Part One

Sorren sat on his knees, his breaths sharp and labored. He could only see black he must have been blindfolded but why? His memory failed him as he tried to remember what he had done that night. Without word or warning someone whipped him from behind. He let out a cry in agony as blood ran down his back. A deep voice spoke out to Sorren. "Adrestia seeks to punish thee for actions against the order!" Sorren recognized the voice and gritted his teeth. He felt rage fill his body as he wanted to shout back at the voice ahead. "By the holy flames of Adrestia brand him with her mark!" Sorren then felt hot metal press against his neck and let out another pained scream as it echoed through the room.

An alarm sounded and filled the apartment with noise telling anyone around it was morning. The apartment was quite nice with one wall being a window over the city. A man in his mid twenties sat up and rubbed one of his eyes as he reached out to shut the alarm up. He winced as a pain in his back shot through his body. Something didn't feel right, everything felt wrong. He grabbed his phone and raised a brow seeing everything had been reset. The man sat up and walked to his bathroom to take a look in the mirror. He couldn't remember his name or anything about himself at all. His eyes began to widen as he tilted his head to the side to see a Symbol of Exile on the side of his neck.

The Symbol of Exile, an eye with an x through it, this meant you lost your place in society. You were to be ignored and looked over for whatever you had done. The Exiled were considered everything wrong with the perfect society that Tranquility is supposed to be.

As he felt his breathing get faster he hit his head trying to remember. He had to remember he just had to. Running around the apartment he created a mess of the few things in the room. He slumped and hit the wall before leaning against it. An idea sparked in his mind which led him over to his phone. He snatched it up and opened up the internet. He picked up a chair in the room and took a seat. For hours he found out everything he could about The Exiled. The results were not as he hoped but not a complete failure. One thing for certain was that he was a very rare case, he knew and remembered more than other Exiles. He found a few other things that taught him nothing. Taking a look at the clock he had worked till the AMs. With a sigh he laid down in his bed looking out at the lights of the city.

The next morning his back felt worse than the day before. Every movement he made was like reliving the pain again while he forced himself out of bed. A knock at the door grabbed his attention and he was weary to open the door. Why would someone come to an Exile's place of living? He slowly opened the door and a mailman held out a letter. "Mail for-" he stopped seeing the mark and dropped the letter on the ground before walking away. The man scowled and picked up the letter looking at it all over. It was for a person named Sage, he guessed that had to be his name or a name he could use at least. Sage opened the letter and read it carefully, it read as follows:

Dear Exile, I hope this finds you as well as you can be with your new situation. You may want to give up but keep your head up and eyes forward. Though not ideal this is an opportunity of great importance. We can help you but you have to prove your worth to us. How? Simple, find us and be willing to help the cause. Exiles have a place in the world, we are still people. Never forget that when one door closes another opens.

-A fellow Exile

Sage smiled for the first time since he lost his memory and folded the letter neatly. He threw a duster on over his t-shirt and worn jeans. Even with his back he still had to get out for food and to start his search. He locked the apartment door and found his way out of the building. With everything crashing in the world a few decades ago past technology had not evolved much. AI became much stronger and is used quite often in most places. Few people have to work making it difficult to find a way to live. Some people actually questioned if this life is better than what is on the outside.

Sage strolled down town looking for a good place to sit for breakfast. He was able to spot a small cafe on a street corner. Upon entering he was immediately ignored and glared at. The wait was long only because the workers didn't want to serve his kind. A girl scolded the other workers and walked to his table with a smile. "Hello sir, how may I help you today?" Sage gave a small smile back and skimmed the menu one last time. "I would just like a plate of pancakes and a coffee." he spoke quietly in a tired tone. She nodded and went back to the kitchen to prepare his order. He didn't dare look around, the looks he'd get back would cut through him like butter.

When his food arrived the girl sat down across from him. Sage had already started on his pancakes as he looked up at her. Sitting up straight he raised a brow nervously. "Uh, did you need something ma'am?" She shook her head and smiled at him again. "No, it's just you used to come here a lot. You'd order that same thing everyday, always tipped generously too. Looks like they finally caught you, not surprising with what you liked to do. My name is Kyra by the way." she chuckled and watched him but looked to a booth every once and awhile. "Huh, could you tell me a bit mor-" Before he could finish she stood up and shouted. "Help! This Exile is talking to me!" Sage's eyes widened as he watched her back away with a now crooked smile. A table with two EWM officers now stood over him. They ripped him out of the booth and slammed him to the ground. They kicked and beat him then escorted him to the street and shoved him to the pavement. Sage coughed some blood onto the ground and winced at his already aching body. Exile brutality was becoming more prominent as the EWM were getting more power. The EWM stands for Exile Watchmen. They are easily some of the worst people in the bubble.

