chapter 5: the god

A few days later.

"Hey I thought that you said that he is supposed to wake up in a few days." Lunes asked

"Just give a few more hours." Alexander said

"Hey." Tatsou whispered. "You're too loud."

"You ok." Lunes said as she came over to him

"See I told you when I come back I would speak english." Tatsou said as he sat up. "And what I am."

"What do you mean?" Echo asked

"Yep what do you mean?" Akihiko asked

"Let me put it in simple terms I'm a god." Tatsou said as he looked at them

"A what!" Lunes yelled

"A god." Tatsou repeated again

"That's amazing!" Echo yelled as she came over to him. "Your a dragon and a god."

"No more like the dragon god." Akihiko said as he also came over

"Still cool!" Echo yelled as she got in his face

"Um can you backup please." Tatsou said

"Sorry." Echo said as she got out of his face

"What god are you?" Liam asked

"Dragon god Xiuhcoatl." Tatsou replied

"What!" Lunes yelled

"They meet him." Tatsou said as he pointed to Echo and Alexander

"We did?" Echo asked

"Yes Echo." Alexander said as he looked at Echo

"Oh right we did." Echo said

"My question is why does Seifer want you?" Akihiko asked

"I guess because I'm a god and he thinks I can be reincarnated but this is the last that I can do that." Tatsou said

"So it's like your final death?" Lunes asked

"No his final death with mine." Tatsou said as he looked down

"So that means he's not getting reincarnated?" Akihiko asked

"Yes that's right." Tatsou said as he looked at them

"But why does he think you can be reincarnated?" Lunes asked

"Don't know." Tatsou said

"You screamed Sis a while ago." Alexander said

"Yes she came with me but I don't know where she went." Tatsou replied

"Is she the same as you?" Echo asked

"Sort of but she doesn't have the dragon half but she is more human than I am." Tatsou said

"That means she could've died." Liam said

"No if she did I would." Tatsou cut off his sentence

"Hey what is it?" Akihiko asked

"Something is coming over here and it feels like it doesn't have a soul like it's dead." Tatsou said as he looked over next to him past Akihiko

"What do you mean?" Echo said as she looked at the same direction

"Hello. Hello." Seifer said as he came out with something in front of him

"Hello there to Xiuhcoatl." the father said as he followed behind Seifer

"He's scared." Tatsou whispered

"What did you say?" Echo asked as she looked over at him

Then Seifer dropped the object.

"Hey do you know what this is." the father said as he walked forward next to the object and held out his hand and a soul looking thing was in his hand

"What is that?!" Alexander yelled

"He should know." the father said as he pointed to Tatsou

"Give her back!" Tatsou yelled as he got up and started running towards him

"Tatsou wait you're what they want!" Echo yelled as she went after him

"A bit closer." the father whispered

"Tatsou stop!" Xiuhcoatl yelled at him

"Tatsou!" Echo yelled

"Sorry." Xiuhcoatl said as he took possession of him

"Ah come on why do you do that it was just getting started." the father said as he looked at him

"Give her back coward." Xiuhcoatl said

"You're also being a coward." the father said

"No we're not." Xiuhcoatl said

Echo jumps up behind him and lunges at the father.

"I've been waiting for you too." Seifer said as he came at her

She came closer to him and Akihiko put a force field around her and spirit things came out again.

"Go we're getting out of here." Xiuhcoatl said as he grabbed the figure

"Come back here." Seifer said as he tried to reach for him but the spirit things attacked him. "Ah."

"Alexander catch!" Xiuhcoatl yelled as he through the figure and ran and Echo followed behind him

The force field disappeared and they were still running.

