Part 11

We got to the kitchen, I sat her down at the table furthest from the door, closed the door.

"Would you like something to drink?" I ask

"Some water please,"

I get her a bottle from the fridge and sit down adjacent to her.

"I would like you to tell me how much you know about him and also tell me a little about yourself," I say leaning back

"You're not going to grill me on why I'm here?"

"No, we will get to the why later, I would first like to know a little about you and what you know about father," I reply

She sighs and takes a sip of water

"Well you know my name is Knox, I use my mother's surname which is Avery. I am recently 14 years old, I live with my aunt and her family but they kicked me out. My mother told me who my father was a long time ago, I just have never had any need to find him before. She told me about they had an affair and that when she told him she was pregnant with me, he simply told her that he already had the heir he wanted and his wife was already pregnant with a spare. He did not want to be a part of my life then, so I never saw any reason to include him. My mother loved him but she knew he didn't really love her, so when he disappeared she also left it at that."

"You are not wrong for wanting him to stay out of your life, he is not winning a father of the year award anytime soon," I said rolling my eyes.

"May I ask as to what happened that you came to live with your aunt, and why you got kicked out?" I asked politely

"My mother died 3 years ago, she got sick and couldn't afford the care she needed. My aunt is the only other family she had, so I was sent to live with them. My aunt had never been really close with my mom, she was reluctant but her husband insisted. She gave me the basic things I needed to survive and her husband provides most of what I have. She didn't like it at all, she has been accusing me of trying to 'steal' him, and so when he went on a trip out of town yesterday, she made me pack all my things. I stayed at a friend's house last night but they aren't well off and won't be able to feed another kid. Coming here was my only option, other than foster care anyway." Knox explained

"I am glad you came here, my mother and sister, Carys, will be the last people to turn you away," I said putting my hand on top of hers.

"I knew not to expect much from him, but I didn't expect your mom to get angry on my behalf. Your sister," she looked at me searchingly.

"Carys?" I added

"Yeah Carys, she had to drag her off him. You arrived not long after," she laughed shakingly

"My mother is amazing, fierce and while she is stuck with him, she doesn't let him get away much," I said with a smile while rubbing her arm.

"Where are all your things?" I asked

"I left them at my friend's house, I wasn't sure what was going to happen when I got here. Speaking of, what is going to happen?" she asked with a slight head tilt.

"We," I said gesturing to Knox and myself

"... are going to go and pick them up, you will be moving in here. We will sort out the documentation through our lawyers but that's not for you to worry about. You will worry about school, homework and assignments. Just like with Carys, my mother and I will be here for you if you ever need anything,"

"That's it? No DNA test? Nothing?" she asked confused.

"Yes, that's it, we have had a few women come to us claiming that my father was their 'baby-daddy', but you have genetic markers that have been present in my family for generations. Dominant genes that have a tendency to be missing in those claims, and aren't even aware you have them. So yes, no DNA test maybe a doctor's appointment for routine care," I said while getting up.

She stood up and followed me to find the rest of my family, we found them in the sitting room. Still separated, my father had been attended to and had changed. My mother had a plaster on her knuckles as well. Carys was sitting next to my mother on her phone, she looked up as we walked in and nudged my mother.

"I'm taking Knox to go and fetch her belongings, please have a room prepared for her while I'm gone. We will also have to settle the matter of custody and school change."

"Who said she's moving in here?" my father shouted

"I did. Seeing as you have failed yet another child as a father, I have made the executive decision to invite her to live with her family. I do not care for your opinion on this matter, all I need from you is to settle the custody placement, and have your assistant arrange for her transfer. Your involvement in her life is purely on paper, if I hear you that even breathed on her in a threatening manner, I will wear your testicles as a necklace," I said in a strong calm voice, while never breaking eye contact with him.

He twitched and finally nodded. I nodded in response, I turned to look at my mother and she had a small proud smile. I smiled back and nodded at Carys. I turned to Knox and saw she was starting to tear up, I pulled her into my arms and held her tight. She laid her head on my chest and sobbed silently. My mom got up and put one hand on her shoulder and another on mine, Knox looked up at her, tears down her face.

"You have a family here Knox, and we can't wait to get to know you better," said my mother, she then brushed Knox's cheek with her thumb and kissed her forehead.

My mother left after sparking a new bout of sobbing. Knox tightened her arms around my torso, and I put a hand on her head soothingly. We stood together for the while, me as her comfort and strength. It was a new beginning in her life, she could finally relax and be a child. I could feel the tension leave her body the longer we stood, not once did I waver and eventually she looked up at me.

"Thank you," she said with a watery smile
