Chapter 8

We were sitting at a round table eating scoops of our ice cream. "So", I began, "what do you guys wanna know?" "How bout everything?" Justin replied. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Okay so the guy Jordan caught me staring at was Tony. Tony Stryder..." "No way", Jake interrupted.

"If I'm gonna say this story then none of you can interrupt. Okay?" I looked at all three of them especially Jake pointedly. He raised his hands in surrender. "Alright sheesh fine".

"Anyway I've been crushing on Tony since he moved here in sophomore year. I was his tour guide for the first week and it was amazing. Everything was going great and I actually thought maybe he might actually like me too but then tryout Friday came and he changed. I dunno really, maybe I imagined him liking me. He started acting distant. I guess he just didn't need a tour guide anymore. I never got over him. He still talks to me when he has too. A few waves here and there, I dunno... I guess he's not just into me".

I looked up. I have to admit. I'm kinda shocked the guys didn't interrupt me. "We met Tony at tryouts today. He seemed pretty cool", Justin said, "he's actually a very good player". "And he was staring at you too", Jordan piped in. "I can't believe you guys haven't asked the most important question yet", Jake said with a look of mock despair on his face.

"What's that?" I asked confused. "How could you not tell us? Why are we just hearing about this now? I thought you loved us". I rolled my eyes at him. "I didn't tell you guys because there was nothing to tell. What would I have said? Oh hey guys I have a crush on this guy that may or may not like me back".

Jake folded his arms and huffed. "I woulda still liked to know". "Well don't worry Jakey, next time I'll be sure to let you know when I have a crush on a guy that probably doesn't like me back". You could hear the sarcasm dripping out of my words. Justin rolled his eyes at us. Jordan was just concentrated on his ice cream.

I took a scoop outta mine and it was silent really with no one saying anything. Jake was still pouting when a smile broke out on his face. "I've got it", he said. "Got what?" Jordan asked. Justin immediately had a matching smile on his face. "We'll hook em up", the twins said simultaneously.

"Okay you guys have to stop doing creepy shit like that", Jordan said looking creeped out. I nodded in agreement, "mmm-hmm". Then what they said clicked in my head. "Wait what? Hook who up?" "You and Tony silly", they said together again. They looked at each other, simultaneously yelled pound it and shared a fist bump.

"Okay seriously stop that. And you're not hooking us up. Do not meddle in my life". "Actually", Jordan said looking like he was considering the idea, "that's not a bad idea. I'm in". "No no no. You guys are not gonna do anything about it. This is why I didn't wanna tell you. Just stay out of it. Okay?" They started whistling and looked away.

"I mean it guys. I will move out of the house if you guys do anything". I was actually bluffing when I said that because I had no where else to go but they didn't need to know that. They all looked at me when I said that. "You can't be serious". "Are you crazy?" "What?"

"I'm serious guys. Just leave it alone. If Tony and I are meant to be, it'll happen on its own time". "Alright". "Fine". "Okay". They all answered reluctantly. "Good", I smiled. Conversation droned. We eventually left and went home.


We got home and were all watching TV in the living room. I couldn't remember the last time I watched actual TV. I was always in my room with my phone at Martha and Pete's. Speaking of Martha and Pete, they hadn't contacted me yet, except for a few calls which I didn't answer.

I couldn't believe I forgot to block their numbers. They were probably gonna look for me at work. Yeah, I had a job. I texted my boss my resignation letter then blocked him too.

My boss, Mr Murphy is a friend of Pete's. Pete and Martha didn't want me staying at home on weekends. I never went anywhere because they never allowed me visit friends or have friends over. I never went for sleepovers, parties or pretty much anything fun.

Anyway, so they didn't exactly want me staying home either so Pete got me a job with his friend who's the manager at the local theatre. At first, I didn't think it was a bad idea. At least I'd get extra cash. Boy was I wrong. I was over worked and underpaid. My shifts were every Friday after school from 5pm to 11pm and every Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 11pm.

