Chapter 107 The Rebirth of The Dragon Kingdom

  Victor was out cold and he was not waking up and then Luck had touched him and he had healed his injury and he said, "Sorry, I was late. My student."

   Luck was healing everyone else and then Fei was feeling fine but she was breathing heavily and Luck touch her and then he heals her and she was fine then and she said, "Thanks, but what happen why then they retreat."

   "Just say that I came and make sure they stop themselves before they did any damage to our kingdom and also. I am sorry that I was late getting up."

     Fei just looks at him and she didn't say anything and she just walk away and check on her people and make sure that they are okay.

    "We need to make sure that there is something that we should do before it starts and we need to advance the kingdom and start the battle and unite."

     "But how are we going to do that? We from the future and we can't give them that power." Roki said