chapter one

Once upon a time, in the year 1998 in Sandy Bay, Hanson, there was a 21-year-old woman who just rented a two-room apartment. This woman moved away from her ex-boyfriend, Edmond Simon, who lived in Avoline, Stanton. She brought their five-month-old twin daughters, named; Jazmine and Skylar with her. The woman and her ex decided that it would be for the best that they lived with their mother and visited regularly with their father every other weekend. Thankfully the two parents ended friendly, so they were able to have an easy go relationship together. He even helped her move her things since she had a small family car and he had a van for work. Two weeks after she moved in the woman was able to have a set weekend routine; Edmond picks up the girls and keeps them overnight at his place with Emma Loy, his new girlfriend. She gets a quiet peaceful night. She also takes this time to make her grocery list for Sunday shopping then she goes to bed. The next day she is up and out shopping just like every other Sunday. Unknown to her yet, this Sunday is very different. As she was shopping, someone across the store was having a conversation as he moved around the aisles. "I understand that mother and father have certain wishes for me Derek, but I wish for only one thing." The man was saying. "What is that one wish, Sir?" Derek asked. "I just wish to find true love, that is all." The man stated as he turned down an aisle.

Down the aisle he saw a woman struggling. The woman had been searching for the light blue Similac formula she always used. After almost quitting she found a box on the top shelf, knowing there wasn't anyone to help, she settled for jumping to grab it. Five minutes go by and she hasn't succeeded, taking a break to breathe she tries to come up with a plan. Suddenly an arm is over her shoulder and grabs the box she has been after. Spinning ready to command the person to give her the box, she falters. Standing in front of her is this hot man who, even holding the baby formula, looks cocky and quick. She quickly closes her mouth. "Sorry, I saw you struggling. I thought I could help." She noticed how smoothly he spoke and how he sounded elegant. "Ma'am? Are you alright?"He had a half smile that made her heart speed up… 'what is wrong with me? Oh my… I have to speak.' "Um yea, I'm fine. Thanks… sir." The man got a surprised look and quickly tried to cover it. She turns to walk away when he moves quickly and puts the box in her cart before she forgot it. He speaks without thinking. "How about I follow you around to help you?" She heard the cockiness and flirting undertone to his voice and decided to play along. "It might help especially since they always put the things I want to high up." She says, as she continues the rest of the way down the aisle. The guy said nothing so she turned towards him. He had a full smile and it lit up the aisle. She was wanting to see the smile forever, but didn't want to be obvious of how much he affected her so instead she spoke again. "I'll make you a deal, you can walk around with me if you want to, but you have to tell me a name and admit you just want to get to know me." The guy walked towards her, his eyes twinkling. "Okay, I have a counter offer. If I tell you my name, you tell me yours…" he pauses and flashes a dazzling smile. "And you cannot tell anyone that I just want to get to know you. Deal?" She thought, "Okay, but your name first." " My name is Josh, and you are?" "I'm Linda." She smiled. They shopped, talked and even laughed. Once they were done shopping, he helped her load up her small family car. Just as they finished Josh spoke, "So, do I get to see you again, like on a date?" They walk to the driver side and he opens her door. "Yeah we can go on a date, how about the Saturday after the next one?" "May 29th it is." He says, right before he shuts her door. Then heads back to find Derek, so he can head out to leave as well. He finds him by the front door of the store. "Do not tell them please." Derek looks at Josh "You think that you might have a shot at your wish? Your mother will not be pleased. However your father might support you. I wish you plenty of luck in this, Sir." Josh smiled "Thank you Derek, I am glad I have you by my side. I do not think I could survive everything I have to do if I did not have your support as a friend, brother, and bodyguard." Derek looked at the boy he once played with, who grew to become this kind and caring man before him. "The pleasure has always been mine, brother." The two men looked at each other and smiled, then laughed. "We are being so emotional and never call me sir, you are five days older than me Derek. Our fathers were friends. It made sense for you to be my bodyguard since you did it naturally." "Yes you were like my little brother, I felt like we were twins plus I wanted an excuse to always get to hang with you. Looking back, I wonder what I was thinking you are such a pain" Derek finished saying with a laugh walking to the dark car that they brought. Josh laughed while agreeing. On May 29th, Josh and Linda went on their first date, then another until they decided that they wanted to officially date. Joshua was keeping her a secret from everyone, and who he was, from her. After dating for about three months, they were over at Linda's place and Joshua met Jazmine and Skylar. He loved the girls to bits. A couple months later they were enjoying a small Christmas dinner when Linda looked to Josh with fear. "I have something I have to tell you." Josh froze. "Lin whatever it is we will figure something out." "I'm pregnant." She rushed out. Josh beams. "You are? That's amazing. Lin I am so happy ."

