I look into the dark building and what I see is a squirrel when I see the squirrel I blink multiple times and say are you kidding me before I shoot a human man trying to pickup a gun from behind the squirrel . I walk forward I then crouch and pick up the squirrel when the squirrel yells unhand me you fiend. I ignore this and say okay so you're a talking squirrel . Actually I'm a god and the squirrel starts to get into a serious voice and says but boy what do you truly desire .
I say wait why did you change so fast the squirrel says it once more boy what do you truly desire okay okay I say . I get down on the floor and say what I truly desire is the death of khorne and to have my legacy carried on by my child .
What I wish for is peace peace that is it I wish for peace I wish to kill khorne the chaos god do the work of the emperor and if possible die in the battle most likely . Me actually living after killing him would be a luxury I don't exactly care if I die but that's only after I'm strong enough to kill him . And if I don't get the luxury of living I wish to still to have some luxury a child my child a child who will live .
A carefree life living in the imperium having fun eating sleeping all of that you know living free and good . I wish for my child to be very different from me if I have a child that child will be my goal . I have a dream that one day once I finally kill khorne and once I die my child shall live a happy life without me I am a terrible human being in fact I'm already no longer human .
So the best I could do was give the entire imperium and this world one luxury and that luxury will be death and not my resurrection . I am no messiah I am no prophet I am not holy for not that and being a messiah wouldn't really fit me . No I say as I grip my hands I wish to slay a god even though it might seem foolish to say that I shall slay a god . I shall never be a messiah I am not the peoples hero I am not the hero the people deserve and not the hero the people truly need I shall be a nameless.
Man just another persons name lost to time no one shall remember and if people shall remember they will curse my name and use it as an insult. But truly I do not know if people will do this are not . I am a fool a drunken fool who wishes for an almost impossible dream the dream of killing a chaos god a god for Christ's sake . I am true fool who should have never had the right to be birthed for I in my search for revenge this blood feud vendetta this literal war against a god is what I wish for .
But to put in simple terms I wish to have peace .
As the squirrel hears me yell all of this out it starts to clap very slowly and then says you must either be very brave or very stupid . But then again fortune favors the bold but you're a weird mortal you know that .
You want to slay a god you're not cocky at least not to the level I've seen and on top of that you wish for your death . All mortals that I have met are afraid scared of death I've only ever seen a few like you who aren't afraid of death. And I think there called space marines they say why they don't fear death is because of their emperor I still remember him . For even in death they serve don't know what that means but already you mortals are so strange to us gods .
And when I mean about you being strange is that your creator was also very strange . Cause all of us gods got the choice to create a specific race on this planet and beyond . And your creator god with God like this you know the Christian god many humans believe in . Decided that he would create you in his image and he also decided to give you free will .
You might be thinking why did he give you free will if humans have done terrible things with this free will . Well because he wanted them to have a choice a choice of whether they wanted to be a good human being or a total lowlife criminal . He wanted you to have a choice but the thing is that many of the gods instead didn't do that and made either so that their race follows commands directly from someone they have chosen who will be their body in this world.
Or they give them some instinct to know how to live making them into savage animals . Yeah but he as considered different because of this cause he gave you free will . But because of that you have become the dominant creatures on this planet .
They then say I'm gonna go so bye . Before they leave I quickly say but why did you come here they say just for shits and giggles but I got so much more .
They then start to disappear into ash and say we will meet again . As he disappears I say well the author has forgot about all of those god characters and so they haven't been very important for a very long time . Including the goddess of blood or whatever the fuck her name was I don't remember .
Yeah okay okay so I'm probably gonna see you again gonna see you again whatever I'm definitely not gonna see you again .
But I still hear one voice a female voice which says so that is why you do it do you consider yourself evil they say to me . I say calmly I'm not a bad guy I'm not a bad guy I just wanted to live a quiet life . There truly are no villains just human beings who are doing it out of desperation greed or other causes .
I'm not one of those force of nature villains who is evil just for the sake of evil no I'm doing this for revenge but even though I might be no longer human . I still have human emotions thoughts and empathy just because I've become this cold hollow puppet of what I used to be doesn't mean . I can no longer display any human emotion actually as I chuckle a little I can't display any emotion on my face .
But I also do this for a special person and if you're what I think you are you should already know who she is . Me and this special person as I stare at a certain someone kinda got to close for comfort almost immediately .
But I still love her with all of my heart as I keep staring at the author ahem I mean the certain someone as I cough getting back . Yeah so that's why I do it and I also just fucking realized something we are still in fucking enemy territory . I say so I'm going to have to end this conversation gotta go go before I run out the door and to the bois .
I stop and say quickly sorry for being late let's go I also say oh I forgot something before I run inside and come back outside with the documents . Okay I say let's go they seem confused but they follow on and run with me towards the helicopter . We keep running through the jungle and I jump and swing with my odm gear that I forgot .
We soon get to helicopter I quickly jump inside buckle in with the rest and say to the pilot get us out of here . And as they start to vertically take off I lean back and go to sleep cause a lot is gonna happen soon . As I start to go to sleep I soon think oh this is so hard to do such a pain