She was shocked to see the man that she hated the most in the entire world just after her first meeting with him was now laughing in her boss ruby's cabinet with her, but why the hell is he here? "Does he want to see me kicked out of the company from his own eyes?" Mera said thinking, " never mind you have the resignation letter with you." Mera gathered her strength and started moving towards the office. There she can see coming close to the office door Richard was making himself comfortable on the sofa in her boss's cabin, of course spreading his charm to melt hearts. He was seated cross-legged, elegantly holding the cup of the tea and smiling. Seeing him in such a way that she almost lost her sanity, at the moment she was so ragged that she wanted to rip him apart but she did not lose her sanity. She took a deep breath and went inside the cabinet. Mera did not look at him to control her anger on that pervert. She straight went to her boss cabin and gently knocked on the door. "Boss it's MERA," Mera said gently pushing the door. "Ohh Mera you are finally here," Ruby said in polite words. It shocked Mera. Mera thought that she had lost the contract, "ohh don't tell me" Mera quickly glanced towards the smirking brat. Richard passed an evil smiling tilting his head in a bow, "Sh*t" Mera's inner mind screamed. Mera still had hopes left inside her, she prayed again and again to god that what she was thinking wouldn't come true. , " Mera ! are you listening" screamed her boss. Listening to Ruby's voice she snapped out of her prayers. She relaxed and said, "good morning! Ruby" Mera said composing herself, "what's the reason that you called me". She totally ignored Richard. , "being all naive huh!" ruby said chuckling, "why didn't you tell me?". "Tell you what? Ruby, that pervert tried to force himself on me like a wild beast then I kicked him to free myself," said an irritated voice inside Mera. , "what didn't you tell ruby?" Mera said in a look that told that she really doesn't know what's going on in her life.
Richard smirked. He spoke out for the first time, "ohh it's obvious Ruby she doesn't know about my decision" Richard said in a gentleman's voice, " this decision I have taken after reading all the resumes and finally concluded". , "(conclusion huh?) what sort of conclusion Mr Richard?" Mera said in a cold voice. , " to give the event plan to us," said Ruby excitedly, " yes, you did it, congratulations Mera I know that you can do this. The party is on me today". Mera left like that. She wanted to clap that resignation letter in Ruby's hand and say that she does not wanna do anything for that rascal but of course, she has to buy her bread-butter. Her inner voice screamed like the earth just burst open, "what the hell is happening with me?" sighed Mera. it was Mera's nightmare has become true. That man wants to torture her more to take revenge on that foot, by keeping her close to her.
"Mera, you don't look good? What happened?" ruby said seeing her dreaded expression, "do you have a fever?". , "it's alright it just that it is hard to digest that "THE RICHARD" has given me the event," Mera said controlling her anger because of that man her face was becoming red with anger, her blood pressure was rising. , "what the matter with this psychopath" she glared at Richard which playfully returned her glares with a smiling face, "ahhhh!".
, "ohh Mera! If you can't digest this then what about other news," ruby said politely, "Mr Richard said that he was so impressed that he wanted to give you all his works of exhibition plans". , "WHAT!" Mera almost shrieks, "I mean really". , "yeah! Now please if you excuse me, I have called to attend. Mera if you want to ask something that Mr Richard wanna add to your plan or something he needed" saying this Ruby left the cabinet for them to talk. Mera was thunderstruck by listening to Ruby's words. She doesn't want Ruby to leave her alone with that bastard but what she can do is her job. So she nodded her head in yes and passed a fading smile to Ruby...