Chapter 6, pointed shoes

Mary: This about to be that Jada Pinkett Smith's it all over again it's about to be an entanglement with John

Aiden: the weight she didn't want anything to happen with him and her and that's where he got mad and I think you can figure out the rest

Everyone started to agree with him shaking their heads yes to his possibility

Gerward: everyone just go home

We all started to leave grabbing our bags and what other belongings we had scattered throughout the building and when we were about to walk through the doors to police came in and stopped us.

Officer joe: okay we're going to have to ask all of you some questions not individually but as a group

we all look at each other and think what's going on and why are the police here something must have happened, we all just regroup at the doors where the police are standing and wait for their questions to start

The first question was fairly simple but where we do at the party everyone said getting drunk well we didn't get drunk drunk well just drinking, then they asked did we ever see John go near the women's bathroom, we all say we saw nothing mainly because we didn't we all said we saw nothing because really we didn't we were too caught up in our party.

Officer Jackson: Well it appears that we've reached a dead end with Witnesses you're allowed to leave but if you ever see John please contact the police station.

We all obliged and then leave

John pov

I told them that they should look for David and since they haven't shown up at my house I'm pretty sure they haven't caught on yet, but I still pack a bag in case I have to make a quick Escape I can't go to jail I'm too fat to go to jail you know what they do to me, just thinking about it bring shivers down my spine.

I sit back on my couch watching TV when the news abruptly cuts on saying breaking news

News Reporter

If anyone sees John mangrove Contact City Police he has been involved in unspecified crimes at the moment.

They caught on the master contact the stations, or the news stations found out by a leak, but they don't know where I live. I've had a run-in with the police but not one that involves them coming to my house so they shouldn't know my address but then again they can find it out. I'll just lay low for a while and wait until it all blows over.

Daveeds pov

Check out of the hospital and leave when we walk out of the doors there are reports teens lined up making a walkway, we walk down the path escam it's click and people scream at us Tom and Ellen on each side of emmy and me behind they're protecting her from photos foot of course people obviously found a way to get photos of her. Emmy Was leaning over on Tom's shoulder as we walked because she was still a little weak from what happened, we finally got to the car and the people were still following us. We just pulled off without saying a word.

I sit in the back of the car to cover her and make sure she's okay. She leans over on my shoulder and sniffles a bit. I put my arm around her to comfort her but she Shivers and I move my hand back: I still forget that shoes are soccer, something traumatic. I can see it in her eyes. She's running over what happened over and over again as tears welled up in her eyes without her even noticing, I don't say a word not wanting to upset her or make matters worse.

Emmy pov

I keep running what happened on replay in my mind. I feel dirty not like in the sense of I haven't cleaned myself in a while but dirty on the inside; like I'm wronged someone. I know it's normal to feel guilty about a traumatic situation but I didn't know it felt like this, I hold back tears not wanting to alert David to my pain and keep it in; how could I have been so naive to take a drink from, well in my defense he was my friend and I trusted him.

but he betrayed me tonight. I cannot forgive him for that, you didn't drink anything the whole night but water. He wasn't drunk. He's never done drugs with his wife so he wasn't High, he just was jealous of me and daveed being together. I can understand his pain seeing someone that you love with another man. It's hard, yes but you have to move on, but not everyone's pain is the same.

Before i had passed out and i was think this was the end, i remembered my time in hamilton; i could hear Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf (un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf ) playing in the back of my head. The part where Philip died, a song that always made me cry or want to cry, holds a special place in my heart for some odd reason.

( and yes I did put that Hamilton reference in there just because I like Hamilton and it m a theater head)

I'm willing to forget what happened but not to forgive him. He betrayed my trust, the one thing that I only bestow upon people when they become my phone and he was my friend for a very long time.

Tom drives us back to the building to the collect our belongings, me and daveed stepping out of the car and walking to our car and getting in and driving off today was a hectic day for me and I love you, but maybe tomorrow will be different maybe tomorrow something good will happen or some will come around good news.

The End

John was soon arrested and charged with rape ,sexual assault ,assault, Hate crime ,And infliction of bodily harm. He will now be serving 12 years in prison.