Kyra came out of the cafe looking down at him shaking her head. "Careful Exile, you best tread lightly and watch who you talk to. You may have been human but now your filth, know your place." she then spit next to him and returned to the inside of the cafe. Sage wiped some blood from his stubbled face and stood up slowly his new wounds managed to hurt worse than his back. He nodded and walked looking around for where this group of Exiles might be. By dusk he had walked all around that Sector of the city with no luck and no leads. Laying down in his bed was the best part of his day. Every single part of his body was sore and ached. The city lights were gentle and soothing as they reached the top of the bubble. Yawning he passed out and slept the night away.

The morning sun along with his many wounds woke Sage to conquer the new day. "One day at a time, I can't quit...I can't." He hadn't changed or even taken his duster off. He pulled his phone off the charger and looked at the news. His run in with the EWM had made the headline. The unnamed rogue group of Exiles known as The Forsaken had trashed the cafe in retaliation. It was being considered an act of terrorism as Exiles are suppose to stay voiceless and invisible to the world. Their cause is insane but definitely worthwhile, it could change everything. Sage felt a boost of adrenaline and continued his search for the group he now knew as The Forsaken.

One Week Later:

Things have been quiet and Sage's efforts to find this group were failures. He was running out of ideas on where they could be hiding. On a worse note the EWM were now blaming him for the raid completely and they were on his tail. If they caught him it might mean death. If caught as an Exile death is the better option over the torture as well as the jobs and other punishments they had to offer.

Sage wore a hood over his face to stay hidden from the scanners and prying eyes of the EWM. The streets were somber giving away voices coming from an alleyway. Sage would peak in and look to find a mixture of eight people having some sort of dispute among themselves. It was split two ways, all but one of them were Exiles. The arguing stopped and they looked to Sage and the first group pulled weapons. What appeared to be the leader of the second group stopped them. "Don't you realize this is the problem? You can go violencing everyone you don't like or don't trust." The woman's focused eyes met his own. "Who are you stranger?" Sage set his hood down onto his shoulders and some of the people looked amongst each other mumbling excitedly. The leaders of the group both didn't believe their eyes as they looked to each other. The second leader walked to Sage and put a hand on his shoulder with a soft grip. "You must be Sage, am I correct? My name is Blair, I lead this group of fine people." she gestured to her small group who waved and smiled. "The hot head over there is named Kai with his group." Blair snickered to herself before looking back to Sage. His face showed confusion as he looked at all the people in the alleyway.

Water could be heard dripping as Sage tried to find words. "So are you the people I've been looking for then?" he managed as he proceeded to look around and between all the faces. Blair and Kai both nodded and quickly after scowled at each other. "Don't even try to take credit for searching for him, you did nothing but riot to make his life harder you numbskull!" Blair shouted and pushed Kai backwards a ways. Kai frowned and balled his hands to fists. "Sitting and being quiet solves nothing, but that's no longer on the board to be discussed. How about a proposition?" he gave a toothy grin looking over Blair and at Sage who was still confused. Blair narrowed her eyes and asked hesitantly. "What are you getting at?" Kai spoke right after her. "Simple! Let him decide, we can try and persuade him but he chooses. Seems fair doesn't it?" She sighed and gave a slow nod knowing she didn't have any better options.

Sage looked back out at the street to watch their backs since they seemed preoccupied. Kai called for his attention for this deal to start. "Sage come join The Forsaken, you saw that we fought for you! Join our ranks so that you can become a part of the revolution, we're gonna turn the tables." Blair shook her head with disgust and looked to Sage. "Join The Shadows, we're not loud and proud like them," she pointed to Kai and his people. "but we're still making a difference and growing. With you on our side you could help many other Exiles who are lost, we both know they can't ignore us forever!" Sage smiled and began leaning towards Blair. However Kai gritted his teeth and intervened once again. "I can tell you about your past, tell you who you are really. She gave you a fake name to hide you away for herself." he said persuading him. "I did it to protect him from people like you, the EWM, even the council them-fucking-selves!" she shouted in response to Kai. Kai was swift to pipe back in. "Can you really trust a leader who can't even keep her cool?" Sage felt unsure but wearily chose Kai. "I suppose you made good points, and finding who I was is my main objective right now." Kai gave Blair a smug look and nodded. "Good choice, come with me. Meeting adjourned, same time next week." Blair looked to the floor as some of her group supported her.