"No lemme at him!" Tatsou yelled

"No I can't let you do that you're not ready for him you can't even control your powers yet." Xiuhcoatl said to him

"I don't care I want her back." Tatsou said back

"We aren't ready yet." Xiuhcoatl said as he stopped

"We can take him." Tatsou said

"Fine if you want to die." Xiuhcoatl said as he stopped and turned around

"Tatsou?" Echo said as she stopped and turned around

"I've got him go!" Xiuhcoatl said

"No I'll stay here with you." Echo said

"Suit yourself if you die it is not my problem." Xiuhcoatl said as he looked at her

"Right." Echo said as she came up beside him

Xiuhcoatl changed to his dragon form (awakened form) so did Echo.

"Your form looks so much better than mine does." Echo said as she looked at him

"Pay attention." Xiuhcoatl said to her as he looked at her

"Alright." Echo said as she faced forward

"So it's just you two." the father said as he started walking to them

"Wait where's Echo?" Akihiko asked

"Don't know but what's with this body it's creepy." Alexander said as he looked at it

"What do you mean?" Lunes asked as she came over to him

"We should more worried about Echo and Tatsou." Liam said as he also came over to them

"Come at us!" Echo yelled at him

"With pleaser." the father said as he ran at her

Seifer came at Tatsou with his sword.

"Oh god." Xiuhcoatl said as he flew up

"Not today." Echo said as she breathed fire at him

He had a shield up around him as he came at her.

"Echo where are you!" Akihiko yelled

Then something flew past him.

"What the hell was that!" Akihiko yelled

Alexander put down the body and came over to Akihiko.

"What's wrong?" he asked

"Some flew past me." Akihiko replied

Seifer came out were the object flew from.

"Oh hi there." Seifer said to them

"This guy is starting to get on my nerves." Liam said as he walked over

"Who said I was done with you." Echo said as she came out of the woods (was the object thrown)

"Echo?" Akihiko asked

"Oh hi guys." Echo said as she looked at them

"Where's Tatsou?" Alexander asked

"He's fine." Echo replied

"Are you sure?" Akihiko asked

"Pretty much." Echo said

"Stop talking." Seifer said as he came at Echo

"Whoa." Echo said as she jumped back and changed to her human form

"Echo!" Akihiko yelled as he came at him

"Com on guys we better get moving." Alexander said as he picked up the body and started running

The other two followed behind him. While they were running they saw Tatsou.

"We need to help him." Lunes said as she stopped

"He's got this." Alexander said as he also stopped

"My body still can't handle this." Tatsou said as he started painting

"Just handle it for a bit longer." Xiuhcoatl said to him. "Don't show it to him."

"He's not alright." Alexander said to himself as he dropped the body ran to Tatsou

"I'm sorry." Tatsou said as he changed to his human form and was about to fall to the ground

"Finally." the father said as he got his sword ready to stab him

Alexander slid over there and grabbed him and his sword missed him.

"Not to day." Alexander said as he turned around and stabbed him

Seifer came out of nowhere. "My lord!" he yelled as he came out.

"I got it." Alexander said to himself

"You got lucky son." the father said as he disappeared and Seifer disappeared as well

Echo came flying in with Akihiko.

"Where did he go?" she asked

"He's gone." Liam replied

"So you two alright?" Lunes asked

"Yup." Echo replied

"Well I got what I needed." Alexander said as he went to the body and put Tatsou down

"What do you mean?" Echo asked

"I want to see what my father's blood will do." Alexander said

He kneeled in front of the body and started using his father's blood.

"Something's wrong." he said as he continued

"Like what?" Lunes asked

"Can't tell yet." Alexander said *cough*

"Are you alright?" Echo asked

"Yes I'm fine." Alexander said back *cough*

Tatsou looked over and saw him.

"Wait no you can't use his blood it's not good!" He yelled as he tried to push him away

"I can't move my body." Alexander whisphered

Alexander started coughing some more.