I worked multiple shifts and I only got paid for one. And to top it all off, Pete collected half my pay everytime it was pay day. Since he was friends with Mr Murphy, he always knew when it was pay day. He always said he got me the job in the first place so he deserved a cut. I tried to tell aunt Martha but all she said was that I should be grateful he only collected half. That it wasn't like I payed them for living with them or eating their food.

I was pretty upset. Who wouldn't be? I collected too little money for the work I do and yet Pete collects half. Anytime he forgot or is too busy to collect half my pay, Martha helps. They're a disgusting couple if you ask me. I tried to quit once but Pete gave me the worst beating of my life. I was bruised, banged up and battered. He even dislocated my shoulder. Martha eventually had to take me to the hospital and told me I got what I deserved for being ungrateful.

She made me tell the doctors that I fell down the stairs. So yeah, while most kids look forward to weekends, I dreaded it. I told the guys most of it. They knew about my terrible job, they knew Pete collected half but they didn't know about my dislocated shoulder.

This is the first weekend I was actually looking forward to. There was gonna be a party the next day to welcome all new members into the cheer, basketball and football teams. I was partly excited and partly nervous. I hadn't been to a party in a long time.

The movie we were watching ended. "That was a pretty cool movie", Jordan said. "Yeah, who woulda guessed the gardener was the murder?" Jake continued. "I thought it was the driver", I chimed in. Justin didn't say anything so we all turned to find him chatting away happily on his phone.

He was all smiles and looked very focused. The three of us looked at each other and shared a conspiratory nod. We stood up and tiptoed to Justin. He didn't even notice us. "On three", Jake mouthed. "One, two, three". Then Jordan snatched his phone and we ran off laughing.

"Hey!" Justin yelled, "gimme back my phone". We ran around the house with Justin chasing after us. Jordan made him think he had thrown the phone to Jake. Then we split up. It was so much fun. Then Jake yelled, "Josie heads up" and pretended he threw the phone at me. Justin abandoned chasing his brother to chase me.

I laughed. Unfortunately he caught me. "Where is it?" He asked. I squealed. "Where's what?" I giggled. "Don't make me tickle it outta you Jo".

"I don't have it. See?" I showed him my hands.

"Who has it?" He demanded.

"How would I know?" I smiled innocently. He narrowed his eyes at me and started tickling me. "Who has it?" He asked again and I was currently submerged in fits of laughter.

"I'll never tell", I replied in between breaths.

"Tell me"

"Stop, you're gonna make me pee". I was still laughing.

He let me go probably seeing that he was wasting time with the wrong person. We both went inside to find Jordan and Jake reading his conversation. He ran towards them but they just handed it over. The three of us backed away slowly and turned. Justin gave us a glare cold enough to scare a dragon. We scrammed to Jordan's room.

I gave them a serious look before we all burst out laughing. "He was chatting with Michelle right?"

"You know it" Jake replied me while laughing.

"What are you doing right now? ... Trying but failing to watch a movie... Why are you failing?... Because I'm talking to you" Jordan said making his voice high pitched then deep. He was doing an imitation of them and it was spot on. We all laughed.

"We should probably go apologize to Justin", I said.

"Yeah", Jordan agreed reluctantly.

"Nah", Jake said shaking his head.

We both turned to look at him. "What?" He shrugged, "he's my twin. He'll get over it". Jordan and I shrugged and mumbled our agreement.

Conversation dwindled and we were all busy with our phones from our various positions. Me on the floor, Jordan on the window bed and Jake on the actual bed. My phone beeped with a text and I noticed it was from Maddy.

Maddy: don't forget tomorrow's party. All existing cheerleaders are to dress in black.

I texted back

Josie: okay

I laid back down then a few minutes later I raised my head and asked if the guys wanted to practice in the garage. "Sure", they replied.

A/N: And there you have it folks, chapter 8. Josie just opened up more about her crush on Tony. Do you think he actually likes her back? What about her opening up about her life with Pete and Martha? I think we can all agree that they are terrible people. It's a good thing she no longer lives with them.

In other news, things seem to be moving on for Justin and Michelle. How do you think things will end up between them? Josie, Jordan and Jake decided to mess with Justin a bit ... Poor Justin.