During the walk back to their homebase the members of the group mumbled all sorts of things about Sage. Some good, most were not so good saying he couldn't be trusted. He couldn't understand why he was such a big deal to these people. Sage looked to Kai, he was the one who didn't bear a Mark of Exile. Seemed sort of suspicious that he would be leading a revolution against his own kind. "Hey Kai, sir, what exactly are you planning to do to kick off the revolution? I mean it seems your group has already been getting your name out there." Kai nodded but didn't look at him. He stood a few inches taller than Sage wearing mostly leather with a clean shaven face. His words were always expressed formally and with authority. "Indeed, we plan to continue these small acts to snatch the headlines. Eventually when we're seen as a people we can start being more creative, per say." Sage gave a nod and returned to his mind space.

After a long walk Sage followed Kai down into an abandoned underground facility. Looked like it use to be used for some kind of storage before becoming a surprisingly cozy base. It held a wide variety of supplies and members of the Forsaken who looked to the party. Kai stepped up onto a box before speaking to his people. "Ladies and Forsaken-folk, I'm happy to tell you that we have been able to recruit the man known as Sage. Please be kind and welcoming to our new ally!" Without warning or word Kai walked to his quarters taking a couple of others with him. His smile was toothy and cruel; it gave Sage chills. Sage looked around at the Exiles of all shapes and sizes. Most people had their own clicks leading him to sitting alone in a corner. "Remember, you're here to learn more about yourself. Gotta do whatever it takes." He mumbled to himself and observed the other members. When dinner came around Kai finally came out and spotted Sage as if he stuck out somehow. The food was better than he would have imagined for Exile rebels. Sage constantly got looks and heard his name in conversations and whispers. Dinner was over as soon as it began and left him back to his loneliness. It was likely to be a long night for him. He did manage to fall asleep regardless of many things.

Sometime in the middle of the night Sage woke with what felt like a bag over his head. His hands as well as his legs were tied up with a thick rope. Drowsy and confused he couldn't tell who was talking but could hear and feel that he was in a car. He tried to tune into their conversation. "The boss wants us to dump this guy. Said to make sure we won't see him again." The second guy pitched an idea with a chuckle. "We could just throw 'em in the dump outside the bubble. Won't last till morning for sure." They agreed and the car could be heard increasing in speed. Sage couldn't keep his eyes open and forced himself to stay awake. If he tried to struggle the goons would notice. He couldn't think of a way out of this mess.

When the three arrived at the edge of the bubble the goons laughed to themselves before grabbing Sage. he began to wiggle and try to escape their grasps but only managed to remove the bag on his head. The first guy laughed, throwing him over his shoulder. "Looks like we got a fighter on our hands." he reached the point of no return and looked Sage in the eyes. His repulsive fat and wrinkled face was the only thing he could see. "Sink or swim." With that he dropped him into the abyss of the night. For what felt like an eternity he fell with the wind to his back looking at the stars. Nothing, silence, then a thud that would echo through the empty land that had been abandoned for decades.

Sage's body was filled with nothing by immense pain, he couldn't cry or scream for help. He had lost his breath and gasped for air as he barely managed to get to his knees. As his eyes adapted to the cold night he looked down to see a piece of rebar protruding through his side. Shaking his head Sage placed a hand on it and felt his eyes burn as he looked at his now blood covered hand. The fall ended up reopening the wound on his back that soaked his shirt and even got through his duster. In desperation he crawled down the hill of trash hoping for anyone to be there to help. Broken glass and jagged edges of metal tore into his palms and knees. "Not yet, I c-can't-" he mustered coughing up blood that rolled down his chin. Sage was losing too much blood to crawl back into the bubble. He wouldn't make it, he couldn't make it all he could do is lay there and focus on breathing. Labored inhales and sharp exhales as his body tried to fade on him. Everything began to get dark and his senses left him.

The next morning nothing felt better, especially not the rebar that stabbed through him. The skin around it bruised and dry blood was covering it. Sage attempted to stand up but fell to the ground catching himself with his pulsating palms. He continued to crawl until his body finally gave out. He laid on his side looking at the decaying buildings and former civilizations. Very few plants found life in this wasteland since the sky was a light gray rather than the former blue. The outside was horrible, any living in it was likely radiated or savage. Even just laying there opened his wounds making it harder to stay conscious. He wasn't sure how much longer he'd make it like this.

