The Truth

    "What is the Truth? The truth is nothing more but the opposite of lies. There is nothing that I can't do about this whole thing and that is nothing that I can't do about any of this and so this will be dangerous to the point where I am lost from the real world. I am Truth and I am the one that seeks the facts of the pain, cruelness, and death of the world that we live in and solve the problems that are not yet to be answered but I am lost from anything that is truly base on hard facts."

      Truth look up and see that his faith is on its way and he was hoping to see his enemy in his face and so there had been Roki behind him and see that he was holding his hands together and Roki said, "What are you doing?"

        "I see that you are here Roki."

        "Yeah, I am here and I want to make sure that I can keep you from making a mistake and do something that you may regret about yourself."

          "I see. So you want me to face the truth."