During the flight, Nathan was doing some grading while I listened to music while rereading one of my favourite old books.

But I couldn't concentrate too well on what I was reading, because my mind kept wandering to thoughts of Mr. Fotia. It was crazy that I was crushing on him when I didn't even know his first name.

Soon I felt myself yawn, as I closed my eyes and ended up falling asleep to the thoughts of him…


I awoke to the sound of the plane captain announcing that we'd arrived in New York. I rubbed my eyes before getting up, and Nathan and I took our luggages and exited the plane with the other passengers.

Stepping out of the plane to be greeted with the scent of the city evoked something within me. Wow, I can't believe I'm really in New York… I thought to myself. Nathan and I walked down the stairs and followed the other passengers to the inside of the airport.

We made our way out to the street to hail a cab, and it was surprisingly hard to find an available taxi. We eventually did though, and Nathan told the driver which hotel we were supposed to get to.

The traffic in New York city was no joke. I didn't mind though, because it gave me some time to roll down the window and take in the sights. There were so many unique, colourful buildings and all different kinds of people on the streets, from entertainers to tourists to vendors to homeless people. I couldn't even imagine how much more beautiful it would look at night.

Finally, we made it to the hotel. It was a busy hotel that was decent and not overly fancy. We had made reservations a week prior, so we had instant access to our room that was ready for us. The clerk gave us our keycards, then Nathan and I waited for the elevator before bringing our stuff with us up to our floor. We headed to our room when the elevator arrived.

Our room was compact and had two small beds for each of us, and the window had the view of the brick wall of the building beside us.

Nathan scratched his head. "Well, it's not the nicest room, but it'll do for the next few days…"

I sighed and flopped down on one of the beds, realizing the time zone difference was going to keep me up at night.

Nathan laid down on the other bed, pulling out his phone so he could check if there was any Wi-Fi. "Do you wanna go sightseeing tonight? You have your first shoot later, yeah?"

"Yeah," I said in response to both of his questions. "For now, I have to figure out what I'm going to wear." I stood up and picked up my luggage before I threw it on the bed. "I need to make a really good impression."

"Aren't they going to put you in different clothes anyway? What's the point of dressing to impress then?" Nathan asked with a confused face. I rolled my eyes. "I have to make a great impression as soon as I step into the building. From the moment people see me, I want them to know that I'm serious about this."

"I thought you didn't care about what people thought," he said as he raised a brow. I sighed. "Well… This is different. This is my career and I'm doing everything I can to succeed."

"Alright," Nathan said before going back to messing around on his phone. I unzipped my luggage to carefully look through my folded clothes for what I could possibly wear. Hmm…

I took a while to sort out my clothes and look over all of my choices before I finally decided on a dress shirt and black dress pants with a fashionable deep blue blazer to wear on top. It was the right balance of fashionable and classy.

I took a shower and got changed before drying my hair with a towel, going for that 'I-meant-for-my-hair-to-look-like-this' style. I admired myself in the mirror, practicing different poses until it was time for me to leave.

Nathan said that there were some shops he wanted to check out, and that he would return to our room later when he was done. We parted ways before I hailed a cab, and gave the directions to where the shoot was. Turned out, the location was actually a bit far.

When I finally arrived at the building, I stepped out of the cab and took a deep breath before making my way inside. I pulled out my phone and called up Chance, as I figured he was already there. "Cody. You're here?" He asked when he picked up.

"Yeah. I just got here. I'm in the lobby," I said.

"Okay. I'll come get you," he said before hanging up. I stood there and waited for a few minutes before I heard the elevator ding, and I turned and looked to see Chance walking up to me.

"You ready? This is your first step into a real fashion shoot," he said to me, and I nodded. "Yeah. I can't wait."


Chance and I arrived at our floor, which was at a fairly high level. I followed Chance down to where the set was, and it really looked like a professional, high-end studio. The entire room was clean and white and filled with equipment, as photographers took pictures of different models in front of white backdrops surrounded by lights.

A man dressed in an open button-down shirt and a scarf seemed to be going around supervising and directing the shoots. Chance went up to him, and I followed. "Raphael, this is Cody Vale. Cody, this is Raphael Boudreau."

Raphael turned around and widened his eyes as soon as he saw me. "Ah, the boy from Posty," he said, taking his time to inspect me from head to toe. He had a european accent of some sort. "You are even more beautiful in person. I cannot wait to work with you. Is this your first fashion shoot?"

I nodded. "Yes. But I aim to do my very best."

"Very good." He snapped his fingers in the air as some assistants hurriedly came over. "Get Cody Vale dressed for the shoot," he said to them before they nodded and led me to the dressing room.