Sage woke up on a bed with someone sitting across from him. He tried to process the world around him as he forced his eyes open. He could be mistaken for a mummy with how wrapped up he was. His body was still in agony but his head took first place with how much it hurt. Sage slowly and cautiously sat up trying not to wake the person in front of him. His efforts were in vain. The woman woke up immediately and seemed half asleep but relieved. She moved her mahogany hair from her face revealing her emerald eyes. It was a she and a familiar she, it was the Shadows leader Blair. "Oh thank god you're alive, I thought that bastard finally put an end to you. Even as an Exile you're still just as stubborn." Sage rubbed his head feeling every single pain in his arm and looked around. "How long was I out? And where are we?" he asked plainly. Blair stopped but nodded realizing she was getting ahead of herself. "You've been out for about a week or so and you're here in my home. Hospitals don't serve Exiles, they say it's a waste of resources." she shook her head but smiled. "Least you're alive, that's better than most of Kai's victims." Sage looked to where the rebar had been, never expected to have a near death experience like that. "No, like how did I get here? I was outside the bubble, I should be dead right now." he said laying back down. "Well me and my team saw on the news a couple of men throwing a man out of the bubble. Humans don't get thrown out, and we save the Exiles that do. Kai is hiding something but I'm not sure what, he never liked you even after you had helped him." Blair frowned. Hearing things he did in the past confused him, he wasn't sure what side he was on. Sage looked down at his wrapped hands and ended up opening some of the cuts on them again. Blood steadily began to stain the formerly snow white wrap. Blair walked and laid him back down completely. "Get some rest ok? You're safe here, people think you're dead. I'll take care of you until you can get back on your feet. I'll make sure and keep you updated as well, Kai is no doubt gonna start making moves now. Using your 'death' as a motive. I'll let you rest." she smiled and walked away to leave him alone. Sage fell back asleep and let his body recover.

As Sage awoke and looked at the date another day had passed. He swiped up to try and get into his phone but cut his thumb on the screen. The fall had left his phone worse off then him. He looked to the otherside of him and saw a plate of eggs and bacon with a glass of water and a cup of coffee. Sage smiled and reached carefully for the plate. Most of the cuts and smaller wounds were scabbing over but the big pain today was his muscles, all of which felt very tight and ached for him to stop moving. He had been an Exile for just over half a month and nothing had been easy. Not even getting up and out of bed had been easy, everything was challenged by one thing or another. Sage took up the fork and simply enjoyed the food he was given, as that's most of what he could do. "Things have been bad, but maybe this is the start of my rebound." he said wanting to keep his hopes up. So far he had conquered everything thrown in front of him. He shouldn't even be alive, he felt that meant he had to have a purpose here.

With Blair out for her group Sage wasn't able to do anything until his next meal time so he ended up going back to sleep. Sleep was the most he could do in his state. Blair returned around dinner time and woke Sage softly. She greeted him with a smile and served him dinner, it was steak with corn and mashed potatoes. Sage couldn't help but smile at her hospitality as he began to eat. "By the way, my group had gifts to give you! Unfortunately for safety reasons they can't give them to you themselves. A couple of people fixed up your duster. Some others worked up the money to replace your phone. Then everyone worked on a gift basket for you, somebody is still popular in my group." she spoke happily and with a light laugh. Sage smiled and even teared up a bit. He wiped his eyes and focused on Blair. "It's much appreciated, make sure they know that, but why am I so popular? And why do so many people seem to know me?" he asked. Blair looked around a bit and shrugged. "We always treat our new members or any Exile with as much love and compassion as possible and if I try to explain it now it won't make sense. Though, do know you're a bit famous, so they'll be excited to see you around again." she said, doing her best to remedy his questions. She began to walk to her room and spoke to him one last time. "Won't be back till real late tomorrow so I'll prepare all your meals in the morning." Sage nodded and laid his head back down onto the pillow. It was nice to be able to rest with all that had happened.

One Month Later

Sage woke up abruptly to loud noise. By this time his body was all healed except for his stab wound which pained him. He was in more of a rehab mode now, working on getting his stamina and strength back. Opening his heavy eyes he looked towards the door where he saw Blair barricading the door. They made eye contact for a few breaths. She walked to him and stood him up throwing his duster at him. "Back into the fray, the meeting went down hill. Kai found out you're alive and he's got his goons hunting you again. Still confused and tired Sage stuck his arms into the duster and grabbed his phone. "So then what's the plan?" he asked. Blair jogged to the kitchen and dug around in the cabinets. Turning to him she tossed him a Desert Eagle, already loaded. "You've got nine shots, we're splitting up." Sage frowned and walked to her. "That means you'll be unarmed, your group is across town. I can't let you do that." she shook her head and pointed to the back door. "I've got people headed this way, they are armed and gonna help us. Stay safe, we'll find you again I promise." she said walking over to one of the windows. Sage had flashbacks but blocked them out, he had to be strong. He placed the gun between his belt and waistline and walked out the backdoor.