When Joshua was at his house later that night, watching his parents work together, yet so far apart, he hoped that when he had to be married he would not have to be so comfortable with the distance between his wife and him. 'If I marry Linda I'll never have to worry about that.' With that thought he spoke up "Mother, Father, I have something I wish to ask?" "My son, why do you seem nervous?" His mother said sweetly. His father turned towards them. "I wish for you both to support my marriage to the lovely lady Linda, I told you about. She knows who I am and is willing to stand by me." He looked between his father and mother, his eyes settle on his mother knowing she is the one to give an actual answer. However, his mother was not keen with this Linda marrying her son, so she had a cruel idea. "If she agrees then I will bless the two of you." She promised. Ecstatic Josh left the room. Sadly only her husband saw both of them and knew what was going through both their heads. "Sophia, Why do you seem unhappy with Joshua being with Linda?" he asked, knowing that Josh thought he got his 'wish'. "I thought that this relationship was going to be quick and then over." Sophia said. "But it is not. He wishes for her to marry him." He reasoned, hoping to convince Sophia that this is the best thing for their son and that this would make him the happiest. "Douglas, do you not think that Joshua could do much better than a single mom with two infants?" she answered. "All I believe is he could find someone he loves enough to risk everything for. I think that this is the best way to do what will make him be happy. This might help him be great." Douglas then left the room leaving his wife alone to think about what had been said. Sadly, she did not listen. The next day she had Linda come to have a 'girl chat'. "Hello." Linda said "You must be Linda. Well I have a few things I wish for you to understand. Let us sit and get started." Sophia then sat down and gestured for Linda to follow suit. "The first thing I wish to say is, Joshua wishes to marry you in the near future. The second is, I wholeheartedly discourage this marriage. Finally, I wish for you to never talk to my son. He must never know that I told you this, so I suggest that you make it your mission to never be near him again." After Sophia finished speaking she looked towards Linda like she was supposed to agree with no argument. Linda was shocked. Knowing that Sophia expected an answer she opened her mouth "I do apologize, but I can't agree to that. I love your son and I am happy to hear that he loves me." Sophia was actually surprised that she said no. Not many people can say no to her. Even her husband never outright says no, he just states his side and then leaves her alone. However surprised and proud that this lady said no she still was not pleased to know she already had two children with another man. With all this going through her mind she never spoke so Linda continued with hope that maybe she'll be able to convince her of the love they have. 'Plus if Sophia knows she's going to be a grandma, that might make her happy… maybe.' "I was hoping that you would be happy with me before I told you this, but I am pregnant with your son's child." Linda sat very still, nervous of how Josh's mother would respond. "No." Sophia was livid. "Let me make myself clear. You, Miss Linda" she spat "are not going to be with My son and you are not the type Josh needs by his side! I will make it my mission to keep you from my son until my dying breath! So you will leave my house and never show your face to my son, ever again! This thing you say you are carrying will not be born, you are not having my son's heir so leave, and deal with everything I have said." Linda sat there shocked for a minute. She then remembered how the day before she was shocked that Josh was so happy. Linda stands and starts walking away as she continues to think. Suddenly, Linda stops and turns around "I can tell you care about your son so why are you making him lose me and his child?" Sophia was angry. "I do care and that is why I am making sure he does not marry a low life and marries in his status group." Linda was upset and hurt. She could not forget about how happy Josh was when she told him their news.

Knowing that she needs to keep face, she turned and walked away. She went home, cried, and thought about what to do. She wrote a letter to Josh saying that she was going to raise the child on her own and that even though she loved him she could not be with him. A couple days later a person came and told her that she is moving to a house because the landlord said this place was too small for four people. The messenger also handed Linda a letter that explained where the house came from and that Josh understood that his mother pushed her away. Josh also promised that Sophia would not bother her or the children, his father and Josh set up accounts so Jaz and Sky could go to a good school. There were requests were he asked for their child be kept hidden, his last name be on her birth certificate, and that he received pictures every year, and on her twelfth birthday got to give her a phone so he could talk to her.

