Chapter 91 The Dragon Kingdom

   Nyxt was in the inner world and she was pacing herself to fine the bubble within her and she was looking into the human soul and she tries to touch it and she did. She touches the inner void of the bubble within her. 

   Nyxt had heard a voice and it was the sound of the whales, sharks, crawfish, the smallest sea creature that is out there in the sea.

   "I can hear them."

   "Good, but that is one step to understanding the sea and you must master your weapon for the sea and that is the trident that you must master before becoming anything and also learning dragon magic."

    "Why do I have to learn dragon magic?"

     "You have seen this many times. You know why."

     "I see."

     They walk down the valley and they met up with the others and they were all ready to go and train in the dragon kingdom. Yoki had open up the portal and told them to enter into it.