Upon leaving he heard a crash in the front of the house. This hurried Sage's pace as he ran into the first alleyway available. Walking to the opposite end he peered out to look for any threats. It was safe for now, he paced himself to a walk to keep from looking suspicious. The sun was setting on the bubble as he made it as far away from the house as he could. The air wasn't refreshing, it was just the disgusting filtered air they used in the bubble. They tell the people the outside air is toxic when the bubble's air is worse for you. It became quiet with the night as everyone was happy and at home. Enjoying their lives without a care of anything.

Later that night Sage was sitting on the roof of an apartment complex. Leaning against one of the air conditioners that had a slow vibration. He had bought some off brand soda. Turns out Tranquility doesn't discriminate against dead people. He wondered what other Exiles were doing, what Blair was doing. What was Kai planning? None of his questions had been answered since he lost his memories. If anything he had more questions now. He set the pistol off to the side and dangled his legs. It was a full moon, and felt like it was shining a spotlight on him. The center of attention for all to look at. He didn't understand why he was such a person of interest to everyone. Was he not just another Exile? He wasn't, how could he be, everyone wanted a piece of him and everyone knew him. So many questions.

Sage took a long sip of his soda just to spit it out. A silhouette of a man could be seen in the now setting moon. There was no mistake, it was Kai. how had he found him? Why did he want him dead so badly? What does he want now? More and more questions flooded his mind, panic was really setting in. He reached for the gun at his side the moon had been reflecting off it. He looked back to where Kai had been standing aiming the gun but he was gone. Sage furrowed his brow and quickly stood up. He sprinted to the latter and slid down hitting the ground with a slap of his shoes. He didn't know where to go, he had nowhere to go. His last ditch effort was to get out of the bubble. He'd be safe there, why would Kai bother following him out there? With that mindset he ran and didn't stop running until he bursted through the exit hatch. A freezing breeze hit him as he walked backwards.

Looking back Sage couldn't see anyone and laughed to himself looking around. It was actually snowing, it was beautiful. The air was harsh and cold becoming worse as his adrenaline died down. He walked further out over a hill that had been covered by the snow. In front of him was a view unlike anything he had ever seen in the bubble. The broken world still had some beauty to it. The nature was dead due to the weather but the fallen city was astounding. The sun rised over the city and the snow began to melt. Everything was silent the only sound being the breeze and his own noise. A world untouched by man for generations, or that's what they tell us at least.

Footsteps. Sage turned to see the worst possible thing. Kai stood over him with a Mateba gripped in his right hand. "You just never die do you?" he growled. Sage stood up and pulled his Desert Eagle from his hip. He held it at his side and took a step back. "I don't even know who you are! What did I do to you? I was told I helped you." he shouted scared and confused. Kai shook his head and hit his forehead lightly. "Ah yes, I forget, you're an Exile now. Your memories have escaped you you fiend. I didn't hate you until you began to stick your nose where it didn't belong. In fact you still have that habit. You found out what Blair is digging for. You're both rats, little rodents like you two deserve to be put down!" he said pulling the hammer back. Their guns were both aimed at each other's heads. One shot and it'd all be over. Kai laughed cruelly as he straightened his leather jacket. "I don't think you want to shoot me Sorren." he said bearing a crooked smile. "Sorren? Is that my real name?" The man across from him placed his finger on the trigger and fired a bullet.

Sage luckily had reacted to his quick aim and dropped. He shot the gun out of Kai's hand letting it slide down the hill with a clack. Kai grabbed his wrist and scowled. Within the two silent rivals stare the bullets rang out. "You fucking bastard, I HATE YOU!" he shouted and ran at him bawling his fists. Sage wasn't prepared and took a punch to the face. His nose began to bleed and he narrowed his eyes. Adrenaline and all the rage he had flowed through him. He clenched his fist and punched Kai a few times while shouting back. "I don't even know you, quit acting like I'm your problem! I'm nothing but an Exile." Kai blocked one of his punches and landed a hit into Sage's gut. Sage pushed him away with all his strength. He pushed them both down opposite sides of the hill. Kai got up first and grabbed his revolver, cocking the hammer back. "You almost ruined everything, no one can know, especially not you of all people!" he reached the peak of the hill and looked for Sage.

