The Beginning is the End

Within a city, broken down, buildings destroyed, the sky filled with smoke, many things on fire, a city that looks like ruins, people started to lose hope. In fact, the whole world started to lose hope.

The world, in fact, has just "ended." A few species of animals started to mutate into monsters and things that people started to call voids were appearing (in which these voids summoned monsters). People have lost all hope and tried their best to survive.

Supplies were running so low that at this rate in which supplies are decreasing and humans are being killed, humans might just go extinct in a few days.

But then, after a week of the end... A giant aura of light enveloped around earth. Not just one color, but every color. About every 1 out of 10 people had a fragment of the light shot into them.

They thought that they might die, but in fact it was a fragment of hope. The humans that had light shot into them had started to develop special abilities.

The people started to fight back, and rebuild society. Supplies started flooding in again, and monsters were being held back. Although only 20% of the original population remained, people still tried.

When people started noticing the ability users, they started to mesmerize them. The regular humans started to call them "Fragment Wielders."

Every 16 years after the apocalypse, another aura enveloped earth, granting either new abilities or some of the old ones.

Each ability was ranked F to S depending on how powerful it made you, or how powerful the ability was.

People who had abilities were also granted enhanced body training. They can train their bodies to the points they can be strong enough where they could potentially smash a huge Boulder into pieces, be so fast they can run 100 miles in about 10 minutes, or have enough endurance in which even if a 20 story building collapsed on them, it'd only break a few bones.

Now, after 576 years, or 36 waves of ability auras around the earth, a new event is happening.

Soon, the whole world shall know about "☟︎♓︎❍︎". The one who will cause a ◼̷̬͉͎͔̪̳͚͆̆̌͑́͊̑̚̚̕ ̶̡͖̮̯̦̓̑͋̊̀̅̑̕͘◼̷̢̰̘͉͇̥̺̀ ̶̛̤͖́́̓́̋◼̸̧̛̗̤̻͎͎͌̔ ̶̧̖̩͈̤̝̥̯͕͆̌̃̋̈́̑͜◼̸̧̯̳͔̼̄́͆̾̚ ̴̡̣̠̱̩̈̿̊̓̅̈́̓̓̈́◼̸̨̳͍̭̣̖͗͊͆̊́̇̆͛̚̕ ̸̡̯̰̮̭̓͊◼̵̢̧͈̣̮̣͋̿̀ͅ ̵̺̲̞̗̗̏̾̈́◼̶̲̱͎̏͊̂̆͐̊̀̇̔̉ ̷̘͑̉͘◼̴̢̢̬̣̳͓͊̀̂̽̀̾ͅ.