Part 4

Blair and I left to go to the office. When we arrived I told her about my plan to train a new CEO. She was impressed by the idea but not happy that I might take my time from her while searching for candidates that I could work with. I assured her that while it's going to be a little time-consuming at the beginning, she would be my first priority.

Blair left me and my assistant to our work and she went home happy after a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"I need your help," I say, to my assistant

"With what?" he asked sceptically

"I want to plan the best first date for Blair but I have no idea what to do. Blair is a worldly girl. At her age, she's already been to many countries and experienced many cultures. I want it to be fun but it should allow us to talk."

"The fact that you will be there, I think will be enough for her. She loves you boss, whatever you plan will be just fine," he says

After that, we started planning the date for the coming weekend. We didn't get far because there was a lot of work to do but I had an idea and I hoped it would pan out.

When I got home my mother greeted me with a frown.

" Your aunt tells me you quit school, why?"

"I want to focus on finding someone to take over my business so that I can focus on the merger of the two new companies I will be in charge of. I already have the experience and I am working on my MBA so high school will just be taking up too much of my time." I explained

"I thought you wanted to have a normal high school experience Hunter?"

"Well, it would seem that father wants me to take over sooner rather than later so I have to be ready mother," I say

"Don't sass me, " she says

"Sorry," I say " But you know it's true"

She pulls me in for an embrace then strokes my hair for a little bit. She lets go and says;

"I tried to talk to your father about it but he is rather set in his ways."

"Thank you mother, but I know how he can be."

"Your sister has it easier, being the second born she doesn't have the same expectations that you shoulder."

"I would rather it be me than her mother." I smile.

We part ways and I go to my room to change into gym clothes. I work out for two hours and then shower. When I'm done I see that my phone has 5 missed calls from Blair and 7 messages. Oops.

I call her back,


"Why weren't you answering your phone, I was so worried. Open the door I'm outside your room."

"um, ok"

I drop the call and open the door and Blair barges into my room.

"Why are you in a towel," she asked with a blush.

"I just finished taking a shower, let me get dressed."

I walk into my closet and two minutes later walk out in Nike sweat pants and a tank top.

"So why didn't you answer my texts and calls?" She askes again

"I was in the gym," I say.


"Yeah, oh. Are you staying for dinner?"

"Might as well since I'm here."

We go downstairs and join my family for dinner my mother gives me a look but doesn't say anything. My father gives me a look of approval and my sister just rolls her eyes.

After dinner, I walk Blair to her car and she leaves. I go to bed.

The following morning at work I get a call from my father

"Hello, father, "

"We have decided to move the wedding up since you and Blair seem to be getting along. We are holding an engagement party this weekend. Find something suitable to wear."

"But father.."

"No buts, do as you're told."

"Yes, father," I say and drop the call

I call my assistant and ask him to set up an appointment with Marc Jacob'speople so that I can get a suit and also postpone the date.

 After that, I get into yet another meeting with incompetent business owners that think they are God's gift to the world. It's the life I live now. I try not to lose my cool especially after the call with my father but it gets more difficult as I get written off again for my age and sex.

"Enough! Get out of my building. I refuse to work with people that think they are God's gift to man, none of you has listened to a single idea I have pitched this entire meeting. You all insist that I know nothing about running a business, you seem to forget that I make more profit from my hotels than any of you do. So you are either going to sit and listen or get out."

"Let's not be rash.." says one of them

"Rash? I'm not being rash, we have been on this meeting for an hour, I have pitched four ideas, each of which have been shot down or ridiculed by all of you. You all came here for my help and yet have forgotten just who I am." I say "I make the rules here, so make your choice you either sit and we discuss your problems like grown business people or you can leave and find someone else who will help you."

They all sat down and the meeting was adjourned within an hour, ideas from everyone were taken into consideration and all the companies learned something new.

I went to my office to review some emails and plan for the engagement party, my mother was in charge so that meant I made final decisions only.

Lunchtime came around and I went to my suit appointment. I modelled a couple of suits and eventually chose a suit in dark blue with a black shirt.

Nothing exciting happened after lunch. Reviewed some documents for Blair's father's company just to familiarise myself with how it works. Then went home.