Sage held his gun tightly and ran around the hill towards the bubble. He was feeling light headed, he was out of shape and had been pushing himself. The puddles the snow left splashed as Sage ran with all he could. If he passed out now he wouldn't wake up this time. Kai heard the splashing and turned around aiming towards Sage. "Don't you run from me you coward!" he yelled after him and shot two shots in his direction. One of which landed in his right calf. Sage winced but limped on as far as he could. He slipped and hit the ground as Kai descended and walked to him. "Stay away from me." he said, pulling the pistol and firing a bullet directly into Kai's chest. Kai looked at the wound and smiled as blood slowly leaked from the wound and his mouth. Sage, with a scramble, got up and continued to the bubble. Kai fired the last three shots at Sage and missed all of them. His vision was hindered by the wound. Sage made it inside barely in front of his enemy and locked him out. He fell to the ground and held his wounded leg. "Damn it, damn it damn it damn it!" he mumbled to himself loudly. He couldn't walk into town like this.

Sage looked around for a place he could wait for the Shadows till nightfall. Banging could be heard from the hatch making him jump. Kai was livid but his screams were muffled and inaudible. Sage used his good leg to get up and limped into an abandoned building. Maybe if he was lucky there would be Exiles who could help him. The Shadows who fixed his duster gave it their emblem, which would no doubt come in handy. The emblem was a crow sat on a tree with an olive branch in its beak.

The door to the building squeaked open and he heard some rustling around farther in. Sage felt a chill go down his spine but he closed the door and limped onward. It looked like this used to be an apartment building as he entered what seemed to be a lobby. "How has this place not been taken down? Looks seriously old." he mumbled to himself, looking at the cobwebs and dust. He plopped down on a chair that filled the air with dust. The air reeked like something had died in here and some sensation burned his eyes a bit. It didn't matter, he needed to take pressure off his leg. Sage took the pistol from his side and set it on the arm of the chair. With a wince he pulled his leg up to examine it closer. The bullet didn't go through itw was stuck somewhere in the wound. He needed to patch it up soon as it was still bleeding. He set his leg next to the other and slouched down in the chair.

It had been a couple hours, Kai was probably back in the bubble by now. He'd hunt him down again no doubt. What was his deal? Sage's endless questions kept growing. He kept meeting people but none of them gave him answers. Is everyone against him? Sure felt like it most of the time, the little down time he had was usually spent hiding. There was Blair, she was nice to him but even she abandoned him. Could he trust her? Was she doing ok? So many questions, but not a single answer. Sage sighed laying his head into his palms. He was losing hope by the day, just when he thinks he's getting close something happens. He grabbed his gun and put it back into his belt. He stood up and limped back to the door. Before reaching it a soft voice rang through the empty halls. "Where are you going?"

Sage stopped dead in his tracks and looked back with wide eyes. It was a little girl, like him she was an Exile. She had bruises and cuts all over and looked like she hadn't eaten in a long while. "Um, I need to find something to fix my leg up with." He spoke now leaning on the wall. "I have a medkit, though I don't know how to use it." she said, gesturing to him to follow. Furrowing his brows he followed her to a small fort of which you'd expect from a kid. She disappeared into it without a word, he was too big to fit so he sat down next to it. Peeking inside he could see an abundance of things varying in use. There were blankets, stuffed animals, drawings, and wrappers and empty bags from what looked like the vending machine. Sage wondered how long she had been here alone in the dark. He felt bad but he was getting more and more weary of creating ties with people.

The girl returned with a sizable medkit and she offered it to him. In exchange he pulled out a bag of jerky and his canteen of water. "Here, you need this more than me." Sage had a warm smile. She hesitantly took it from him and chowed down on it. Meanwhile he opened up the kit and grabbed the tweezers. He took a deep breath and dug around the wound. He winced the entire time of trying to find the bullet. Upon finding it he yanked it out and cursed under his breath. Before it began to bleed again he grabbed a couple of disinfectant wipes and put them on his leg and wrapped bandages around them. He let out a sigh wiping his brow. To finish his procedure he took a few painkillers. It was far from the worst he'd been through.

The girl was looking at Sage while off in her own world. "Are you ok? You seem like you have some injuries yourself." he brought up. She snapped back into reality looking through her brown hair. "Oh, no, don't worry mister I'm alright. Just got in a bit of an argument with the store clerk. He wasn't very nice." she rambled. Looking at her she couldn't be more than eleven or so. "If you want I can get you some food before I leave." Sage offered. She seemed to have her own idea. "Could I come with you?" she asked. Sage thought about his situation, but he didn't want to leave her here. He'd have to buy and worry about twice as much. Though she wouldn't make it at this rate. Sage caved and stood up feeling a bit more nimble. "Let's start with a trip to the store. What's your name by the way?" he asked curiously. She pondered the question and shrugged. "I don't remember my name." He wasn't surprised, so in turn he thought of a name. "How about I call you Amber?" he suggested. She nodded but looked up at him. "I like it, but uh, what made you think of it?" she stood up wiping off her clothes. She wore a pink jacket with a white shirt paired with shorts. Sage straightened his duster and smiled. "Fits your syrupy colored eyes I suppose. Oh, and I'm Sage by the way." the two exchanged a smile. He then walked to the door making sure she followed.

