Chapter Eight

The following morning, I woke to the feeling of my stomach rumbling. I decided to make my way down to the kitchen and get some food. Liam seemed like he was still asleep, so I slowly lifted his arm to slide off the bed. 

Making my way down the corridor, I run into the kitchen looking for something to cook because I knew that Liam would be hungry too. Today is different. I'm hungrier than normal. I feel like I'm starving. 

"That is probably cause you didn't eat last night babe."

"Yeah, Probably." I replied back to Winter. 

WINTER- holy shit. It really wasn't a dream.

"No. It wasn't. This is as real as real gets. I'm real. You really do shift into a white wolf, your eyes are velvet." 

"And her eyes are beautiful, human or wolf." I hear Liam say from behind me. I turn around to face him, and he's got another genuine smile on his face. Still as breath taking as the first time. I could look at that all day. Wait...can he hear me? Does he know what I'm thinking right now? It doesn't seem so, he seems normal. Like he doesn't know anything...

"Good morning, how do you feel? Hungry?" He doesn't know. He'd be picking on me about it right now if he did. 

"Yeah. A little bit." I replied as he moved around the kitchen. I took the opportunity to look at him. His back has a nice muscular build, and tan. His ass, lord his ASS...nice to look at. Really nice to look at, what do you think Winter?

"Yes ma'am. That's a piece of cake I could take a bite out of." Liam then stops me in my thoughts.

"How bout we go out for breakfast? On a date. When we get home, I'll answer any other questions you have." The thought of food making my stomach growl again, insisted that I agreed. So I did.

"That sounds nice, let me just put some proper clothes on." 

As I run back through the corridor, I go into my room, open my closet, grab a pair of leggings, a white shirt, and a white matching leather jacket. 

I put on my perfume, than ran back to the kitchen. Liam was there waiting with his black leather jacker, gray t-shirt, black ripped jeans and black and white converse. 


"Yeah, let's go." He opens the door for me, and walks out behind me.

"Wanna know something?" He said.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"You got the kind of cake I could take a bite out of." Realization dawned on me, I then registered what he was talking about and my face got bright red.

"HEY! IN MY DEFENSE WINTER SAID THAT NOT ME!!" I hollered as I smacked him in the arm. With my cheeks still burning, I looked over at him and thought about how much fun getting to know him was going to be, and I know he knew what I was thinking about because the smile on his face gave him away. I could tell he was thinking about it too as he opened the door and closed it for me. This was gonna be a fun date. Maybe next time I'll ask him how he feels about letting both of our wolves out to run and get to know each other. Just as he starts the car to drive off, I thought I seen something move in my window, but decided that it was probably just the wind blowing my curtain. I turned my attention back to Liam and talked to him while he drove us to our date.

We pulled up to a small cafe, and Liam shut off the car. I went to open my door, but he beat me over there and insisted that he needs to open the door because it's the "gentlemanly thing to do." So without argument I let him open the door for me.

Once inside we sat down at a table of our choice, the waitress came and took our order. This town is small, not much happens here, which I guess is perfect since the entire place is crawling with Werewolves. Which brings me to ask him a question.

"Is everyone that lives here a wolf?" I asked as my curiosity peaks.

"Not everyone. Most of us yes. But there are still humans here, some know, others don't. My family has been living here for generations. Some wolves move here over time, and others were born in this area stay. No one really leaves though. Human or wolf. Something about this area has a beauty to it. Mundanes fall in love and stay. We stay because it's the perfect place to hide our secret." He explained.

"Winter wants to meet your wolf. Maybe we should let them on a run later? I told her I'd ask another day, but I feel bad, she's been trapped for years, she deserves a run. And she really wants to meet your wolf-

"Lucifer. His name is Lucifer." Liam cuts me off. I smiled at him.

"Lucifer. Winter wants to meet Lucifer." There was a glint of admiration in his eyes.

"I love how it sounds when you say his name. He loves it too. Maybe you should say it again."

Thanks to the waitress, I didn't have to she came and gave us our food while asking if we needed anything.

After stating that we were fine, Liam thanked the girl. She smiled and left, so I decided to ask more questions even though he said I could ask afterwards. I wanted to know now.

"Is it because Austin is your friend that everyone respects him so much?" I ask, remembering how people react to him when he talks.

"No. It's not like that. The other wolves respect him because he's their beta. It means he's my second in command, he's under me on the authority spectrum. They have to respect him. It's not a choice. The only people who don't have to listen to him are you and me. We hold all the authority here. Watch what I mean."

Confused I sit and watch Liam as he starts to speak again.

"I want everyone in this restaurant to leave. Right now. Until your Luna and I are done with our meal. Our waiter and the chef can stay. Everyone else. Go." Not even a second wasted they all stood up and started to walk outside. Even the people who were eating.

"Why did you make them leave? They were eating." I looked at him. He said they listen to be too, right?

"Everyone sit down. Continue eating, continue your conversations, Liam will be paying for your meals today, since he decided to interrupt your morning."

I looked at Liam expecting him to be mad, but he wasn't. He looked amused. Like he expected me to do that.

"That was so weird. They all listened to me, without question. Why?" I asked.

"Being my mate, my Luna, they abide by your rule. The only person who can tell them not to listen to you is me. This entire cafe is owned by the wolf pack. Humans don't come here. To their eyes it's a torn down shack. Abandoned. There are witches on our land who protect our secret, who protect us, they have this place glamoured, meaning that mundanes can't see what's actually happening in here."

"Witches? There are witches? Like big pointy hats, big noses, green faces?" I laughed at the thought.

"No Luna. We don't have big pointy hats and green noses. We don't ride on broom sticks, but we can levitate. Our faces are not green, we look like normal people. Those are stories we made up years ago when people started finding out we exist to throw them off of our trail." Said a beautiful woman. She had long brown hair, brown skin, a small nose, big brown eyes, small frame, and a pendant on her neck.

"My name is Mara." She as she stuck her hand out for me to shake it. And I did.

Bending down, she kissed Liams cheek which sent a pang of jealousy through me.

"Mara. How are you?" Liam asked.

Watching these two, I could tell they were close. Friends since a young age I'd assume.

"Mara this is Nicole. Your Luna. Nicole this is Mara. My cousin." Oh. His cousin. That makes sense.

"Liam, she's not just wolf. I can sense it. She's got magic in her veins. Very powerful magic. Luna, may I ask, who are your parents?" Confused I answer

"My moms name is Mackenzie, my fathers name is Tyler Woodland." At the name Mara stopped so did Liam. They looked scared.

"Luna. Your father...your father is Tyler Woodland? Are you sure?" Asked Mara. Clearly concerned.

"Yes. My mom never mentioned much about him. Why?"

"Call your mom please." Pulling out my phone I did as I was asked. Surprisingly she answered on the second ring.

"Yes baby. What's wrong?" Ask my mom.

"Hi Mackenzie. It's Liam. My cousin Mara and I are here. We have a question for you." Spoke Liam.

"Of course hon. Go ahead. Everything okay?"

"Yes. It's fine. Nicole's father..what's his name?"

"Tyler...Tyler Woodland. Why?"

"Okay. Mackenzie how much do you know about him?"

"Not much why?" She asked.

"You work at the law firm correct?"


"Please put your phone on speaker."

"Okay. It's on speaker."

"Mackenzie is leaving for the day. She needs to come to the pack house. Let her go." Liam said. His tone deadly serious.