I immediately was getting undressed by the helpers, and I felt a little bit embarrassed like this—but there were other models in the room being dressed or getting their makeup and hair done.

They began to dress me as I'd follow their instructions—lift an arm here, step into here… It all went very quick and was rushed, but once they were finished, I got a glance at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a formal vest with a dress shirt underneath and a coat over me, along with dress pants and shoes to match.

Wow… I thought to myself at how stylish I looked. One of the crew members urged me over to get my makeup done. They brought me over to a chair in front of a mirror, as the makeup artist rubbed my face with some sort of cream before pressing powder onto me as I felt the urge to sneeze multiple times.

Once they were finished, they brought me over to the set, and I found myself in front of a backdrop while lights and cameras all pointed at me.

"Let's begin," Raphael said to me as I nodded. "Stand up straight. Yes, there we go… One foot over the other like so?" He demonstrated with his hands and I caught on quickly, placing my hands in the coat pocket as I stepped one foot over the other, slightly tilting my head up as I looked down into the camera as the photographer snapped a few photos.

"Very good. Perhaps a twirl where you open up the coat like so—" And I extended my arms with my hands still in the pockets as I looked down and twirled around on the spot, the camera quickly snapping them sequentially.

I loved feeling like this. I loved having the lights and cameras on me, as I'd portray my beauty to match the clothes I was wearing, as I was almost an easel showing off the art that were these garments.

"Now, do whatever poses you feel see fit."

I nodded before letting my body do the work, perfectly being able to feel comfortable as adrenaline took over me. I felt so beautiful in these clothes, being able to use my body to almost tell a story of my portrayal as the wearer of the garments. The photographer kept snapping photos of me as I did some of my favourite poses I had been practicing, using the most elegant and tasteful ones for this particular set of clothes.

"Good, very good. You're a natural," Raphael said with a nod. "I think we've got enough for now. Go change into the new set of clothes and we'll get your photos done for those as well."

He walked away to direct another model getting their photos done as I was urged off the set and back into the dressing room to prepare for the next shoot.


I had finally finished all my shoots. There were a lot of group shots with the other male and female models. I took a break and went to go over to Chance, who was speaking to someone else, who I assumed to be another agent of someone's.

"Cody, how did your shoot go?" He asked me, and I nodded. "I think it went well. I had a lot of fun. It was busy, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. I think I did a really good job," I said, moving a piece of my hair out of my face.

"Glad to hear it," he said as we watched the other models get their photos taken. "It's your first time. You think you did as good as these other experienced models?"

I smirked. "I think I did even better."

He raised a brow. "You seem pretty confident. That's good," he said as he patted me on the back. "Keep it up. It's good for both of our careers, kid."

I nodded. There was still so much that I didn't know about Chance, but I trusted him. Somehow I knew he was looking out for me and knew what was best for my career.

"Mr. Boudreau, we've nearly finished the individual shoots for all the female models, but we're missing a model," one of the crew members said to Raphael worriedly.

"I see. That is an issue, indeed. We don't have time to hire a new model," Raphael said with frustration as he stroked his beard. "Shit, I don't know how we'll be able to finish the group shots and the last few outfits without another female model… I wanted an equal amount of shoots per each model." He sighed loudly. "Now we'll probably have to give another female model more shots than everyone else. I wanted variety."

I didn't know what gave me the urge to speak up, but at that moment, I had a crazy idea that I felt that I had to propose before I lost my chance. "Raphael, this is just an idea, but… What if I modeled the female clothes in place of your missing model?"

Chance and Raphael both seemed surprised at my suggestion, and I even surprised myself to be so bold and suggest something like that. I expected for Raphael to laugh in my face—but he only looked me down and up again and gave me a look that said 'why not?' "Alright. I like that idea, I'd like to try it. It's fresh, it's different. And I think you might be able to pull it off."

I widened my eyes. I didn't think he would actually say yes…!

He sent me to the dressing room to get into the female attire. The crew dressed me up, and the outfit consisted of an athletic style of top and skirt with matching socks and shoes, almost like an elevated version of a preppy female tennis player's uniform.

They did my makeup how they would have done the female model's makeup, painting my lips and eyelids pink. They sent me out onto the set, and even though most men would have felt embarrassed wearing women's clothing, I felt confident and beautiful. I knew I looked good, and the way everyone in the room stopped what they were doing to look at me confirmed that.

Raphael came over and clapped his hands with a smile. "Magnifique, Cody! You look great. Let's get some good photos, yeah?" He said. "I'd like to see some poses that capture the essence of a preppy, independent woman. Think you can do that?"

