Chapter 1

Josie's POV

It was another boring day of highschool, made worse because I was upset. Why was I upset? Well because it's the first day of senior year. You're probably wondering why I'm upset about that instead of grateful of the chance to leave highschool soon.

Well my best friends were supposed to be here. They promised me that they would move back at the end of the summer and I was really excited. I was waiting for them to show up, only for them to call and cancel. This won't make a lot of sense to you now but just stick around.

School continued, same old class, same old students, boooringg!! At last the school bell rang signifying the end of school. I was trudging my feet to the parking lot towards the bus. I wasn't very excited to go home either. As I stepped outside, I saw a brand new red sports car, one that definitely wasn't here this morning.

It looked pretty expensive so I doubt any of the teachers owned it. A small crowd of students had already gathered close to it. I was already bored with it and decided to walk away. Had I seen this car on another day, a day when I wasn't so upset, I probably would have appreciated it more.

As I was about turning away, I heard a voice call my name. The voice sounded so familiar but it couldn't be. I turned my head and let me tell you this, I got the surprise of my life. Sitting on the hood of the red car was one of my best friends, Jordan.

I ran towards him and in the middle of the crowd, I saw my other two best friends, Justin and Jake. Jordan hopped down from the car and I was engulfed in a hug which quickly became a group hug. They were talking to me but the only thing going through my head was ' the boys are back, the boys are back '.

Okay so what was starting to be the worst day ever turned out to be the best day ever


"It's so good to see you Josie", Justin said to me. "Yeah, you look great", Jake added. We had left school and we're now munching on some cookies and ice cream at an ice cream parlor.

Yeah so the best friends I was expecting are them. Justin, Jake and Jordan. Justin and Jake Dawson are fraternal twins, which means they aren't identical. Jordan West is the twins' cousin who has been living with them ever since his mom died when he was born and he never knew his father. So the three of them are practically like brother's. And me, we'll I'm Josephine, "Josie" Bolton, they're sorta sister.

"You guys told me you weren't coming and now you're all here. How is that even possible?", I asked them. "It's called a surprise", Jordan said with a duhh expression on his face.

" Well it wasn't originally meant to be a surprise. We were supposed to be here for the first day of school but seeing as our flight got delayed and we had to settle into the house, get a car and all, there was really no way we could make it", Jake said.

"Yeah but we're here to stay", Justin chimed in. I squealed and threw my arms across three of them round the table. "We'll be in school tomorrow. We've enrolled and everything", Jake told me with a smile. "Oh you guys, this is great. We'll be Josie and the guys again", I said with my hands in the air as if I was reading it from the sky.

"Woah woah woah, we are not Josie and the guys", Jordan said with a feigned irritated look. "That would make it seem like you're our leader....". "Yeah, when obviously I'm the leader",Jake cut in. "What, no...", Jordan tried to say. "Exactly, because if anyone would be the leader it would be me since I'm easily the oldest one of all of us", Justin said smugly.

All the while, I was just watching the banter between them. It felt like home. "Dude we're twins. How can you be older than me?" Jake asked. "I'm older by four minutes", Justin said with a smirk. "Guys!" Jordan yelled, " if anyone would be the leader it would be me." " Oh yeah?" Justin replied calmly, "Why would you be the leader?" He raised a brow at him.

"Well I'm obviously the only neutral party and then..." "Actually, I'm the neutral party being the only girl", I said with a small smile. " So it would make sense for me to be the leader. Plus I'm more mature" . After that we launched into an argument about who should be the leader nevermind that we were all friends and we didn't need a leader but the four of us loved a good reason to argue.

Eventually, the owner of the store kicked us out. We were just laughing. You should have seen the store owner's face, totally priceless.

Standing here with the boys, outside on the sidewalk, laughing about being thrown out, is easily the best feeling ever. For the first time in forever, it finally feels like home.

A/N: How did you guys like chapter one? I promise it gets better as it goes on.