Chapter 121 The Inner Void

  The two brothers were going after Luck but Luck was looking fine and then out of nowhere the androids had made it into the inner world of Nio and Fio and they both tried to talk to them and they were not listening to the brothers and so they were under Luck's control.

  "What have you done with them?" They both said

   "I did nothing but give them another purpose and they now just protect me. How? I don't know why they are doing this but they are not meant to die for someone that lies to you and does not tell you the whole truth about the world."

    "You are lying to us. They won't betray their creators."

    "You seem dumb if you call them that. You know nothing about them. You may create them but they are part human and if you treat them unfairly then they will try to kill you for that idea alone." 

     "You bastard. You are a brat that doesn't know his place."