I nodded and smiled. "I'll do my best."

I began to go for a sassy yet classy pose, gazing into the camera with a bold gaze. Like I was made for this. That I was meant to be doing this.

The photographer snapped the photos of me as I slowly shifted my body into another pose, the camera continuing to shoot.

"Very nice. Keep going," he said to me before going to direct the other models. I continued to do poses, totally feeling that if people didn't already know that I was a boy, they'd think I was a girl.

The idea made me feel much more confident. I felt myself smirk, and the camera caught that, too.


When we did the group shots, I seemed to fit in with the other female novels perfectly. Yet, I think I definitely stood out from the rest of them.

After all the shoots for the day were over, Chance came up to me. "Wow, Cody. I didn't think you'd do that."


"You know, offering to step in for that female model. I didn't expect that at all, but that's great for us. That means Raphael will be paying extra. Not to mention, this'll definitely get you attention. I'm sure people will be talking about the mysterious androgynous model in the Pieri catalog."

I grinned. "I'm glad I spoke up, then."

Chance seemed very pleased. "I am too, kid. I knew it was a great idea to recruit you." He nodded. "By the way, apparently there's going to be a party for the models Friday night. It would be good to mingle and get your name out there."

I nodded. I didn't like going to parties alone, but he was right, it would be a good opportunity to meet other people in the industry and try and get noticed.

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Good," he said before letting me go. "Make sure to come back here tomorrow! Don't get too wild for your first night in New York City!"


After returning to the hotel, it was already in the late evening. Nathan and I headed out to explore, and I'd ask him to take my pictures, a bit to his annoyance.

There were so many different places to explore, and the city's neon lights looked so beautiful in the night. I had a bit of money, so I wanted to go shopping for at least a few souvenirs.

We had dinner just buying food from street vendors, eating as we walked along the streets. Nathan seemed really interested in electronics and gaming stores, or any store that had 'anime' stuff.

Soon, we passed by an adult store, and I actually wanted to check it out—but it would have been embarrassing to go in there with my brother. So when Nathan realized I wanted to go in there, he just awkwardly scratched his head and said he'd wait outside for me while I went inside.

So that's what happened, I ended up going inside to check out if there was anything that I may have wanted to buy. The store was huge on the inside, and there were plenty of aisles. It was like a sex superstore.

I made my way around the store, looking for something simple and practical, nothing too fancy. I looked around for something that I thought would do the job for me.

I finally found the area where the things I was looking for were, and I took my time to decide between which toy I wanted to buy. When I finally made my choice, I took it off the shelf and brought it with me to pay for it. I asked if they could put it in a paper bag, I didn't exactly want people to see what I bought.

After I was finished, I left the store and saw Nathan on his phone. He rolled my eyes when he saw me. "Finally. And I don't even want to know what you bought," he said with a disgusted tone.

Nathan and I continued to head down the streets window shopping or watching buskers or dancers in the street, leaving them money for their performances.

It wasn't until it was around midnight and I started to become tired while Nathan wanted to go check out a comic store where there was a huge lineup to meet and greet one of the actors from one of his favourite superhero movies. I told him that I would catch a cab back to the hotel while he had fun, and he told me to be safe.

I hailed a cab and climbed in, telling the driver the address of the hotel before waiting until he drove me there. I looked at the bags in my hand, and I had bought a few things—I knew that in the days to come, I'd probably buy even more stuff.

Once I made it back to the hotel, I went straight for our room, and used my keycard to unlock the door before heading inside. I turned the lights on before climbing onto my bed, opening my shopping bags to take a look at the things I bought.

I bought a plushie of one of Nia's favourite characters from one of her favourite games that she showed me, and for my mother and father I got them a "I ♡ NEW YORK" refrigerator magnet and mug.

I even got something for Mr. Fotia, too. I didn't exactly know what he would like, but I got him a keychain that had the outline of New York engraved into it. I wanted to get him something that I knew he'd really like, but nothing I saw stood out to me that would seem like something he'd really go crazy for. And so, I decided to settle on that silly little keychain.

After going through the souvenirs and gifts I got, I reached into the last bag, which I got from the adult store… And pulled out the packaged ten-inch dildo I purchased.

I smirked before readily opening up the hard plastic packaging, taking out the dildo to feel it in my own hands. It was made out of silicone and nearly resembled a real dick, even mapped with fake veins. I reached into the bag and pulled out a small bottle, which was a free commercial sample of lube they had tossed in the bag with my purchase.

