Chapter one, a drink

Today is the day of the premiere of the Umbrella Academy's first season. The party is going great. People are hanging out and taking photos with each other,talking, meeting new people, and catching up with each other. But what happens when Emmy  and John cross paths? 

Gerward got up on stage and waited for everyone's attention, everyone quickly started to give him his undivided attention and he spoke.

Gerward: hello everyone and welcome to the opening party of umbrella  academy season one, first off i would like to thank netflix for allowing me to make my comic come true and the cast from bringing life to the characters. Now let's party. 

He raised his glass in the air as the music began to play and the party began. There was a light buzz of all the people talking but it wasn't loud enough to block out the music.

Emmy  pov 

Im sitting at one of the boathes with daveed when john and some other guy come over and start to talk, daveed has to go to the bathroom so i move out of the way leaning forwards so he could get by, i knock over my drink by a mistake and the weird guy we were talking with got up and walked away.

Emmy : oh sorry 

The white whine i had spilling onto his pants, i take a napkin and had it to him not wanting to seem weird, he wipes himself off 

John: no no its fine its a mistake they happen 

Emmy : i'll be back imma go get another drink cause i'm not trying to get home sober 

John: (no needs to worry about that i got just what you need) 

I heard him say something but I guess it was blocked by the music as I stood up,he stood up right before I walked away  he stopped me by holding my arm. 

Emmy :... 

I say nothing even though I feel a little intimidated by him holding my arm. 

John: look I'll get it a lady of your class shouldn't have to get their own drinks 

Emmy : okay if you insist

I sit down as he walks off, why was he so aggressive about getting my drink. Is he trying to roofie me or is he just a lead man, no no he's just being nice that's all; as I wait for him to come back I notice that daveed hasn't come back yet  what's the hold up its the bathroom. 

Daveed: hey 

He said coming behind me scaring me 

Emmy : daveed! 

Daveed: ima go around and talk to a few people okay 

Emmy : it's a party have fun you don't have to ask me 

Daveed: I'll be back 

He walks off and I hear a faint yell of him saying what's up to someone, I sit and scroll through my phone as I wait. 

John POV 

I walk through the people to the bar and order a white wine, I have to wait cause I'm the 34th order. As I wait I start to think about Emmy  and Daveed, they're in a pretty committed relationship that does seem to be out there. But like I know that Emmy  has wanted me ever since the first day of filming. I was on set, the bartender handed me the drink and I began to walk back to Emmy  as i nonshalontly dropped a nashua pill and a sleeping pill into her drink. 

John: sorry i took so long 

I said as i  walk up behind her and place her drink