Five months later Linda was in the hospital and was giving birth to her youngest child with her two girls sleeping on the couch. When she woke up she was told that she had a little girl and was asked two things. One was what was her name. Secondly, who is the father? "Her father is not to be asked about. Her name is Elizabeth Mae." On the birth certificate it says Elizabeth Mae Victoria Harris born August 12 2000. Only the doctor, the Harris family, and Linda knew whose child she was. They were to never talk about it. Time flew past and Elizabeth Mae was growing up as were her sisters. Jazmine and Skylar were starting kindergarten and Elizabeth Mae was now 2 years old.

The next year a 21-year-old woman came to Linda's door. "Hello, Miss Kaine correct?" The lady asked. "Yes, how may I help you?" Linda answered "I was hired to tutor your daughter." Linda was very confused, but didn't want to push this lady away. She decided to invite her in and get answers. "My two girls are in public school. They started last year in kindergarten and will be in the second year of it. I'm not sure why you would be tutoring them." The lady smiled. "I'm aware that Jazmine and Skylar are in elementary school. I'm talking about the beautiful Miss Elizabeth Mae…" Linda instantly understood because she is a smart woman. "The Harris family hired you?" Linda whispered. The woman nodded. "I am Magnolia Smith. Sir Joshua Harris and his kind father hired me so that Elizabeth Mae could learn everything she would be expected to know… It was agreed that she would stay out of the public school system. I was brought to teach her in all aspects of life as best I can." Linda nodded. "I have a room I will prepare it for you, if that's what you are alright with? If not there might be a place for rent somewhere nearby. However it would be easier if you were here." Right at that moment Elizabeth Mae came half walking half crawling while saying "Momma?" Linda was facing Magnolia and saw the face she made when she saw Elizabeth Mae. In that moment Linda knew that no matter what happened next she'd always trust this lady. "Momma?!" Elizabeth Mae yelled, while tripping off the last step. "Love me please." "Awe!" Magnolia whispered to herself. Linda smiled. "Yes my darling, I am coming." "Who that, Momma?" Elizabeth Mae asked while pointing at the tutor. "Why don't you introduce yourself and find out?" Elizabeth Mae smiled. She was the cutest little girl, and was the definition of a little princess. "Hell… hello I am… iliz-a-bit Mae." Magnolia was surprised by how she was trying to speak even with the mispronunciation. "Hello Elizabeth Mae I am pleased to meet you. I am Magnolia Smith." "Oops I messed up my name." She turned to her mom pouting, crossing her arms as little girls do. "Why you no correct me?" Linda smiled. Magnolia knew she wanted to protect this child like her own sister. "I did not need to darling it was so much closer then what you've been able to do." "Momma! I wanna be able to say my name. I don't wanna be dumb and make a bad impression." "I don't find you to be dumb. Actually for a three year old you are quite intelligent." Magnolia stated. "Thank you Mrs Smit…. I mean" "If you would like you may call me Mag. I find Mrs Smith formal." Elizabeth Mae giggled "Okay Maggie" She smiled shyly. For the next year and a half Maggie, as she was now called by everyone, taught Elizabeth Mae to speak, walk, and how to treat people. Elizabeth Mae learned everything with such a focus. By the end of the year she was able to speak properly and how to also speak with her sisters in a fun and childish conversation.

