Slime Time

Wondering What that mysterious voice was that disrupted the Absorption from happening saved his life.

Getting out of the daze to assess the situation of him and the slime and what the connection is or integration, Slime where are you at I don't see you out in the open.

I'm One with you, we intertwine with each other, or in some other sense I'm in your body, and we share the same power, feelings, and weaknesses.

As for the skills that you got, have developed further,

Absorb has turned to Absorption: Can Absorb Magical/Physical attacks half will go into strengthening our body, while It will repulse the other back at the original caster/attacker.

Integration: Integrate with the host either envelope and absorb or control the host by slowly sapping away their vitality, sucking the host dry (Since Slime and host is intertwined this is Counteracted by Rapid Regeneration)

Split Division: if excess of power is absorbed at once, the excess power will be divided and form smaller slime that are similar as the original but are more powerful than the creator.

Rapid Regeneration: Regenerate by absorbing the blood of your enemies.

Damn that's pretty Strong does that mean we can take on anything? No, you dipshit! We are weak, extremely weak right now your dame soldiers are stronger than you, Wow that's pretty direct their slime, you're going to make me shed a tear; you overgrown snot ball.

Can you stop calling that you overgrown BI*CH! Alright puss for brains, what name would you like?

You give me a name, dumbness, Alright liquid shat, your name will be um...


Hpmh, you actually realize something good.

Don't test me, I'll kill us both!!!

Aright! Aright! Chill okay I'm done, oh, and I forgot that since we're the same but also two different monsters, we share the same stats, check your stats.

Name: Axel Black (Desmond)

Territory:30 square kilometers

Rarity: Uncommon- (Rare)

Race: Monster Sovereign- (Ancient Slime)

Level:15 (15,200/35,000)








Skill: Absorb, Integration, Split Division.

Hey your race says ancient slime but you of low level why is that? Well, I was just awakened from a long slumber before you attacked me.

Oh! Alright, strength is a little better, but we need to get stronger!

If you intend to get stronger, you need to find stronger variants of bloodlines that you already possess. Right now you not even in the real Everlasting world,

Wait What?! Really, yeah, that Mysterious voice didn't just save you, it gave me the knowledge of the Real Everlasting world, the knowledge that you were blessed with was like a page from a book with 10,000pages.

So you're saying that this is just the tutorial? And that the monsters are not even strong they're just to help us train for the actual world.

Yes! Once you reach level a hundred your level will reset and be given double the amount of benefits. What benefits I don't know you'll just have to be the first to see.

Right now you need to reach your bloodline limit and get the base bloodlines of the monsters you want, then their variant, which is not that hard to find the hard part is killing them.

Well, we were going to scout these beasts that are going to be the mounts of my village,

What do they look like? Well, Jacob said that it was a fully armored beast with a giant horn.

Oh! That's a Karkadann, they're peaceful creatures but will get angry if you try to harm them, alright where heading there now. Just going to lure one out and take their bloodline.

Alright, let's go Jacob, What happened master I heard another voice in your head other than yours, oh it was Desmond, our new friend.

As Axel and the group head to the designated spot Axel asks Desmond can he convert any type of attack into a Sub Ancient Slime, Yea, do you want one for Jacob, Asked Axel.

Alright we're here, all we do is to lure one here how hard is that, Jacob single out one that is far from the herd, Alright! Master.

How much power would it take to create a Sub Slime and how many can you create at a time, Well it would take a full charge, even though I can Absorb the attack you won't suffer any damage, but you will feel everything that happened to you, As for how many depends on how much the attack takes out of your health, if the attack damages over two thousand then I can create about twenty, since they are created by the power of explosive force, they will be power type slimes amplifying the power of the host.

I have an idea, can you control the slimes yes, that's easy-peasy, then get ready for a bunch of force, Hey, I don't know what you up to, but you can't have more that topples over your maximum health, so you have to wait until I produce the first batch, alright after you get done with the first batch, have them integrate with the karkadanns but don't have them sap at the karkadann's health, control them to encircle the others but have them to not engage.

Alright but first get the bloodline at least and get the extra power, Alright I understand, does it depend on the amount of overall health I have? Yes, but you can't go over the amount of health you have, or you will take the residual damage left over.

Alright Jacob's over there waiting Axel, Thanks for informing me now, let's get a move on.

As Axel and Desmond head towards Jacob, who is still distracting the karkadann with taunts and hits to the face, just as Jacob was fit to be launched in the air by a fully charged karkadann when Axel comes in and kicks the karkadann in the ribs, breaking a few steel like scale, Axel takes in the plates into his inventory which is going to be for later uses.

After Axel kicked the karkadann it got back up and regrown its fallen scales and headed straight for Axel at full speed, Axel, mesmerized by the sudden action, takes the attack to the chest, piercing through him, coughing up large amounts of blood from his mouth, then thrown aside like a rag doll.

As Axel looks as the wounds, it closes up to his surprise, but still feels the pain of the impact of its horn that pierced through him, As Axel suffers from the psychological trauma from the pain that is there but not there the physical pain that he felt turned into mental pain because of the pain that was there a moment ago, Desmond, realizing the situation, takes out the Bee Bear Honey to cope with the mental trauma that he suffers from before he gets himself killed.

Axel shut up and drink this, As Axel screams continue rising, alerting the herd of karkadanns of his position, Desmond can't wait for Axel to calm down, so he does the only reasonable action, he shoves the honey down Axel's throat and restores his mental within a few seconds Axel is back to normal and grab at the air as his long sword reappear in his hand with the jagged edge with the blood of his previous victims.

Axel's eyes, filled with painful memories of what happened to his family being brought back from the deepest parts of his mind, breaking the chains that was locking it behind that black and cold door, opens and releases the resentment and despair filling his eyes, then suddenly he feels a warm sensation pulsing through his body, then everything becomes clear.

When the clouds over his eyes dissipate, he looks over the dead karkadann that is dismembered in a hundredth of pieces on the ground with his long sword at his side. Finally, you're awake. What, what happened? Well, after you were impaled by its horn you went into a psychological breakdown, then your eyes were filled with anger, terror and fear after I gave you some honey you grabbed at the air and that long sword reappeared in your hand, and you brutally chopped up that karkadann.

After you were done you just sat down with your sword by your side than just now you woke up and here we are now, hurry and an Absorb the whole karkadann with the skill, I'm holding sixty karkadanns at bay the other thirty are being encircled, but the big one is acting up you need to hurry I only can hold this for a few more minutes.

Thank you very much Desmond, Hurry! Alright I will, [Absorb Karkadann Bloodline?] Yes!

Axel's body glows a golden light A violent blue light burst through the sky beaming down upon Axel as he is lifted in the air his body grows and morphs growing and shrinking, cycling repeatedly until the golden light breaks and Axel climbs out of the shell of he once was into his new form.