Monster Horde

A horde of monsters were running directly at me... They were all small, but there was at least 30-50 monsters in that horde.

Some of the monsters were Wolf Cubs, with white fur and black stripes. A few were insects such as giant beetles and bees, with the rest were goblins. Behind the monsters, of course, was a huge wolf, with bloodshot red eyes, dark red fur, as if abyssal black was mixed with crimson blood, causing an extremely dark red to be formed.

The most notable thing about the huge wolf, was of course, the fire swarming around it. Sparks of fire were orbiting around the wolf, appearing and disappearing extremely fast.

I slowly backed up, and saw a spark hit a goblin. The spark attracted even more sparks, and then after about 7 of them touched the goblin, BOOM! The goblins head was blown off, and the corpse was being burned, flung away.

I started skittering away as fast as my little rat legs could. The monsters were going on my general direction, and just to my luck it was a one way dungeon tunnel right now.

Suddenly, I had a great idea. What if I were to spam wind blades on the monsters, wouldn't that count as hitting them. If I'm lucky I can kill them, and I don't know if kill shares are a thing.

I tried screaming out "WIND BLADE!" in my head, but it didn't work. I imagined wind condensing and me swiping my tail, turning the condensed mana into a blade in an arc shape, repeating the same actions while imagining it.

I felt a tingling sensation go into my tail, and the wind around it started to 'panic.' The wind around my tail was going crazy, and when I swiped it, a wind blade flew out.

I checked my status, and I lost 1 mana, leaving me with 24. I hit a monster wolf cub, and it was luckily hit in the nape. I looked back at it and it rolled on the floor, blood gushing out of the wound.

[You have killed a Scintillam Lupus Cub. 12 EXP Gained. First Scintillam Lupus Cub killed, 10 bonus EXP Gained.]

[Current EXP: 37/??]

I was happy and I kept running. According to the -1 mana per use, I can use it 24 more times. I guess I'll keep flinging this spell at them.

[You have killed a Giant Appius Mel. 8 EXP Gained. 10 Bonus EXP gained due to first time killing this species.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have killed a ... Bonus EXP Gained...]

[You have killed a ...]

[You have killed a ... Bonus EXP gained.]

[You have killed a ...]

[You have killed a ...]

[You have killed a ...]


[Level up...]

[Level up...]

I killed a ton of them. There were about 4 monsters left, with the big wolf also following. I rank it of mana, but the wolf also killed a ton of them, which is how there were so little when there were around 50 earlier.

The wolf most likely got annoyed by the monsters running, as the sparks started to gather near his jaw. He opened it after a ton of sparks condensed into a orb the size of a marble.

He roared extremely loud, causing all of the remaining monsters, including me, to stop. A beam shot out incinerating anything that it came in contact with. Not only that, but mini explosions occurred a few seconds after the beam left that area. The monsters were dead in just around 6 seconds.

The beast was probably low in mana by now. I hope at least, if not I'll be doomed. I have to fight this thing.

I looked at my mana again, and to my surprise it rose back to 5. That means mana regeneration is pretty fast. It probably regenerated while I was running, but I didn't know because I wasn't looking at it and only counted to 24.

I checked my status and saw I had 13 points. To my surprise, the EXP also showed now. The EXP and skill points shown on my status were as goes.

[Skill Points: 13

EXP: 52/245 {EXP Will now be shown due to 3 levels being obtained within 3 minutes.}]

I used 4 stat points in strength as that could possibly increase bite strength, 2 points in agility, as I already had a lot, 2 in endurance to harden my body even if a bit, and 2 in vitality to increase regeneration and blood. I had 3 points remaining, so I added them in wisdom to increase mana and spell damage. I now have 0 points remaining and my full status is like this.

(A/N: Yes, I described what some of the stats do but those aren't the only things they do. The MC just based this because of video games, but he didn't play a lot of them so he only knew some of the effects.)


Level: 6

Race: Lesser Agilis Rattus

Name: Tul

True Name: ??? (At level 30, you unlock your true name granting you immense power.)

Mana: 25/25

Strength: 5

Agility: 7

Endurance: 4

Vitality: 5

Wisdom: 8

Mind Manipulation -Click to check Info-

Corpse Devourer -Click to check Info-

Divine Heal -Click to check Info-

Wind Blade -Click to check info-

Innate Talent: ???

Meridae/Mischief: 「Locked」

Skill Points: 0

EXP: 52/245]

Now, it's time. I shall fight the beast. I'll call it the... Alpha Spark Wolf That Kills Baby Wolves and others!