In the late Autumn of the year 2006 Jazmine and Skylar came home from school and Elizabeth Mae noticed how her eldest sister looked sad. She followed Jazmine to the room the twins shared. Knock knock "What!?" "it's me… Jaz are you okay? I'm here if you wanna complain or talk. I love you biggest sis." Jazmine got up off her bed and walked to the door with a sad smile. Opening the door she looked down at her half sister. "I'm not okay." She pulled her little sister in and hugged her. "What happened Jaz?" Jazmine thought about everything that brought her to this point, and wasn't sure how much to tell her sister. "Please tell me everything. I want to be here for you. I am here for you." Before she could second guess herself she was telling Elizabeth Mae everything. How people were picking on her, how they were making her spill her food, how when they were picking on Skylar she couldn't stop them. How she wished she could take them down a peg, how she'd ruin their confidence, and make them go home fighting tears just like they did to her. "So El-Mae what are your thoughts? Am I a horrible person?" Elizabeth Mae smiled a sweet but sad kind of smile, then looked at her sister. "You are not a horrible person. You are thinking to do exactly what they probably did that caused them to bully you. They want to feel powerful so they take away people's power that they find to be easy targets. Just show them you aren't giving up your power, they'll leave you alone. I'm sure of it." Jazmine thanked her little sister for coming to her. She actually helped and was able to make it so that she wouldn't get bullied anymore. "How are you so smart when you never had to deal with all the stupid stuff?" Jaz says with a small huff. "Maggie teaches me everything and anything. Plus it's just physiology." "You know physiology?" Jaz asked, causing Elizabeth Mae to get a cute little smile. "Yea, I wanted to not seem so distanced when I finally get to do normal stuff like you and Sky." Jaz thought for a minute and Elizabeth Mae started to leave. "Hey El-Mae?" Elizabeth Mae turned around "yea Jaz?" "Why don't you go to school or out when Sky and I go with dad?" "Um, I guess because I have Maggie for school. Plus it makes it so I can learn a bunch of stuff instead of just the basics. I don't go with you guys to your dad's because he's not mine. Momma and Maggie promised that when I'm a little older Maggie will take me field tripping. I bet you'll be allowed to come too.""El-Mae, do you like that you are different?" "I don't dislike it. It definitely gives me a lot to learn." Jaz nodded and said "sometimes it sucks to be different, it makes people pick on you." The only response was that maybe it's a good thing she does not go to school. Elizabeth Mae walked to the door before adding "Plus I like that I am different it makes me special and since I feel like I wasn't good enough for my father, than I'll never have to worry about not being good enough for Momma, Sky, you, or Maggie." With that she went back to her room up in the attic and tried to learn to read some of the big girl books Maggie got her as inspiration to keep working hard.

April 28th 2007

Dear Daddy, Maggie just gave me this diary and told me that anything I want to say to you I should write it down and maybe one day I will be able to show it to you. Like that will ever happen. I bet you haven't even missed me. Well I am smart, and Momma says I am very pretty, Jaz is starting to look at me funny but I think it is because she is now a cheerleader at her public school and I am like a nerd since I read and write and am on the honor roll. So you gave up a smart kid. Okay I am bragging and I feel bad for that but I hate that I don't even know my own Dad.

I have a wish, it's one I've wished for awhile I wish I was able to be my Daddy's princess. Even though I do not know you I love you and I hope you see me as your princess.

With undying love and affection; your princess:

Elizabeth Mae 💙

After making her first entry she hid the book in a loose floorboard under her carpet right by the head of her bed. Then she went downstairs for lunch. In the kitchen she heard Linda talking "she is doing well. I feel bad that she has no idea what she is expected to do when she is older… she is kind, sweet and incredibly smart. How are your parents? … oh I am sorry to hear that… well she never asks about regular school so we are lucky. Plus she loves the broad learning… I miss you. I wish you could meet her for yourself… Yes, I know one day you will but you would be so proud of her… okay, I hope she gets better and please say hello to your father. I love you… bye for now." Elizabeth Mae had no idea who her Momma could be talking to but figured that maybe Momma was dating someone since she said I love you. Elizabeth Mae then started thinking 'I never thought of regular school. I always thought that wasn't an option for me "well she never asks about regular school" so if I ask I could go? I always did… no I shouldn't think about this I like being tutored … but I do want to have friends my age. I do want to be regular. I think I am going to think about this and maybe one day ask to go to a regular school, to be a regular kid.' After her own pep talk Elizabeth Mae walked into the kitchen and started getting plates for the grilled cheese. It was a habit and she was bored. After eating Linda went back to work.

May 1st 2007

Dear Daddy, today was so normal. I woke up at 6:30am and did last night's dishes from after dinner. Then I went back upstairs until I heard Momma moving around. I waited another twenty-ish minutes so that I could help her in the kitchen but wasn't at risk of dealing with Momma with no coffee. That's a scary thing haha. After I helped with food Jaz and Sky came down and ate with Maggie, Momma and I. They quickly left (leaving their plates on the table and rushed off for school, Momma does it too. I don't get why but whatever,) Maggie helps me clear the table when we are done (she's the only one that is allowed around when I do stuff. Sometimes we even make the cleaning into a game which is very fun.) Anyways I did the dishes and then started working on memorizing the royal's names. (why I need to know this escapes me but I am still learning it. Then Maggie and I go to the track and run, jog, jump, and other activities, then head home to shower and get ready for lunch. Then other work with Maggie including math, English, and others. I do that until Jaz and Sky come back. Then I help Sky with her homework. Finally I go read until dinner. After dinner I watched some TV. Until I got tired. That brings me to now since I wanted to do this before bed.

