"Hello, can we sit with you?" Ethan said to the 3 girls who were smoking at the fountain, Ethan glanced over them and just inwardly sighed.
'I see what he's doing... but is this even part of the quest? I need to get this finished so I can go back...' All of a sudden a smile bloomed on his face at the thought of being with his family once again.
"Hey dumbass... you coming?" Ethan said, he was already sat down and sandwiched between two girls, Hunter sat next to the last girl and was about to greet her but her words made him stop.
"Don't talk to me, don't look at me, and don't think I'm like my slutty friends" The girl said and turned away to eat her burger.
Hunter nodded and sighed inwardly, 'We that's that I guess...'He thought wondering if this counted as a conversation.
[She willingly talked to you... so I'll allow it loser...]
Hunter nodded at the Systems comment, he couldn't argue, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to fight back.
'I'm so grateful that I can feel... and taste... and smell, it would suck if I was some useless piece of shit that some god made to help a useless loser... sigh imagine having that as your life...'
The system was silent and Hunter smiled at his small tastes of victory, well until he felt something hard hit his cheek making him fall back.
"What's with that perverted smile asshole!" The girl next to him said and turned her hat around, she was 100% certified tomboy, the author's favorite kind...
"Haha... sorry, but do me a favor and don't hit me again" Hunter's eyes glowed blue with electricity as he grabbed the girl's chin and tilted it up to look him in the eyes.
"Haha, let's all get along!" Ethan said making everyone relax, Hunter let go and smiled as they all walked to the movie theater of the mall.
"Ok, it's obvious you have no chance with the other 2, so you'll have to get that girl who was fighting you... Get ready for the lesson of movie theaters" Ethan did a dramatic pose as they stood in the bathroom.
"Lesson 1!, When a girl sits next to you, note if she leans away from you or towards you, this is a subconscious signal to see if she's into you or not, she won't even notice if she does this!" Ethan said as a man came out of the bathroom stall scratching his belly as the 2 teens were frozen in stupid chunni poses.
They stood there as the man washed his hands, occasionally glancing at them, before finally leaving letting the 2 boys stop their pose and breathe a sigh of relief.
"That was so damn embarrassing, I could doe now," Ethan said crouching down with a defeated expression
"Ok, you can tell me the next lesson in the theater, make sure to get the seat next to me," Hunter said as they walked out of the bathroom, slowly making it look like an action movie.
"Mommy those people are weird!" A kid said pointing at the two idiots who were smugly smiling as they made their way over to the entrance of the movie they had all decided on.
It was a romance, one suggestion from Ethan made the 2 girls agree, and the tomboy didn't have a say-so this was what they decided on, as they sat down on the theater, Hunter decided to not the bullet and ask the tomboy, who the fully sat next to him, her name.
"The fuck do you want to know that for pervert?" She said glaring at him as he just kept his smile, Though everyone has a breaking point, and This was hunters.
The seats creaked as he pulled her into his arms as he rubbed her hair roughly, "I just wanted to know, besides aren't we friends now bro?" He asked and secretly smiled when she relaxed and let her go.
"Just call me, Melodie... if I hear you say my name around others I'll kill you" She said grabbing his collar and slightly smiling before going back to her earlier attitude as the movie started.
"Silence your phone dumbass" Melody said with a joking smile as he brought his phone out.
My Own Personal Chad: You look quite comfortable?😏
Me: Yeah... I found out her name, next step? she's still leaning away from me...😔
My Own Personal Chad: Ok, step 2 is pretty easy and can be done during the movie, but all I want you to do is test the waters, joke, flirt, find more about her, she'll eventually get more comfortable, then finally, you'll get her number and go on your own date🥳
Me: Tf!?, am I getting married? why's this shit so complicated?
My Own Personal Chad: Just do what I tell you, Denise is kissing my neck gl😁
Hunter sighed as he put his phone away and watched the movie, ignoring Ethan and the 2 girls make out session next to him.
"Pretty good movie huh?" Melody said shifting in her seat getting closer as to talk to him better, Hunter smiled and nodded before also leaning towards her, they were now only a foot apart, perfect for them to talk to each other.
"So... why will you kill me if I call you... Melody~" He teased making her glare at him and threaten him with her fist raised, even though she had a joking smile on her face.
"Because... it's too girly" She wicked slightly, as of the word girly actually caused her physical pain, She then sighed and shook her head, "What's your ability? I can tell you have one..."
"I have lightning control... what about you?" He replied confirming his thoughts that she was also an ability user.
"You really wanna know?" She asked with a teasing look in her eyes, when. hunter nodded she stood up and grabbed his arm before leading him down the stairs.
Ethan saw this and blinked before grinning, 'He's even better than me... is this... pride?' A small tear fell out of his left eye before getting licked up by one of the girls and he continued their make-out session.
It seemed that Hunter wouldn't need to flow the movie theater lesson like a normal person after all...
Melody lead him to the girl's bathroom, by this time Hunter, being a teenage boy, had many thoughts pass through his head, most of them relating to losing his verge status...
"You ready" Melody said unzipping her hoodie and taking off her hat before setting them to the side and pushing hunter into the floor.
Hunter just sat there as she continued to strip, and even the system was getting surprised.
[What? how the hell did you get this bombshell?] The system said incredibly making him smirk.
That smirked stopped however seeing a 12-foot long tiger standing above him...
(A/N: Really? you actually thought he would lose his virginity..., obviously, you guys haven't been with me long enough, lolz😋)