Sage opened the door blinded momentarily by the midday light. Amber had grabbed the back of his duster. He walked to a store across town that wouldn't recognize her. The clerk rolled her eyes seeing the Exiles enter the store. Sage looked down at Amber. "You can get what you want, I'll buy it for you." She nodded and looked around the store. Sage waited near the register for her. She came back with a few types of candy and sandwich of some kind. The clerk had a glare on her face throughout the transaction. Sage sighed and walked out with Amber. "People think they're so important and so much better than us." he mumbled to himself. He had to find some Shadows. He had been in the open way to long already. He was in no place to be testing his luck.

Sage kept a slow but steady pace for his leg and for Amber. The painkillers were helping but his leg was sore and beginning to tighten up. He made it to the homebase of the Shadows, he'd only been there once but they have signs that lead you here if you have a keen enough eye. He looked for weeks and couldn't find them after all. Amber stopped and tugged at Sage's duster. "Sage, why are we going in here?" she asked with concern in her tone. "I have some connections here, they're friends and they'll keep us safe." he reassured her. Amber nodded and followed him in. Everyone looked at them and smiles spread on their faces. They were happy to see he was safe and just to see him at all. Someone who wasn't so in awe walked to him. "Who's the girl? Blairs the only one who can bring in people. Now that you're an Exile you're not hot stuff so don't act like it." she threatened him and pushed him back. Sage furrowed his brow and straightened his coat. "Sorry ma'am, but I'm not here to start drama. If you would please leave me be, I'm mainly here to find Blair. So if you'd be so kind?" The woman grumbled and led him to an office area where Blair was looking through documents.

The woman cleared her throat. "Visiter for you, Sorr-, Sage to be more specific." Blair's head looked up at the three in front of her with wide eyes. "You made it, I wasn't sure. You sure are having a lot of close calls. You can leave Elley." The woman shoulder checked Sage on the way out. Blair's focus went to the girl gripping the man's duster. "Sage, who's the little lady with you?" Sage and Amber's eyes met for a moment. "Well when I was hiding I found her all alone, I was thinking she'd be in good hands with you all." he explained. "Of course, you won't have to worry. Try not to worry her though, she may miss you while you're out risking your neck." Sage and Blair shared a laugh. Sage kneeled down to Amber's height. "You'll be safe here, I'd love to take you with me but I don't want to put you in danger." Amber teared up and hugged Sage tightly. Sage tried to hold back tears but this was a new feeling. One of the few happy ones. He hugged Amber back. "I'll be back, I promise." Blair walked to the two and placed a hand on Sage. "What are you planning on doing?" she asked. Sage stood up with confidence and smiled. "I'm gonna finish what the old me couldn't. Kai has secrets, I'll find them. Then, well I'll see what happens." he responded. Bair smiled a nervous smile but had hope in him. "Don't forget, you're one of us. We have your back so don't be afraid to ask for help." Sage nodded and looked around the office. "You wouldn't happen to be able to spare a bed for me would you? I'd like to rest up and devise a plan." Blair smiled and gestured to the two to follow. "Always room for one more, these beds will be for you guys." It was a room full of cots for sleeping. "Thank you Blair, I owe you big time." She just laughed and shook her head. "Nope, I still owe you. If you want we'll consider it even." Sage nodded and smiled. It was great to see Exiles happy for a change.

It had been another hour and the sun had finally set. Everyone was called for dinner. It was a lot better than with the Forsaken. Everyone was laughing and telling stories to each other. They all were friends and treated each other like family. It amazed him really. Amber was happy to be eating a meal, Blair was enjoying herself. The mood was contagious; he couldn't help but smile. Listening in on conversations lots of people were talking about him. Exiles and people alike seem to have tales to spin about Sage, who was quiet but happy so the others left him to own space. He knew he was welcome to join in if he wanted, they made sure of that.

