Chapter 18

It was Saturday morning, the morning of Miss Harper's wedding. Soon to be Mrs Stryder. I was at Maddy's and we were going to get ready together. I had a sleepover at her place and we were currently chilling. I was making a Snapchat video of myself singing flashlight by Jessie J. Maddy kept making appearances in the video. I'm gonna post it on my Instagram page.

"Cause you're my flashlight oh", I sang and ended the video. I checked the time. "Yo Madds, it's 10:45. We better go shower if we wanna get dressed on time", I said. "Calm down Jo. The wedding is still at 1 o'clock. We got plenty of time", she replied.

I sighed. I saw a text from Tony. He sent me a picture of himself in a suit. He looked pretty hot. He captioned it ,'how do I look?'. I smiled coyly at my phone. Ever since Jordan's party where Tony and I exchanged numbers, we've been texting non stop. I even saved his contact as charming.

'You look dashing', I replied. I remembered when he asked me to be his date to his Uncle's wedding which was today. I was ecstatic but I had to turn him down because Miss Harper really wanted the whole squad there at hers.

It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I had been waiting for him to ask me on a date since forever and now that he does, I can't go. "Ooh, he looks nice", I heard from behind me. I was startled. "Hey keep your eyes off my phone", I glared. Or should I say tried to because I sighed and flopped back down on the bed. I held a pillow to my face and screamed into it.

"Are you still upset about cancelling on Tony?" Maddy asked while petting my back. "Mmm-hmm", I mumbled into the pillow while nodding. "There there", she cooed, "if he really likes you he'll ask you on another date".

I sighed then sat up. "I know", I whined, "I just hope he likes me enough to ask me on another date soon". I leaned my head on her shoulder while she stroked my hair. "He will. Don't worry", she reassured. We stayed like that for a while until I got a notification on my phone that Jake wanted to FaceTime me. I accepted.

"Hey Josie", he greeted smiling. "Hey Jake".

"Hold on lemme add the others"

In a second my screen was divided into four. I smiled when I saw them. "Hey guys. What's up?" I greeted.

"Hey Jo". "Sup Josie". "How did your studying go?" Justin asked me. The real reason for the sleepover was so we could help each other study. The guys did their own studying at home. Our end of semester exams were approaching.

We have only three extra curricular activities before we go on winter break, the Halloween dance, the talent show and the homecoming week - the pep rally on Wednesday, the basketball game on Thursday, the football game on Friday and the dance on Saturday. A week later, we have our exams and then winter break.

"Well, it was okay. We got a lot covered. What about you guys?" "Oh, it was great really, thanks to Jake of course". I saw Jake's cheers tint pink at that. Maddy perked up at that. "What did you mean thanks to Jake?" She said. Jordan and I shared a look and sang the line 'what do you mean?' by Justin Bieber. Everyone else rolled their eyes.

"I'm serious guys", she whined. "Jake is actually really smart", I replied. "Yeah, he has a really high IQ and is very intelligent", Jordan continued.

"He may act like an idiot most times because he is, but he's literally the smartest of all of us", Justin finished. "Wow", Maddy said looking pleasantly surprised. "Oh you guys stop. I'm blushing", Jake gushed.

"But then if you're so smart, why do you act like an idiot most of the time?" Maddy teased.

"Hey!" Jake whined.

"Ooh burn", Jordan laughed, "she got you good man".

"Yeah sure support your girlfriend", Jake pouted.

We all saw Maddy blush at that. "He's not my boyfriend", I heard her mumble. Jordan smirked. I cleared my throat. "So anyway Jake, don't forget you have to tutor me in calculus". "Yeah sure", he replied.

"In other news, why are you guys on different screens if you're in the same house?" Maddy asked. "Well we're all in different rooms and we couldn't decide on which room to call from because we were all to lazy to leave our rooms", Justin answered. "I see", Maddy nodded.

We talked for about forty five minutes more. By the time I ended the call, it was a little after eleven. "Dude, I'm gonna shower", I said to Maddy. I stood up, grabbed my towel and went into her bathroom. I got out in twenty minutes in Maddy's fluffy pink bathrobe.

"Hey that's mine", Maddy yelled whining. I smirked, "well I'm wearing it so deal with it". She smirked back, rolled her eyes and entered. "Hurry up", I yelled after her. "We have to help each other with our makeup".

"I'll be out in a bit", she yelled back.

I used that time to towel dry my hair and blowdry it. I moisturized my skin with lotion and sat in front of Maddy's vanity to brush my hair. I had just finished brushing my hair when she walked in.