"I can't move." Alexander said to himself

Then he started coughing up blood then he passed out. (when he woke up he was somewhere white)

"Where am I?" Alexander asked

"Hi." a voice said behind him

He turned around to see a girl standing behind him.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked

"I'm her." she said

"Who." Alexander asked again

"The body. I can't stay here but at least I can talk to someone and by the way never use his blood you might have been speared today but maybe not next time." the girl said

"At least do it for Tatsou and at one point you will have your soul back." Alexander said to her

"No my soul is already gone b/c all I wanted to do is see Tatsou so it's already gone before they could use it." the girl said

"But at least talk to him." Alexander said

"I will." the girl said. "Oh and here."

Alexander woke up.

"Whoa what happened?" Alexander asked

"Your ok!" Echo yelled as she came over to him

"How is she?" he asked

"She?" Liam asked

"The body." Alexander replied

"Oh don't know" Lunes said

"Please help her Xiuhcoatl." Tatsou whispered to himself

"I'm sorry but I can't do anything." he said back

"It's already done Tatsou." Xiuhcoatl said

"What do you mean?" Tatsou asked

"He did it sort of but there's nothing else he can do." Xiuhcoatl replied

"Tatsou I'm sorry but she's not coming back." Alexander said to him

"I know but why didn't she talk to to me?" Tatsou asked

"She will." Alexander said

Tatsou heard a voice in his head.

"Hey." the voice said

"Sis." Tatsou said

"Xiuhcoatl are you taking care of him?" she asked

"Yes I am miss." Xiuhcoatl replied

"That's good to know." the voice said

"Sis what you going to do?" Tatsou asked

"Oh I can't do anything but I can stay here with you." she said. "Now remember I gave him to you as a birthday present and so he is still connected to me."

"Ok but where will you be?" Tatsou asked

"Mentally but not physically." She said

"Alright." Tatsou said. "What about your body."

"It will disappear." she said

"Tatsou." Echo said as she came over and touched his shoulder

"She's ok!" Tatsou yelled as he came over and hugged Alexander

"Yes I know." Alexander said

They looked over and saw the body disappear.

"The hell! Lunes yelled

"It's alright she's still here." Tatsou said as he poked his head

"Alright?" Liam said

"We need to go and get your father and kill him for the pain he's caused." Akihiko said

"Not yet he might've do it but we are just not ready yet." Tatsou said

"What do you mean?" Echo asked

"When me and Xiuhcoatl was fighting your father he was strange." Tatsou said

"What do you mean?" Alexander asked

"Like he was a different person." Tatsou said

"I'll be back." Alexander said as he got up and walked off

He walked to a river Tatsou's sisters voice came into his head.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked

"The scars hurt." Alexander said

"The scars?" She asked

"From my father." Alexander replied

"Wait let me see here in your mind turn." she said as she came over and lifted his shirt

"So?" he asked

"Tatsou." she whispered. "Alexander I don't know what to do but your scars aren't normal."

"What?" Alexander asked

"Let me get Tatsou." she said. "Tatsou."

"Guys we have to go to Alexander." Tatsou said as he looked at Echo

Echo was the first one to run off.

"Wait for us!" Akihiko yelled as he ran too

They all ran to where Alexander was.

"They are here." the sister said

"Brother!" Echo yelled as she started going up there

"Wait Echo!" Tatsou said as he grabbed her arm

"Why?" Akihiko asked as he came up next to him

"Sis said that he can't control them." Tatsou said

"What do you mean?" Lunes asked

"Ug." Alexander said

"Tatsou I can't help him any more than I have." his sister said

"Alright, Akihiko can you put up your shield?" Tatsou asked

"Why?" Akihiko asked

"Just do it around Alexander." Tatsou said

"Alright." Akihiko said as he put up his shield around him

Then another voice started coming out Alexander's mouth.

"So glad to see you." the voice said

"Alexander!" Echo yelled as she started walking up to him

"No stay away." Alexander said as he also put a bigger shield

"Sis." Tatsou whispered

"Don't know how it will go." she said

"Just try for Echo." Tatsou said

"Let's go." she said

Tatsou started walking forward towards Alexander.

