The Far North of A Faceless Society

 John looked at his hand with the symbol on it and he was reading a book and see that the book was having some words of something about the temple of creation. 

 "What is this?"

 "What is what?"

 "You should really make it to where I can understand the texts. I can't understand this at all. I am lost on this part that is saying the blind one that is seeing the fate of it one many eyes. What does that mean?"

 "You on the temple of creation pages and that is being the hardest to read of course. There is always a riddle then actually answers on their pages but the only one that can understand those pages is the one that can truly hide the truth from those who are innocent."

 "You mean mortals."

 "Yes, from all over the galaxy that is. They hold the key secret of what is yet to come and what is not supposed to be there. You made me part of them and that might explain why you can't read them, but do you understand them."