Part 13

It has been a week since Knox has come to live with us. She has moved to the same school as Carys, it is a private school so she is still adjusting to the new environment. Knox has assured me that she's ok but I still can't help but worry. Carys has been making sure to make her feel welcome. I am proud of her, she has always been the youngest and is taking the role of Knox's big sister very seriously. Father has been spending more time at work than at home. Mother, Blair and Mrs Fields have been preparing for the upcoming wedding. I can't believe it's been a month already.

Every day at dinner we sit around and discuss our day Knox has been opening up a little more, she is still apprehensive to ask for things but we have all taken time to listen and learn her non-verbal actions. The differences in her silence when she's tired or upset. How she responds to the taste and textures of different food. Knox has shown that she appreciates the extra care for her comfort in her own way. She's very brash and prone to outbursts, but with patience and understanding. Our family heart has grown bigger.

Things at my company have been quiet but the graduates have been doing well. Fields Corp has some ways to go in terms of recovery. The merge has begun sooner than anticipated but in the long run, it will be for the best.


Today Blair and I have a date. I had planned for us to spend the entire day together. I had been very busy and so had she. I picked her up at her house, she was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, and a black tank top with a checkered black and green shirt over it. Sneakers and she had a small backpack instead of a handbag. I was wearing black jeans, green vans, and a dark green golf shirt.

I got out of the car to open the door for her and she gave me a kiss on the cheek before she got inside. I drove off to our first location.

"Where are we going?" she asked

I turned to answer her and noticed the butterfly necklace, the same one.


Today our class had a field trip to a butterfly sanctuary. I was sitting next to Blair on the bus, she was practically vibrating in her seat for most of the ride. She spent a good portion of it talking about all the different types she wanted to see. I bearly got a word in. I didn't mind anyway, I enjoy seeing her so happy.

We arrived and got into our lines, Blair was my 'buddy' for the trip and was holding my hand tightly. I turned to her as they were explaining the rules of our visit. She was intensely focused on the guide, absorbing every word. Then she turned to me and smiled, her smile was so bright it lit up her eyes and the world around me. My ten-year-old mind had no way of processing the beauty that was currently in front of me. The world seemed brighter at that moment, anything was possible.

We entered the sanctuary and went to different habitats filled with different types of flowers and butterflies. Everywhere we went they would sit on Blair's head as she walked. She lit up like the Aurora Borealis each time. The necklace in my pocket got heavier as the day wore on.

We moved on the lunch and this was my chance.

"Blair," I said.

"Hm," she looked up.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the little packet that was been there since this morning. I gave to her with a shy smile. She took it and wiped her hands on her shirt before she opened it. Inside the small packet, she pulled out a gold chain, at the end of the chain was a butterfly and two letters. H and B.

Blair looked up from the necklace at me, then looked back down at it. She held it like it was the most precious thing in the world

"I will wear this forever," She said.

She then came over to me and I set it around her neck, my hands were shaking it took me three tries to get it on. She turned around with a big smile and hugged me tightly.

~End flashback~

"You still wear that necklace?" I asked.

She reached to it and touched it lightly, she gave me a soft smile and said,

"Of course, I will wear it forever,"

We arrived at the same butterfly sanctuary an hour later, as soon as she saw the sign Blair lit up as she had the first time we came together.

"I can't believe you still remember this place," she said.

"This place is where I knew that I loved you," I replied.

"You love me?" She asked with trepidation.

"I never stopped," I said looking at her with a smile.

Blair unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed over the centre console into my arms and pulled me into a hug. She held me for a bit and then she kissed me softly, I could feel her tears on my face. She pulled back from the kiss with tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips.

"I love you too Hunter," she said softly.

I wiped her tears with my thumbs and pulled her close. I smiled and I kissed her again. A sweet kiss, full of love and happiness. I have been in love with this woman for a long time. While I wish our engagement were different, I would take her any way I could get her.

We got out of the car hands wound together, ready for our tour. This time as a real couple. No hidden feelings, no apprehension, just H and B.