I put down the things I was holding before beginning to take off my jacket, pants, and shoes, then removing my socks and underwear before taking my things and relaxing back on the bed. I opened up the bottle of lube before pouring a bit onto my hand, lightly stroking my dick as I sighed.

I remembered Mr. Fotia telling me that I reminded him of a pretty little enlist that he once knew in the army. I imagined myself being a cute new recruit, being trained by Captain Fotia in private.

I'm training alone with Captain Fotia, as he's shirtless and yells out drills to me and I obediently follow his orders. "Tch. That's the best that ya got, boy? Let me see you work harder like your life depends on it!"

I continue to exercise as I take a deep breath. "Yes, sir!" I go down onto the ground and begin to do push-ups, taking a deep breath with each one.

Captain Fotia shakes his head. "You'll never get that far at the pace that you're goin,'" he says coldly. "All I see is weaksauce! You want that, boy? Ya wanna fall behind like a pathetic lil' worm?"

"No, sir!" I call out as I struggle to do more push-ups. As I continue to try and keep my pace, he squats down and glares at me. "Come on, boy! You gotta build some meat on ya! How can you look in the mirror and call yourself a man?"

I keep doing my push-ups. "Y-you're right, sir. I'm barely a man, I'm just a boy… Just a silly little pretty boy, sir," I say.

"Hmph. Is that so?"

I continue to do push-ups until he orders me to stop. "Alright, boy. That's enough. Get on your back and take off your pants," he says to me, and I stop my push-ups and sit back on the ground, undoing my pants before pulling them down my legs and taking them off along with my boots. The Captain can't help but watch me strip myself.

I sighed and moaned as my hand stroked myself, pulling on my slick cock back and forth. The sounds of me jacking myself off began to fill the room.

The grass tickled my ass as I sat myself down on the ground. I pulled up my knees and hugged my legs shyly.

Captain Fotia gets down on his knees in front of me as he begins to undo his belt. "If ya ain't gonna be a man… Then I'll fuck you like a girl," he says in a low voice, making my cheeks heat up in both embarrassment and arousal.

He pulls down his pants to his mid-thighs along with his underwear, and what I imagined to be his thick, long cock, hanging from him as I lick my lips at the sight. "Open up those legs for me, pretty boy," he says in a gruff voice as I nod and spread my legs for him while he spits into his hand and begins to stroke himself to get his cock erect.

He gazes at me, admiring the bottom half of my body, and I see a slight smirk curl from under his moustache. "Ya really are a pretty boy." His hand touches my knee and I slightly flinch, and he chuckles. "Ya scared of me, ain't ya? Hmph. I should handle ya real carefully so I don't break that fragile lil' girly body of yours. But all I wanna do is ruin you. Is that what you want me to do, boy? You want me to stick my dick in you and pound your boy cunt?"

I bite my lip shyly as I look up at him. "Yes, sir," I let out in a more affectionate tone. "I want to feel you inside me, sir."

He pushes me onto my back as I slightly gasp, and he spits on his fingers before bringing them under me, and I widen my eyes and whimper feeling them teasing my hole. His fingers were so thick, one of his fingers felt like two of my own inside of me.

I sat up and poured some lube on my fingers before bringing them down to my hole, sighing as I pressed them against my boy cunt. I slowly pushed them inside, imagining Mr. Fotia being the one to finger-fuck me as I continued jacking my dick faster in my other hand.

Captain Fotia groans as he slides his finger all the way inside me as I just parted my lips and let out a long sigh of pleasure. He pulled his finger out before bringing them back and adding another to slip inside me, as I moaned wantonly feeling his digits stretch me.

He thrusts his fingers back and forth within me, as my hands grip at the grass under me. He has a smug yet concentrated look on his face, letting out breathy curses under his breath while finger-fucking my pussy.

"Mmm… Y-your fingers are really stretching me, sir…!" I breathily let out in a high-pitched moan as he has a smug smirk on his face. "Good. Take my fingers, boy. Feels damn good around me, you're nice n' tight, like a virgin."

I pulled my fingers from me and let go of my cock, reaching over to grab the dildo beside me on the bed, holding it upright before pouring lube over it. I closed the cap of the bottle before bringing the dildo down below my body, positioning the lubed-up tip against my entrance.

The Captain slips his fingers out of me as I whine, and he gives me a stern look. "Do I hear whining, boy? There ain't no whining in the damn military! Now, I'm gonna fuck you nice n' good, and you're gonna take all of me inside ya. Understand?"

