The Chimera Ants

Will keep that sealed for now, even though my strength has increased. I want to be prepared, right now we need to get everyone up and moving. How many chimera ants do you have, Alex? There are 3,758 chimera ants, about 1,200 of them are the brood than the rest are the workers.

How long do you think it will take to move everything, um starting now it will probably take 2-3 days to fully evacuate the underground.

What if we feed the chimera ants, humanoid creatures and flying creatures?

That will have the ants all to have a humanoid form mixed with the fly creatures that will reduce the evacuation by half, but where would you get the creatures at a time like this, Me, it will be me I'm the most suitable, my bloodline is of purer quality and I have other bloodlines that will benefit them.

Plus, it will help with my Lesser Regenerative ability and my Pain Resistance so when you're ready to send them here to feast till their full.

Alex being moved by this act that Axel displayed just for the sake of her children, he's willing to go this far for them, not just wanting to use him for her own interest, and develops feelings for Axel, then blushes.

Calling the thousands of chimera ants to eat on Axel as he regrows his body back, they tear and twist and chomp down on his flesh and bones gnawing at them.

The pain intensifies when thousands of ants are eating at you as you just regrow your flesh, then tear it off again as this continues Axel's skills grown once again.

[Lesser Regenerative Lvl-7] [Pain Resistance Lvl-8]

With this, his regenerative ability is faster and the pain I feel has lessened once again, with the improved passive abilities I can regenerate as fast as they eat, now the pain fills like I'm being bitten by little babies.

But being bitten by a whole horde of them is still horrifying, as the first thousand enter their short hibernation and are moved aside while the next thousand are having their fill and eating and tearing while I feed them, feeling numb from the pain Axel looks at the status of the chimera ants.

Race: Chimera Ant

Level:5 (460/7,000)






There are better-than-average monsters that live in this area, it'll be a great help to scavenge and more reliable, but I still will put my people first if they submit to me than they are my people.

As Axel stops observing the chimera ants, an unsuspected notification popped up as Axel was sitting crossed legged.

[Pain Resistance Lvl-Max]

Since it's Max, I guess that's the end of that passive skill.


[**************** Is Watching, He Expects Splendid things from one of the Fallen]


[Pain Reflection Lvl-1]

Pain Reflection-The Pain that you take will be transferred to energy and distributed through the entire body, Only can take 10% of the pain that has passed through the body. Uses for this can either apply to Weapons that are on or within the body, Or Can be concentrated on a circular point and repealed back at the caster.

Stunned by the sudden of Notifications, His passive skill turned into more of an internal and external skill which can also be counted as a counteract skill which can repel the energy back at the attacker.

Then there's that mysterious person who is watching over me, shivering with chills running through his entire body with a sudden urge to sweat every time he thinks about it, scares me down to my bones knowing someone is watching me, Such a perv!

After that being said the chimera ants are all finished and have entered their hibernation cocoon, Axel walked around to look at a few of the Humanoid type chimera ants which are relatively tall with the average of them standing at about 6ft (1.83 m). Then there is Alexandra, which stands at 5ft 5in (1.65 m) that's really short compared to me.

I stand at 7ft 3in (2.21 m), and she already has a humanoid form. Let me go there and check her status.

As Axel walks down the tunnel, Axel walks past the brood which is rolling around on the floor, looking weirdly cute, then continues to walk till he reaches the main chambers.

Axel opens the chamber doors to find Alex gathering everything in preparation to leave this place, then turns around to find axel looking at her. She blushes, wondering what he is doing in here or what he plans to do.

Alex, you can't be weak, in order to produce powerful children you have to be strong as well, and why you so short everyone is taller than you, you're like a little baby child.

Embarrassed because he is making fun of him, she runs up to him and gut punch him right in the center of his stomach, Axel taking the punch to the stomach, really doesn't feel any pain, then remembers his new passive skill that he got and reflected it back at Alex and a stream of light came out of me, then hit Alex back with her own power, luckily that she was weak and only took a few steps back if she was strong that would have sent her flying.

Testing it out was pretty good, the results will be even catastrophic with a stronger opponent, I can't wait for that day, oh I almost forgot the reason I came here was to tell you need to eat some of me so that you can become even stronger because like I said before you're too weak and will only hold me back

I know that's a little harsh, but that's the truth, only the powerful can live, while the weak die the same of what happened to the fallen, they were weak in their sense and died because of it; I don't want the same thing to happen to me, so best be prepared for the worst.

As Axel was finished, he cut off his arm and handed it right to Alex so that she can become stronger, Knowing that she is weak, she doesn't take it the wrong way and use this as the start of her new life and throwing away her old one, creating anew her.

Alex eats all of Axel's arm that he chopped off and enters her hibernation.

Now that is done, the only thing we have to do is gain flying creatures for them to eat, wait I can't because then the only person who can fly is Alex. When she is done, I'll ask her to take me up and will find a few flying creatures.

I wonder where Jacob is. I haven't seen him since we met Alex. He walked off in a different direction, I'll talk to him through our mental link, Jacob! Where are you at?

Oh, Sorry Master, it worried me that the sealed area would open up and hold some benefits that will help us; I think we should look and see what that tomb holds.

Alright I'm on my way, Alright master I'll stay right here, As there is a change in plans, Axel heads down the tunnels with scratch marks showing that you should not go down this tunnel, well, i only knew this because Alex told me otherwise I thought they were just scratches.

Turning the corner Axel reaches where the sealed area is Jacob still standing at the Rocks and dirt that are meshed together baring his fangs meaning that there is danger lurking behind this wall, meaning that there could be a wonderful fight waiting for me just thinking about it makes me feel filled with excitement.

Axel activates his scale armor and walks all the way back to the other side of the wall and prepares to charge with enough force to break through the wall or accumulate pain and apply it to my feet to increase my charging speed.

Axel is finished with his preparation and charges at the wall with all the speed he can muster creating cracks, with that amount of speed mix in with his power, created a huge amount of cracks and now it's fits to be applied with the pain that he received from running into a wall which is ten percent of the pain of hitting the wall than the ten percent of the power he applied then that's twenty percent of all together, which is enough to break through with one final charge.

As Axel applies the concentrated power to his forearms and feet it gives off a red hue than simply fades away, then Axel goes back to the wall and breathe in and out to focus all is power on this last charge running at full speed leaving dust in his wake he burst through the wall with this amazing speed, almost like a speed demon.