"Ready." Tatsou said

"Tatsou?" Echo said

A version of a girl came to the side of him.

"Who is that?" Lunes asked

"Sis now!" Tatsou yelled

"Alright Tatsou!" she said as changed to a white dragon

"Let us in!" Tatsou yelled as he started running

"Alright." Akihiko said as his shield disappeared

They got in and Akihiko put back up his shield. Tatsou and his sister stopped running.

"Alexander put down your shield!" the sister yelled

"I can't." Alexander said

"It's his father's blood it got him and it's gaining control of his body." his sister said

"So what can we do?" Tatsou asked

"Don't know." his sister replied

"Alexander you have to so we can help you!" Tatsou yelled

"Alright then." Alexander said

"Not today." the voice said as he warped Alexander in front of him with his sword out

"Brother!" the sister yelled

She grabbed Alexander and threw him.

"Thanks." Tatsou said

"Alexander try to get rid of your father's blood." the sister said

"Echo!" Tatsou yelled

"On my way! Akihiko let it down." Echo said as she started running

"Alright I will still be here." Akihiko said as he put his shield down

"Thank you." Echo said

She got in and takeled Alexander.

"Please get a grip!" Echo yelled

"I'm sorry but I can't!" Alexander yelled

"Brother she is the only one that can help him." the sister said in his mind

"What do you mean?" Tatsou asked

"They're siblings." the sister said

"But they don't look like it." Tatsou said

"They are." she said

"Alright but what is she going to do?" Tatsou asked

"Let her figure it out." the sister said

"Alright." Tatsou said

"Give him back!" Echo yelled

"No he's my puppet." the voice said

Akihiko released his shield and went up to Alexander and hugged him.

"Thank you for Echo." Akihiko whispered

"Yes." Alexander said

Then the wind started picking up.

"What is going on?" Lunes asked

Tatsou came running up.

"We got to move!" he yelled as he came running over

"We can't leave them!" Liam yelled

"We're going to have to." Tatsou said as he grabbed Lunes's hand

"Alright." Liam said as he followed behind them

"Sis are you still there?" Tatsou asked

"Yes I am." she replied

"Are we far enough?" Tatsou asked

"I think so." the sister said

They all stopped.

"What's going to happen to them?" Lunes asked

"Don't know but she said to get away from there." Tatsou said

"What's happening?" the voice asked

"It's time for you to get out of my body." Alexander said

"Echo you ready?" Tatsou's sister asked

"Yes." Echo replied

"Let's begin." she said

"Alright." Echo said

Tatsou's sister grabbed Echo's hand.

"Akihiko get ready." Echo whispered as she grabbed his hand

"What are you doing?!" The voice yelled

A light came from behind them.

"You! I thought you were dead!" the voice yelled

"No." it said

"Mom." Alexander said

"Time for you to get out of my son!" she yelled as she ran at them

She went through all of them.

"I love you two Alexander, Echo." she said as she disappeared with the voice

The wind stopped and they let go of each other and Tatsou's sister was gone.

"Mom." Alexander said as he dropped to the ground

"Alexander what's wrong?" Akihiko asked

"Mom." Echo said as she looked at him

"Come on you two let's go." Akihiko said as he tried pulled Alexander up

"Alright let's go." Alexander said as he got up

They got back to the others.

"They're back!" Tatsou yelled as he came up to them

"Hey." Echo said

"Where's my sister?" Tatsou asked

"Don't know." Akihiko said

"She's gone." Echo said

"But I just saw her again." Tatsou said

"I know." Alexander said

"She helped us though she let us know where he is." Echo said

"Alright let's go I what to kill him for my sister for taking her twice." Tatsou said as he started walking

"Alright." the others said as they followed behind but Akihiko, Echo and Alexander

"You ready for this Echo, Akihiko?" Alexander asked

"Yep." they both said as they looked at him

"Let's go then." Alexander said as he started walking

They followed behind him.