Part 7

It was the start of a new week, I had a lot planned with the new graduates. They were older than me but I had more experience than them so I knew they would listen and learn. 

Monday started with a call with Blair voicing her concerns about how I should not forget her now that I had two new 'toys' as she called them. I reassured her, again. I had breakfast and went to work. In the morning I had them shadowing my assistant so that they could learn the basics of how my day is scheduled and learn who is the important people in the company. In the afternoon they sat and memorised the different people I normally interact with so that when they go out with me they know who they are talking to. It was a large binder but they could take it home. 

I spent the day in my office and in and out of meetings. Next week I would be travelling with the graduates to open a new hotel. I was doing the last preparations for the opening and making sure that the investigation into Fields Corp was going according to plan. 

I spent lunch with Blair, but not too long because she was still attending school. I also asked her to attend the opening of the hotel with me. It would be full of media and it was a chance to show a united front as a new couple, especially with the wedding coming up. 

After work was ok my father got on my case again,

"Why don't you just sell the business?" he said

"Because I worked hard on it and I don't want to let go of it" I replied. 

"Is it about money, Grant Incorporated is twice the business yours in any way"

"It isn't about the money father, it's about the work I put into building it. Something you would not understand because your business was handed to you." 

"Don't take that tone with me," he warned

"It's the truth, grandfather built Grant Inc. the same way I built Hunt Hotels. It is something you would not understand so just stay out of it. I will take over Grant Inc. anyway as soon as it becomes Grant-Fields Corp." I said fed up with the conversation.

"As long as you do what you're supposed to do, also make sure you keep that girl happy."

"You of all people have no right to tell me what to do regarding how to keep a woman happy." and then I walked off

I heard him screaming at me to come back but I ignored him. I went to my room and screamed into the pillow. When the anger would not let up I went to the gym and used the punching bag for about an hour. When the anger dissipated I realised that I had forgotten to put on gloves but at least remembered to tape my fist. The pain was minor so far but I knew it would get worse if I didn't get it treated. I went to the person I always go to when this happens, Carrys.

"I don't understand why you let him get to you this much Hunter," she said 

"He just knows how to push my buttons Car," I replied

"Yeah but look at you now, when you got to work people will think you beat up others for a living," she said with a small smile

I laughed and shook my head.

She finished taking care of me and then I went to my room for the rest of the evening having dinner delivered to my room. I wasn't going to starve just because I didn't want to see my father. 

Tuesday was a better day. I got looks for the state of my hands but no one asked any questions. I didn't see Blair so no one nagged me about it either. So I would sum it up to a good day. 

The rest of the week went pretty much like Tuesday, I spent most of my time working and teaching the graduates about the hotel industry, I made sure to schedule time with them between meetings. They attended meetings I thought they could learn something from about how I conduct business and how I run my chain. They were absorbing as much as they could; I was happy to learn that they both had a lot of potential, but Adrianna seemed to be putting in more effort than Shaqueal. I think she would make me proud. Shaqueal needs to step up if he wants a shot at the end of the apprenticeship. 

We were headed to Japan, Kobe to open a new hotel there. I loved the culture there and the food, so I was excited to be spending a week in Japan. We had hired three translators in Kobe that would be assisting us once we landed. I had a private jet that would be taking us there. Blair had taken the week off from school so she was travelling with us as well. 

Blair was being dropped off by a chauffeur service so she had yet to see the bruises on my hands. When she arrived it was like she was on the runway, the wind was blowing at just the right speed as she got out tussling her hair in just the right way, she flipped it over her shoulder and walked towards the jet. I could see Shaqueal gawking at her and I gave him a slight tap over the head. Blair walked towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek when she stepped into my arms. I held her for a few seconds as I greeted her. The picture-perfect couple.

We got into the jet and waited for clearing to take off. Once we were in the sky we unfasted our belts and got comfortable. I had already introduced Blair when we were on the ground to the graduates. Adrianna and Blair got to talking while I went over the new documents sent to me about Field Corp. It was concerning just how far back the embezzlement went and that no one had noticed it. It meant I had to address this issue before the merger or things would head south pretty quick and it had to be done without media presence. 

After 10 hours of flying, I sent Blair into the bedroom of the jet and told her to get comfortable. Shaqueal and Adrianna got comfortable on the couches and were provided blankets for their rest. Once they were situated I joined Blair. She had changed into a chemise and was laying on top of the bed on her phone. I took of my tie, waistcoat and shoes then climbed into the bed with her. As soon as I was situated she climbed onto my lap.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm starting to think you don't want me, we have been alone before and you never touch me so I am taking things into my own hands" she said

Blair came closer and moved her face towards mine, her lips were centimetres away from mine. I could taste her breath at this point. She took my  hands and placed them on her hips and I kissed her. Her lips were so soft. She moaned into the kiss, and I then moved my hands towards her ass and I moved her closer. I nipped her lower lip and she keened. She put her arms on my shoulders and moved her lips with mine. She parted her lips and I then got the first taste of her, she tasted of cherries and coffee. I kneaded her ass and she bucked her hips into mine. I could feel the heat coming from her centre on my stomach. It was making me wet. I was becoming light headed so I pulled away from the kiss and was breathing hard. I kissed down the column of her neck to her clavicle and back up to her lips where I kissed her again. Blair was also breathing hard and making little noises of enjoyment. It was getting warmer in the room. I moved my hand to her breast and brushed her nipple with the palm of my hand over her chemise. She bucked her hips again. I took one breast in my hand and felt the weight on it. I teased her nipple a little bit while she made little noises. We continued to make out for a while until our lips were swollen.

 I pulled away for a breath and said


"Yeah" she said breathless

Blair laid her head on my chest and I rubbed her back with my hand and the other stayed on her ass. We stayed like that for a while before we moved down onto the bed and fell asleep.

Overall it was a great flight.