With undying love and affection; your princess:

Elizabeth Mae 💙

June 3rd 2009

Maggie never stopped talking about the Queen passing away today. I feel bad for her family, both the King and Prince lost someone in their family. Seemed like a big deal at the house even though I don't really get why but whatever right? Other than the main topic of the day, today was normal.

With undying love and affection; your princess:

Elizabeth Mae 💙

A little over a year later everyone went to the Prince's coronation. At the end of the new king's coronation his father fell to the floor. Linda, the crowned King and some more people ran to his side then the guards pushed everyone out of the court yard. Maggie organized Jaz, Sky, and Elizabeth Mae then brought us to the house. Elizabeth Mae didn't notice until then that Linda wasn't with them. Maggie told her "your Momma is a doctor so she is staying with the King until his royal doctor was there."

Today was my 12th birthday. Throughout the day Maggie asked if I still wrote in the book she gave me so long ago. I looked at her and answered. "It was six years ago and I wrote when there was something to write but now I'm thinking about it being a song book instead of a sad diary to my non-existent dad. However if I ever get to see him I will show him the ones I already wrote and who knows I might write more later. Later that night Momma came up to my room with a gift. It was wrapped with the prettiest fabric I have ever seen. I was excited because I knew that this was no ordinary gift. Momma put it on the bed and looked at me with a smile. "My darling girl, you have one gift from a family friend. Would you like to open it?" I knew that Momma was a smart mother so I knew that the point wasn't if I wanted to open it. I looked my Momma in the eyes wanting to understand what she wanted from me at this moment. I knew that I would be able to understand the point because Maggie taught me that the eyes were the way to understand a person. "Momma, what's wrong?" Momma smiled and looked at me. "Nothing darling, just open your pretty gift." I knew she wasn't telling the whole truth but I knew she would only do that for a reason. Plus if you can't trust your own family, who can you trust? Listening to my Momma I carefully unwrap the fabric which turns out to be a beautiful pink scarf with shimmering strands, with it moved it revealed a box. After I wrapped the scarf around my neck I opened the box revealing a phone in a pink sparkly phone case. "Okay darling, there are two phone numbers one is mine, the other is the number of the friend who gave you the phone. You can tell this person anything okay, this person is trustworthy." Momma then stood up and smiled. "I love you darling. Good night and happy birthday." Momma then left the room. I quickly opened my new phone, excited to see what was on it. There was a message and the name read 'J'

Hi there Elizabeth Mae, I hope you find this not to be weird, however I would understand if you did. I am here to talk to and I hope that you do talk to me. Anything you say to me will never be told to another person. I can promise you that…

Hello J?

Happy 12th birthday, how did it go?

Well, thank you. Also thank you for the phone, and the pretty scarf. How did you know pink was my favorite color?

You are very welcome. I am glad you like it. Your mom told me. I know you have to sleep so good night.

Thank you and I hope the same for you, Goodnight J…

I texted J for the whole year. I went from writing in the diary to texting him instead. And I started using my diary as a song book. I kept my promise to Maggie of keeping the pages so that if my dad ever showed up I could show him what he missed out on.

The next two years were boring and time passed with nothing special happening. Until August 27 2014. When Momma told me that I was allowed to go to Sandy Bay High School with Jaz and Sky. Momma said that Maggie taught me so well I would be going into Grade 10. That night I was so excited and I told J in our nightly texts.

Hey J :)

Hello Mae flower, how was your 14th birthday?

Amazing! I found out that I get to go to normal school and Maggie… She is… was my tutor, will be there too. She said she is going to be teaching World history. But Jaz is unhappy.

That is awesome. I am so happy for you. Why is Jaz unhappy?

Because I am 1 year 9 months and 24 days younger and I am going into grade 10 with them.

Oh yes that would upset an older sibling. I hope you enjoy getting ready for school. Goodnight Mae flower

Goodnight J. Thank you for talking with me. You are like a father to me.

It is my honor Mae Flower :)