I look up at him with need. I wanted him, I wanted my officer so badly. I need him to fuck me, to claim me as his own. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Then I'll claim that pretty little ass as mine," he says, moving closer as he presses the tip of his now erect cock against my hole before he slipped it inside.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath before pushing the dildo inside me, closing my eyes and gritting my teeth as I felt the girthy toy penetrate me. I could only inhale sharply through my teeth as I continued to slowly push it in. Even though it was all lubed up, it was probably the biggest thing that I had ever inserted in me.

I pushed the dildo the furthest my body would allow to take it, feeling the silicone toy fill my insides. It felt different from a real dick, more rigid and stiff, less warm, and definitely didn't feel as good as the real thing. But it didn't matter at that moment—I had something nice and big inside me, and it felt fucking fantastic.

"A-ah…!" I moan out, feeling the Captain's erection filling me up, my insides clenching around his big dick that was stretching my boy pussy open. I can only wail out in pleasure as he tries to push himself all the way inside me. I'm not able to exactly take all of him in my ass, but I can take most of him. And it feels so fucking good.

"Yeah, take that dick, boy," Captain Fotia mutters with a smirk, feeling him bury his cock deep inside of me, holding himself there as he let me warm his cock and try to get me used to his size. He pushes in a little further and I gasp, feeling the tip press at my prostate.

"Nnn… I can f-feel it, sir…" I sigh out, feeling my walls constrict around him as his dick twitches within me. He pulls his hips back before slamming into me as I widen my eyes and wail out loudly. He does it again, getting a rhythm in as he thrusts back and forth within me as I can only let out pretty little noises from my mouth like a submissive whore.

I bit down on my lip and thrust the dildo back and forth inside of me, trying to get it in deeper and deeper with each push. The wet sounds of the lubed-up dildo thrusting back and forth within me sounded so gross, yet only turned me on even more imagining it was Mr. Fotia's dick instead.

The more he slams into me, the more I could feel my hole stretching more and more. I was a moaning mess under him as he fucked my boy snatch, and I feel like I'm completely in paradise.

"Fuck, boy, you feel damn amazing," the Captain mutters with a slightly impressed tone, lifting one of my legs to sink himself further inside me and fuck me even deeper, speeding up the rhythm of his thrusts. He feels so good, so fucking good inside of me. I feel like I'm completely on cloud nine as I feel him push himself at a certain angle, hitting a switch inside me that sends shockwaves all throughout my body.

"Yes! Right there," I breathily moan out before Captain Fotia grabs my face in his hands, squishing my cheeks. "Yes, what?" He says before letting my face go. "Y-yes, sir," I let out, enticing a chuckle from him. "Good boy. Your pussy's nice n' tight, you take your officer's cock so well, don't you?"

He thrusts up at that angle again, hitting the nerve within me as I drop my jaw and cry out loud. "Yes, sir!" I moan out.

"You're such a fragile little thing, such a frail beauty, like a dainty little girl," the Captain mumbles while quickly moving his hips back and forth as he fucks me open. "I bet any woman in any military branch can take ya down in less than a few seconds."

I continue to moan, trying to respond in between breaths. "Y-you're right, sir…" I huff out. "I'm so… Frail and weak…" I could feel myself getting close with each snap of his hips, his dick battering into my prostate over and over again. "I need a m-man like you to ruin me…"

We're both getting close, as the Captain's thrusts grow more aggressive and his groans become louder and harsher. I feel my body building up to its climax each time he fucks into my sweet spot, getting closer to the edge as my vision becomes blurry. I don't know how much more I can handle…

"Gonna cum in you, boy," Captain Fotia mutters in a gruff voice. "Look at me while I dump my load in you."

I open my eyes and try to look at him through tears of pleasure, as he gives one last heave into me before I feel his cock twitch within me before he groans out, his face twisted in pleasure, his dick spilling inside of me, filling my insides completely with his warm seed.

And just like that, I shut my eyes tightly and threw my head to the side with one last thrust of the toy, a jolt of pleasure running down my spine as I let a loud whine spill from my lips, my dick erupting with semen as the bed shook from my orgasm. I took my time to take a deep breath and calm myself down, trying to steady my breathing and my heart rate.

I slowly pulled the dildo out from me before it slipped out all the way with a popping sound. I looked down at myself, seeing my lower stomach and groin covered with my sticky semen.

I sighed deeply before leaning my head back on the pillow. I feel gross… I should take a shower, I thought to myself as I relaxed my body. I took a few minutes to just lay there with my limp dick out and covered in my own cum as I had to take my time and reflect on what I just did.

I ran my hand through my hair. God, I've really got it bad for Mr. Fotia…

But I only smirked to myself. It didn't feel wrong, at all. If anything… It felt absolutely right.

Because even though we only knew each other for such a short amount of time… I wanted him more than anything.