Chapter 14

Inside the room it was silent, Kai stood in the middle of his bedroom, motionless as if he was daydreaming, Sydney stood behind him staring at his noble back, her anxiousness gradually eating away at her during the silence as she talked to herself.

'Will he actually marry Princess Everly?'

'Will he yell at me for making his mother become angry with him?'

'What will my parents do when they find out what I've done?'

She had a million questions on her mind and was finally about to break the silence to ask one of them when Kai suddenly turned around and stared at her.

Her heart skipped a beat as those dark midnight-like eyes with a beautiful red and golden ring glanced over her body, she was able to fully see his eyes up close and saw something she never knew was there.

Inside the golden-red ring around his pupils, there were small symbols, not just any random symbols, she was able to see small Runes engraved all around them.


Runes were the special language of the Ancient Gods.

They were symmetrically engraved inside the ring of his pupils, one wouldn't be able to notice if they didn't individually focus on his eyes.

'So pretty' Sydney thought, she realized she was blatantly staring and shook her head, embarrassed as she saw him grinning.

"Had enough?" Kai asked with a smile

Sydney blushed as she nodded her head.

Ah...Kai thought that Sydney was acting really different, much more docile than usual, it really made him want to eat her tofu again.

But, he quickly put that thought aside as he continued to check his inner body, particularly, inside his Middle Dantian, where a shocking scene appeared before him again.

He checked his Middle Dantian every few seconds to see if what he was witnessing would ever go away, but it never did.

'I wonder if Sydney is in the same situation as myself' Kai thought as he told her

"Sydney, check your Middle Dantian and tell me what you see"

"Hm?" Sydney was confused but still listened to him and closed her eyes, her internal energy channeling inside her as she scoped her inner body...after a few minutes, Sydney's eyes shot open revealing her beautiful blue eyes that were filled with shock as her mouth gaped open and she gasped.

Kai grinned as he said "Right?"

"Oh my have nine and a half cyclones of Qi too!?" Sydney asked with inexplicable excitement

'9 and a half?' Kai asked himself, slightly confused.

'I don't have nine and a half, but I do have ten full cyclones of Qi, it seems Sydney only has half of the tenth cyclone'

"Yes," Kai thought for a moment, smiled, and said. He didn't want to dampen her mood and tell her he had ten full cyclones over her nine and a half.

Sydney was so shocked and excited that she did a little hop and hugged him.

"Kai!! Do you know what this means?!"

"In all of Aeon's history, there has never been anyone with more than nine cyclones of Qi in every realm of cultivation, if we produce nine and a half cyclones of Qi in every realm, we will have a natural advantage compared to every other person who can only produce nine! How is this even possible!??!"

Cultivation was extremely arduous, and martial artists were always looking for any chance they could get to have small advantages over their opponents.

Like when one reaches the Martial Transformation stage, their body allows them to produce specific types of cyclones of Qi instead of the normal Spiritual Qi that was easily found in the air. Many individuals would take years upon years to comprehend intent in this realm, trying to form the best foundation for themselves before they break into the next realm.

These individuals take an absurd amount of time to comprehend an intent to draw specific types of Qi instead of breaking through to the next realm immediately. The reason they do this is that every cyclone of Qi in each realm sets one's foundation for the rest of their life, and with having the ability to form three specific types of Qi cyclones in every realm instead of only Pure Spiritual Qi cyclones, one would be able to integrate the intent they comprehended with Spiritual Qi and deliver stronger attacks, perform faster movement abilities, and more skillful Martial techniques.

There were also many people who would never be able to comprehend intent in their life even after trying for so long, and their Cultivation would either stagnate at the Martial Transformation realm forever, or they would ascend into the next realm without comprehending intent and be weaker than those who were able to.

Figuring out intent is beyond difficult and required others many years to only comprehend the beginning stages.

Sydney managed to comprehend the intent of Water and Kai managed to comprehend both Yin and Yang intent and one other intent that he kept hidden to himself.

Kai formed three cyclones of specific types of Qi using the three different intents he comprehended in every realm since the start of the Martial Transformation Realm, successfully making his foundation greater than others who hadn't done the same, but comprehending more than one intent did not mean he was necessarily stronger than others who only comprehended one.

Those who only comprehended one intent would be able to fully focus on that singular intent while those who comprehended more than one intent had to focus their time and energy on multiple which could ultimately be their undoing and set them far behind their peers.

Kai even formed a tenth cyclone in the Martial Grandmaster realm, an unprecedented event that has never been known in all of Aeon's history, his tenth cyclone turned out to be a specific type of Qi cyclone which was a Yin Qi Cyclone, making him ascend from the 2nd Elementary Intent stage to the 4th Elementary Intent stage in both Yin and Yang intents after forming four total cyclones of both Yin and Yang Qi during the time he was absorbing Sydney's Primordial Yin.

Sydney started out as a Fourth rank Martial Master herself and then formed two Pure Spiritual Qi cyclones and three and a half Water Qi cyclones during the same time she lost her Primordial Yin, but gained something even better, bringing her to a total of six Pure Spiritual Qi cyclones and three and a half Water Qi cyclones in the Martial Master realm.

This was a shocking speed of cultivation for the both of them and all they needed to do was to successfully combine all cyclones of Qi in their Middle Dantian into one to ascend into the next realm and Sydney would reach Martial Grandmaster while Kai would reach Martial King.

They were both extremely shocked and excited at their newfound strength, but Kai quickly realized that with the ability to form ten cyclones of Qi instead of nine in each realm, he would be much slower than others in cultivation since he had to form and combine ten cyclones of Qi instead of nine, but he knew he would eventually eclipse this problem completely with the passing of time so he wasn't worried about being a little behind.

The room returned to silence as their minds wandered for a few seconds before Sydney spoke up

"D-do you think this is because of what we did?" Sydney asked, her beautiful face blushing a little bit from thinking about what just happened moments before.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Kai stepped closer to Sydney and asked with an immoral grin on his face.

"S-stop it, you pervert....are you really going to make me say it?" Sydney's beautiful white face fully flushed red, Kai thought it was really too easy to make her like this.

Kai put his arms around the sides of Sydney's willowy waist and looked down in her deep blue eyes and said

"How about we do it again and see?"

Sydney tried to push Kai away

"No way! it's still daylight! Your maids will hear and-"


Sydney's mouth was abruptly blocked by Kai's as he pressed his lips against hers.