Survival of the fittest

"After What seemed about ten to fifteen minutes, Jacob came back with several small horned rabbit-like creatures with sharp fangs.

We'll conduct the experiments when we get back to the village, keep them alive, Jacob, [Alright!]

Let me get the Flamodo domestication book and use it, [Ding! You have learned Flamodo domestication!]

Bring me the three flamodos [Tame, Yes or No!] Yes! A blue light shines above the heads of the flamodos, Looking at their status says I have ownership over them, Now Let me look through all the information on flamodos, regarding how long it takes for them to breed, how much they give birth to, and how long is the pregnancy.

It says here that they can birth eight-eleven piglets, takes about five to seven days for them to give birth, and says that their needles on their back creates a paralyzing effect that paralyzes the target for two to five minutes.

It also says that their fire can burn metal t liquid which means their fire burns is burning at 1510 degrees C, in order for them not to burn themselves their body is comparable to steel like bodies which means their fire would have to surpass 2700 degrees C for them actually to feel excessive heat or be killed by their self.

I'll decide later if I want to add this to my bloodlines, let's go check the villagers that have finished, there are seven females and five males with one monster, all of them have gone through their assimilation and are better than ever, mostly all of them are taller than six feet with strong built bodies.

These are the jobs of all except the monster, three apothecaries, one stone mason and one tailor, then the rest our just farmers, Firstly I'm making five farmers into soldiers, and then I need to accommodate the apothecary, tailors and carpenter, stonemason with their respective shops.

Right now we need to increase our population to the limit and soldiers as well prepare defenses, farms. I need to make this a self-sustaining village.

Jacob you and the other hound go and find more hounds of any type and tame them and bring back any loot that is dropped, find 43 hounds that's it for now.

You five farmers will be the new soldiers of Suǒyǒu guàiwù de jiā village, let's head to the change class stone in the city hall, Yes Sir!

Class Change Stone (Chimera Soldiers) there are 25 free change class stones, then the rest you have to pay with copper coins, but we haven't unlocked the research for that yet, That reminds me I need to associate someone as a scholar, I'll associate the woman named Mary.

Mary is more intelligent than the rest of the villagers that came here, so it's the best option, well the only option, Mary! Yes, My Lord, You will be the new village scholar do you have any ideas to express them how you see fit for the betterment of the village if I'm not around other than that tell me your views when I am here, You can go if you understand everything.

The Class change stones(Chimera Soldiers) Are given a special benefit whatever monsters or living creatures they consume, they can take on those traits and characteristics.

Axel and Jacob set out with a different objective in mind, one is recruiting more hounds to bolster the military, the other is for surveying and finding more villagers to reach the limit of the village.

Jacob running through the forest, killing anything that attacks him and eating it in the end, that's how it works if you attack someone stronger than you will die, there's no doubt about it, the strong always rules over the weak, with power comes strength, fame and authority.

Jacob doesn't have any desire for fame; he just wants enough power to protect his many sons and master.

Axel is on the other side of the forest, killing monsters and putting their corpses in his inventory, not really checking it all, [AHH!] screams appear in the distance, Axel instructs his men to follow him, Axel hears the screams get louder than ever and finally comes across what is happening, he sees a group of little green skin midgets attacking and or violating a group of young and old men and women.

Axel just runs in there without a plan just blazing in, And kicks the breath out that midget and makes him fly in the air and crash into a tree, making the tree split in two.

A strong pressure pushes the attacker's body to the ground without strength to get up, realizing that their comrade has been killed; they grovel on the ground scattering in different directions.

Hunt Them Down! YEAH!!!

Are all of you alright, No sir, we aren't our village was raided, we had a population of 1,645 people, and now it's on 400 of us less everyone is scattered all over the forest with groups of 20 people in each group.

I'll be taking you back to my village. We have just been established, but I assure you that we are no push over, when my soldiers return we will depart, Oh does anyone have any special skills or jobs that they had at your previous village.

It's 18 villagers left here who have died, there's mostly children here, about ten of them are kids and the rest our adults and this time they're most women, the men in this batch of villagers. I have seven women and six little girls and the rest and men and boys.

The majority of the villagers are farmers, then there were three men that said they were soldiers and brought our military strength to eight not including the hounds, I might to turn more farmers into soldiers and have a general train them with the basics.

When we get back to the village me and my man will look for the rest of your families and other villagers, Ah you all are back and all of you brought them back alive that's great bring me their leader.

Let's cut to the chase. If you don't kneel, I will break every bone in your body, rip out your entrails and take your skull as a goblet where I will drink your blood from!

[Ding! Coffinstep and his Crew have surrendered!]

Coffinstep? That's a weird name, Speak!, do you have a village if so, how far, how many people, how many soldiers are there, and what your jobs were.

No sir said coffinstep as he trembled under Axel's massive pressure that is weighing down on him like he is being stepped on.

We were just alone and wandering around when we found them, our village was destroyed long ago by a group of rampaging orcs, our job was just hunters since our village didn't know how to do any agriculture.

My job was a general back then, and I knew basic tactics and maneuvers.

You seem very promising, but I do not accept what you have done, so you all will have to take one hit from me when we get near the village.

Sorry!! Sorry!! My Lord, Oh, it's all good you all will soon know when we're there.

Let's continue and collect herds and spot if they're in herds and or livestock to tame when the time comes.

As Axel and the group ventures through the forest collecting plants that have any value or rarity when Axel stumbled upon a nest of BearBees, and they are huge, bigger than the Jade Flame Ape that we fought a few days ago, there standing at the height of about 7ft (2.13 m) to 8ft (2.44 m) high.

This one is by itself, so that means that it's confident or fears no danger at all let me check its level. Its level Is at 17!

I am at level 12 now. I put my 10 stat points into agility, raising it to 85. Likewise, I should be able to hit him and let me check its status while I'm at it just to be safe.

Race: Bee Bear(Forager)

Rarity: Uncommon







Innate Talent:Can smell a follow 2kms away.

Its strength is more than double my and its agility is surprisingly good,oh yea i almost forgot,it's got SIX F*CKING ARMS!!!

I have almost 50 people with me, five is my chimera soldiers that are equipped with leather armor provided by the jaded fire ape and equipped with five long swords with jagged edges that we made from the bones of the jade flame ape.

I even have a long sword as well and I use it as my secondary weapon for now. I want to use my thunderstroke sword for the time being and test it out as long as I can or rather use its skill and blast that six armed bastard to dust!

Alright here's the plan soldiers y'all will distract it and the goblins go for its wings and tear them off I will take out its insect like eyes and render it blind, does anybody have any objections.

No, My Lord! Alright now go I'll get ready to attack, goblins go behind it and when they are in front of it, jump on it and scratch and bite it as much as you can.