Dinner ended and things quieted down. Most people went to bed, others that stayed up later continued their conversations. The base was so nice and welcoming, people were free to do as they pleased and live as well as they can. It was a pretty easy life here. Guess that's why he can't stay. Sage was sitting in a chair on the roof. He had some coco that Blair made up for herself in the evenings. The night was peaceful, people were turning out their lights and stores were closing. The moon gave the bubble a soft glow. Amber came up wrapped in her blanket. "Whatcha doing up here?" she asked sitting and leaning against his leg. "I like to come outside and think at night. It's relaxing if you ask me. What're you doing out of bed?" he asked in return. "I had a nightmare again. I got too scared to try and go back to sleep." she yawned. Sage nodded, when he was recovering from the fall he had nightmares and trauma. It was hard to decide if it hurt more to sleep or stay up to feel his wounds.

"Hey Sage, when are you leaving?" her tone seemed sad again. Sage looked down at her. "A couple days probably, but don't worry. I'll be back before you know it." he said softly. Amber smiled and closed her eyes. Sage smiled and took a swig of the hot coco. When he finished he carefully carried Amber back to her cot before laying in his own. The noise of soft chatter lulled him to sleep to the land of dreams. Hope is a powerful thing. Though it's hard to come by, so you have to hold onto it tight. Everything is changing and hope is so easy to destroy.

Sage awoke in a cold sweat. Same nightmare, different night, he couldn't let Kai kill him. It wasn't so bad before but now he had people who cared about him. He checked his phone, it displayed four in the morning. A piece of china hit the floor and shattered. Sage slowly stood up and grabbed his pistol. He was limping again, the painkillers effectiveness had ceased. He held the rough texture of the grip tightly. The air was still and everything was silent again. Though a few whispers could be heard towards the kitchen. The darkness revealed three men in front of him. Though he couldn't see their face he knew they were looking at him. "Who the hell are you?!" he pointed the gun towards the men. One laughed, a familiar laugh, a laugh that sent a shiver down Sage's spine. "Mornin' Sage, didn't mean to wake you. This was supposed to be a quick in and out." Sage raised an eyebrow and pointed the gun at the man he identified as Kai. "What the hell do you mean?" Kai pulled a bottle and a lighter along with the other two. "Let's get this show on the road! Wouldn't want to disappoint our friend here!" Kai shouted, waking a few more people. The bottles were lit and Kai slammed one on the floor between them. "I'll leave the rest to you. Make sure that one and their leader doesn't escape. I want them both dead, thanks!" He pocketed his hands in his denim jeans and walked out the door.

Kai's goons threw more molitavs around the room. Sage rammed his shoulder through blairs private room. "Blair get up NOW!" he shouted and practically ripped her from the bed. He dragged her to all the other rooms. "Sage what's going on? This isn't funny." she mumbled still barely up. "Kai has his goons are burning the place to the ground and if we don't get out fast we're as good as dead." he explained waking up many of the people. Blair began to smell the burning alcohol and finally put the pieces together. "Shit, alright I know I've split off with you a lot but you've got to go after him. Stay away from us and learn what you need. Then comes to us with a plan. I'll do what I can here." Sage nodded and ran back to where the goons were. He tried to just bolt for the door but his leg locked up and he tripped. One of the goons laughed and looked down at him. "Round two eh? I think I'm beginning to like you!" he laughed reaching for Sage. In reaction he pulled out his gun and pistol whipped the goon. Quickly after he pulled the trigger and shot the goon between the eyes. The other one jumped for him, he got hold of Sage's duster and pulled him into the fire. Sage cried out and kicked the goon with his good leg and rolled away. Sage limped out and patted the fire covering his clothes. He traveled the entire night to a roof building where he laid down.

More pain, old and new both physical and mental. Never without new pains, never a simple way to live. The back of his arms, his back and his left leg had first and second degree burns. He looked up at the top of the bubble and tried to not move. What was he going to do? No, he had to take it one step at a time. He needed to take care of himself, he needed to stop by the pharmacy. He sat up wincing at the burning. His clothes didn't look too bad so he headed into town to get the supplies he'd need. He had to act normal which was hard when it hurt to move at all. The pharmacy clerk, like most people, ignored him and just wanted him out of the establishment. He bought lots of bandages and a bottle of painkillers. Sage sat on the stairs of an apartment complexes fire escape and wrapped himself up. He then popped a couple of painkillers to ease the pain. Now it was time to come up with a plan to stop Kai. More importantly find out what he has to hide.

Sage looked to the rising sun with grief in his eyes. He wanted to quit and just give in, but he couldn't. He had people waiting for him and it was on his shoulders. The lingering question of he who was he still remained. All he knew was that his name was Sorren, and he was a big deal among the Exiles. Guess he really was important. Sage sighed and stood up looking over the bubble. The burns were only uncomfortable now that the painkillers had set in. He climbed down the building and landed on his feet. He had to figure out who Kai was. Where to start?