Chapter 17

Kai dressed up in a dark tunic and pants, put on a pair of boots, and walked out of the bedroom as the doors slowly closed behind him, he sensed someone waiting outside the gates of his room and saw the same beautiful maid from before.

"Hmm?" Kai looked at her questioningly.

"Your name is Elisa, right? Why aren't you asleep? You should know that at night my room activates a special formation that not many could break into, you have no need to keep watch."

Elisa, the beautiful maid blushed and lowered her head.

"Sorry, Scion Kai, I only wanted to be here for you if you needed something."

"Is that so?" Kai stared her up and down curiously, Elisa had smooth and soft fair looking skin, long brunette hair, and dark green colored eyes.

She was wearing the maid uniform of the Celestial Eye Clan which was basically a short sleeve mini dress made of precious black silk with a badge of an eye on top of her left breast and looked quite beautiful in it.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that, you can go to sleep for now," Kai said as he awkwardly adjusted his pants, he felt his lower body twitch as he was still hard from the moments before with Sydney.

"Yes, young master." Elisa shyly nodded her head and scurried away.

"Slightly suspicious..." Kai shook his head and thought to himself before walking all the way down the Pavilion halls, through the Asura Palace Garden, and back into the Ximen Main Hall.

One can only imagine how big the palace and land the Celestial Eye Clan owned truly was.

The Palace Gardens themselves already took up many acres of square feet, add on the Ten Main Halls for the Ten Main Families and the hundreds of other Palace Gardens for the Celestial Eye Clan descendants to live in, they pretty much owned one of the biggest Palaces in all of Aeon.

This is why Kai could freely walk through the palace and not see anyone other than servants and guards.

Kai slowly walked through the halls of the palace, the clattering sounds of his boots touching the marble floor resounded out in the spacious corridors as he made his way toward the Ximen Family's training grounds.

Once Kai arrived at his destination he spotted two guards wearing red and golden armor on each side of the entrance talking amongst themselves, they froze as if caught stealing and then quickly shut up and saluted once they sensed Kai's presence.

"Prince Kai," The two guards said respectfully before they bowed.

Kai nodded toward them; they knew he wanted to go inside the training grounds because this was a nightly occurrence, they quickly stood tall and opened the gates to let him in.

Kai calmly walked into the large and luxurious room.

It was a very spacious place, which was much needed for one to practice their abilities to their fullest extent.

There were multiple rooms inside that allowed for several different training techniques, a gravity chamber, a room filled with an abundant amount of Spiritual Qi or iron puppets, and many other different training rooms.

It had everything one needed or wanted to train with and then some more.

Kai stood on the main training grounds, not entering any of the rooms, and sat cross-legged on the floor.

Kai calmed his breathing and entered a meditative trance as he began to go through all the memories of today.

Talking with Celeste in the morning, taking Sydney's Primordial Yin, his mother assaulting him in her room, the abnormal cyclones of Qi in his Dantian, spending the rest of the day with Sydney, and then the nightmare that disturbed him all came and went through his mind.

Kai gritted his teeth in particular to the memories of his mother assaulting him and the nightmare he experienced as he continuously recalled both of those memories and engraved them deep into his mind like a mad man.

Kai didn't know why he was doing this, he thought that if he kept experiencing this feeling, he would make sure that it would never happen again.

Kai's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest as he experienced that shameful feeling over and over in his head, that feeling of being under the whims of someone, being completely powerless, was utterly detestable to him.

I need more strength...Kai felt his fist tightly clutch together and a deep rumbling feeling in his core.

Without power, one would have to depend on others to fulfill their own desires!

Without strength, I might as well be a nobody!

Kai felt the rumbling feeling in his core, in his blood, enhance even more.

Mother gave up on searching for you so I can only take up everything with my own hands.

Kai's eyes fluttered open and he felt his blood boiling, his vision reddened and the craving struck.

Rage and desire washed over him- an unquenchable thirst for power as his fist clenched so tightly his fingertips cut open the skin of his palms and started bleeding.

Kai laughed as he held his head up

"I must become stronger at all costs!"

Kai didn't know what was happening to him, but he felt like he was quickly losing his rationality, if he couldn't get out of this state he didn't know if he could control himself.

A beautiful voice suddenly called out to Kai as his rationality depleted with each and every passing second.

"Big Brother!"

An angelic little girl with a bright smile and starry golden eyes suddenly appeared in his mind, her smile gave him a warming sensation and made him stop clenching his fists once he saw her.


Is that you?

That's right...

Kai controlled his manic laughing as he focused on his memories once again.

An extremely beautiful and bashful young girl suddenly appeared in his memory.

"Are...are you gay?" The beautiful young girl asked as her face turned completely red.

Kai smiled and chuckled at this, his hands rested to his sides as he felt the power within his blood calm down greatly as he realized.

That's right...I can't lose myself in my desire for power, I still have them to care for...speaking of which, he did owe Celeste a date.

A wry smile appeared on his face as he envisioned the uproar that would come when he saw Celeste again.

Kai took a deep breath and stood up, even though he wouldn't lose himself in his desire for strength, he would still make it one of his main priorities, he felt the need to, deep inside his blood.

Kai looked down at his hands, crimson-colored fluid dripped to the floor as his fingertips caused a deep and bloody gash on his palms, he was about to leave the training grounds to heal the wound when an idea suddenly popped into his head.

Kai's thoughts went back to when he was taking Sydney's Primordial Yin, when two mysterious techniques abruptly entered his mind.

"Black Ice of Death"

"Sacred Fire of Life"

Life and Death, Death and Life, weren't these concepts of the Ancient Gods? Samsara?

Why would these words suddenly appear in his mind?

Kai thought back to the circumstances that led up to it, the words appeared in his mind simultaneously and so suddenly, they appeared when he had that astounding out of body experience where he felt one with Heaven and Earth for just a split second.

But...why were Ice and Fire attached to Life and Death? Kai wondered.

Fire and Ice were both attributes of extreme Yin and Yang.

Everything felt confusing, yet interconnected. He didn't seem to have the entire narrative as his memories of another life weren't even fully complete.

How do I have these memories?

How am I able to form a tenth cyclone and help Sydney form half of one?

Where did these strange techniques even come from?

Kai's mind hurt at trying to figure out all the mysteries inside him, he decided to stop thinking about it for now and go back to what he originally intended to do.