Chapter 12

"Princess Everly?" Kai's pupils shrank when he heard that name.

Kai's memory went back to when he first met Princess Everly when he first thought that the Princess was actually a Prince.

When Kai first saw 'him' he stood tall and had an imperial air, he wore tight-fitted armor with his long vermillion hair tied back, which made Kai further think that she was a boy since the outline of 'his' figure was easily seen from 'his' clothing and revealed 'his' very flat-chest, but Kai still had some doubts because he never thought a boy's skin could appear so white and slender and have such a frail body and dainty facial features.

Kai didn't think much of it at the time, but he still thought if the 'Prince' would have been a woman, she would have been one of the most beautiful women he's ever seen even.

The surprise Kai felt when he found out the 'prince' was indeed actually a woman stunned him for a moment, he learned the Prince who was from the Fen Dynasty was actually the infamous Princess Everly.

Kai didn't care that much about how she portrayed herself, but for some reason, Princess Everly seemed to hate him and would always get on his nerves.

She acted vulgar like a man and unlike any noblewoman he's ever met before.

They would constantly butt heads when they met each other, either arguing, regularly throwing profanities at one another, or dueling to her last breath.

Kai was annoyed with Princess Everly's crude demeanor and deemed her as a ladyboy, never wanting to meet or interact with that bothersome 'Princess' ever again.

The thought of marrying her made Kai inwardly shudder, it would surely not be a pleasant experience at all, but on the other hand, Kai smiled as he thought of someone else who would make the perfect little wife.

Kai looked back at his mother and jeered

"You can't tell me what to do, I will be going to the Holy Continent soon and will not need to be wary of anyone."

Katherine laughed at her son's ignorance.

"Do you think that nearly becoming a Martial King you would be able to do whatever you wish?

Katherine could tell her son was very close to ascending to the next major realm, but she couldn't see his cyclones of Qi inside his Middle Dantian even with her great cultivation level.

"In the Holy Continent where every proud and talented youth gathers, Martial King's close to your age are a dime a dozen."

"Your cultivation won't impress them at all. There are also many gifted people who can fight above their realm against those with an Ancient Godly Bloodline, just by judging the realm you are in is useless."

Kai wanted to say he could too but decided to keep it to himself, but he was still surprised, he didn't know much about the Holy Continent, he only knew that there were 5 Holy Lands that roamed supreme in the World of Aeon. The Holy Continent was a gathering of old monsters, powerful beasts, genius's, young talents, and prodigies from all across the world.

What will happen when you condense all those heaven-defying individuals in an extremely competitive environment? Their rate of growth will be unparalleled of course.

Kai never heard of anyone his age reaching Martial King at 16 years old, even with the Ximen Family's mass information gathering ability, so he had a look of doubt on his face.

Katherine seemed to notice her son's uncertainty and laughed.

"The Holy Lands is like an entirely different world, it's practically impossible to get information from there all the way to here, there are also many who hide their strength until the very last possible moment they need to use it."

"Then how do you know?"

Katherine raised an eyebrow like the question he asked was absurd.

"Because I and your father went there."

Kai scolded himself inwardly for his stupid question but still rebutted her words.

"I don't care, there is still no way you will make me marry that vulgar tomboy."

"No way?" Kai's mother glared at him, her eyes seemed to return to the state where she could shoot sharp daggers out of them.

Kai saw his mother step toward him and subconsciously stepped backward to defend himself.

Kai didn't know the exact age of his mother, but she had to be hundreds of years old, but she still looked like a gracefully grown Celestial Maiden with her fair skin, long wavy blonde hair, and deep black pools for eyes that contrasted so beautifully she looked almost ethereal no matter how old she was.

Katherine was only half a head shorter than Kai, but he felt like he was up against the tallest mountain in the world that was bearing immense pressure on him to the brink of collapse.

"No way?" "NO WAY?" Katherine seemed to have gone mad and asked again as she closed in on Kai.

Kai didn't step back anymore and stood tall against her powerful aura, he gritted his teeth and looked down at this beautiful yet vicious woman who was his own mother and said icily.

"Go on and hit me again, it's not like it hurt anyways."

Kai's mother glared at him, surprise can be seen deep within her eyes, but the surprise was quickly replaced by coldness for his rebelliousness.

"You ARE marrying her and there is no way to take this agreement back, this is obligated if you want to keep you and your sisters protected and is also your royal duty for being born into a noble family!

Many people are born into lives where they have to endlessly struggle to survive, yet look at you, you are born in a luxurious palace, attended to by the most beautiful maids, and given resources others could only dream about, you have no right to complain about how our family works if you accept the treatment that comes along with it."

Katherine paused for a moment before she continued.

"Now leave and accept this outcome, you are also not allowed to see that Water Diety girl anymore, if the Fen Dynasty finds out that you are having an affair before you even marry, they will attack us out of humiliation and we will be in an even more vulnerable position."

Kai's mother wasn't making a joke as she said these words, serious as she can be.