Chapter 19 Before There was A Universe

The universe was dark and vast and filled with nothing but darkness but in the darkness, there was a small light and then there was an explosion, and then each world was created.

The lands and worlds of the beginning of time had their own stories and they had their own religions and their own rules and their own way on how the universe was created and due to this the universe is set to be still unknown to people and there was never a way that people could discover the vast universe.

It was unknown to us and there are still those clues that led us to think that the universe has another parallel world. Alternate timeline and more. The lower beings known as humans or mortals had been created by gods and out of someone image but who image that is still unknown.

There are many gods throughout the universe and across different timelines. They all connect like the stars and they are guided together. Connected to each world like a string or connecting the dot to the other and in each, they have a ruler or a higher being that controls the world.

They were known as supreme gods. They're known to be five supreme gods and there were other races after them that were off of their image or their body parts.

In C.E.The common era was the beginning of the religious period and there was some group of people that sat out to respect and give prayer to the gods and there they were giving the people below them and help them become smart and knowledgeable about the world around them but they give them what they were told.

Gave them rules and law on what not to do and if you do it then you will go either to heaven or hell and that can be your domain if you did something that isn't by the rules and law they gave you.

In each history, they have many different ways that hell can be determined and where there are gods there are also devils.

Devils are feeling angry and base on people's negative emotions. Hate, anger, greed, lust, violence, wrath, and pride.

Lucifer the archangel and the most beautiful out of all the angels and he was the most closet to Jesus Christ. Over time he looks at humans as imperfect and he thought over time that he knows more than Jesus himself and he had questioned him and he starts to turn some of the angels against him and he wanted to Jesus himself.

There was an epic battle that lasted for many years and there it was nothing more but war and when Luificer had been toss out of heaven after his defeat. He had cursed the creator of what Jesus had created and he had turned himself into a snake but it could be someone else that led Adam and Eve to eat from the garden.

Along with Luificer was another angel and Lilith being the first woman and she became a devil for wanted to be equal.

She moves out of the garden and looks toward the world and Adam had gotten sickened over not having a woman by his side.

Adam had gotten Eve and after they got kicked out they have many children and they had bred their own children and there it was the first chaos of man.

The world soon start to have a cycle of violence and chaos erupt throughout the world and the plant life was dying due to people's greed but over to other realities, there was the Norse world and the Greek world and Celtic world and Japanese.

They were all having their own wars and chaos and end of days. There was everything that has an end date and it when Jesus wanted to destroy his creation but he wanted to test them and see if they can overcome their greed when it comes to the end of the world.

Noah is the one that Jesus had to approve of surviving the great flood of the wall and he was told to build an ark for the animals because they were still pure to the world and there was no man that was allowed to survive the great flood but they had got angry with his decision and they had put their lives in their own hands.

men had crashed into Noah and they wanted to survive but Noah didn't allow them to step on broad and so when the great flood starts he was being tested to see if men can allow another chance to survive.

Noah had come to a decision after he went through events that change his mind about men and gave them the second chance in life. It was showing that men need to know that they not perfect but they need to show respect for the world.

On how they make through the world for the rest of today that is through cruel history and another world. The gods had their own end date and they would have to be gone but they will have some ways for the world to grow again.

Norse mythology can be best described as a good way to make sure that fate can be tricky. You can either put your own fate in your hands or change fate in another way but some things are told to be future events due to Odin seeing through the future.

Odin using his vision as such to look into his own fate hurting others that will get him killed when it comes to Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods. Odin being ruthless toward anything that threatens his life.

Each world had creation and the Norse world had been created by the ice of Nephilim and Muspell, the fire of the world. The two worlds gather together and there it was the breath of Ymir and a cow that he drinks from.

Ymir grew in size and he had made it that he could walk the world and there he had children and his child had born Odin, Vail, and Ve. Odin killing Ymir with the help of his brother and soon had made the world of the Viking age and bringing the cycle of only time.

The demons that Luificer had made after his making of Adam and Eve eating the fruit in the Garden of Eden. The holy war had begun and there it would last for many years and throughout the chaos, humans were only just livestock for the holy war.

The holy war between the demons and angels and Michael leading them to battle and there he had made a way to stop the demons from attacking them. Even though Michael was only told two times in the book of revelation.

On how the angels look. It all about the matter of the idea of what we read through the book and the drawings that can describe in the best way of our ability. It all about the matter of the idea of the person who tells the story and draws these beings as what they are told.

In some drawing of Jesus Christ is described as having blue eyes and blonde hair but describing him it doesn't say that and it can be described as Jesus being mix or Hindu. In-between the two but it all about the idea of what we read.

History is always be told as a one-person idea but there are multiple ways of describing Jesus Christ as such besides what people had drawn of him being with blue eyes and blonde hair.

Lucifer had been naming the sin of pride and the other demons can also be described in the book of revelation and tell us that there are 82 demons of Salman and the seven kings of hell.

Lucifer, the sin of pride

Satan, the sin of wrath

Asmodeus, the sin of lust

Leviathan, the sin of envy

Beelzebub, sin of gluttony

Belphegor, the sin of sloth

Mammon, the sin of greed

There also some demons to be kicked out of hell and help humans slaying other demons. They were known as demon slayers or devil hunters.

It was only one and his name was Dante, but there was a woman that was sent to the underworld after being met with one of the kings of hell and so she was said to hold great power.

That power was not her but her two sons to be said to be having great power to change the fate of the worlds as we knew it and soon it began the cycle anew. Fate had been playing part in their lives and now.

They must change their fate before the end date of their world again and change fate. Where fate can be change as if it was not sat in stone.