"That was fast", I commented.

"Told ya".

She also moisturized her skin and dried and brushed her hair. "Okay", she said as she took a sit beside me, "make up first". We took turns doing each other's make up. We made it a bit more bold than the light make up we usually wore to school.

"Ooh, we look good", Maddy squealed once we were done. "I know right", I agreed. I took out my dress. It was a maroon mid length dress that stopped a little bit above my knees. I paired it with my black heeled sandals and I carried my black purse. I wore my hair in a sleek side bun with two strands in front framing my face. Man I look good.

Maddy was dressed in a cream, flared off shoulder gown that stopped a little bit past her thighs. She wore a cream flower patterned hair band on her dirty blonde hair that she had curled up to give it a little bounce. She wore a pair of black heeled sandals and carried her black clutch.

"Wow, you look great Maddy", I commended, "are you sure you're not trying to seduce the groom?" I smirked at her. She blushed a little. "Oh please, the groom should be worried about you, not me. You look really amazing". I beamed at that, "let's just both try not to seduce the groom".

"Deal". Then we both burst out laughing.

"We should get going if we wanna make it on time".


We grabbed our phones and went out of her room. We met Maddy's older brother Martin cuddled up with his girlfriend watching TV in the living room. Her parents had already gone to work. Martin was a college student who was currently on break. He was tall, like around six feet, had a mop of blonde hair on his head and blue eyes that matched his sister's. He looked like a male version of her. Did I forget to mention he was stupid hot? Well he was.

"Hey", Maddy said getting their attention. They both turned to us. "Don't you guys look nice", he smirked. "Thanks", she smirked back, "anyway we're off. Don't wait up for us". He gave a small nod then turned back to the TV after waving us off. We left, got into her car and she drove us off.

We arrived in no time. The venue was pretty beautiful. We found where the other cheerleaders were seated. "Hey guys", we greeted. "Hey". "Hi". "What's up?" "You guys look great". We engaged in small talk with them for a while.

"Hey, have you guys seen miss H yet?" Maddy asked. "Uh yeah, she came out to see us", Tammy replied. Maddy stood up holding her clutch and grabbed my hand with her. "Great. Let's go then. We'll be back soon guys". She dragged me along till we got to the Bride's room. We knocked, well I knocked, Maddy stood there and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Who is it?" A voice asked. "Uh, it's Josie and Maddy, from the cheer squad", I responded. The door opened not long after. We saw Miss Harper sitting on a chair being fussed over. She was dressed in a magnificent wedding gown. It was a long sleeved ball gown with a sweetheart neckline which flared from the waist down. She wore a tiara in her hair .

In summary, she looked like a princess. She had a bouquet of white roses to match. "Oh Miss H, you look amazing", I gushed. She opened her arms wide to us. We rushed to go and hug her. "Wow, Miss H, you look beautiful", Maddy said, "congratulations".

"Oh thanks girls. You look wonderful too. So glad you could make it".

"Are you kidding?" I started. "We wouldn't miss it for the world", Maddy finished. Just then, a man I assumed to be her father walked in. She looked just like him.

"Miranda, are you ready? It's almost time for the bridal march", he asked. "Yes dad. I'm right about done", Miss Harper who's first name is apparently Miranda replied. "Oh and who are these?" He asked turning to us. "These are two of my favorite cheerleaders on the team, Josie and Maddy".

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir", we said and shook his hand. "The pleasure is all mine", he said. "Well, we'll see you later", Maddy said heading for the door. "Yeah we should probably get going", I agreed. "Okay girls", she blew us a kiss. "I'll see you later. Bye". Then she waved and we waved back.

We went outside and got seated. The groom and his men were just arriving. At least we were right on time. I decided to text the guys our location and send them a few pictures I took this morning. "Jo, you'll never guess who's on stage", Maddy said excitedly. I didn't look up to her.

"Uh the groom and his men?" I asked still pressing my phone. "No you nitwit, hottie in a suit at 12 o'clock. Look up", she said elbowing me in the ribs. "Fine fine, wha..." I looked up and saw Tony among the groom's men in the dark suit he showed me this morning and his hair gelled back. Damn he looks good. "What is he doing here?" I whispered to Maddy conspiratorially. "How would I know?" She whispered back, "isn't he supposed to be at his uncle's wedding? Wait you don't think ..."

I gasped in realization. "His uncle must be Miss Harper's groom". She nodded. I kept staring at him. He hadn't seen me yet. "Stop staring. You look creepy", Maddy whispered to me. I quickly lowered my gaze. A few seconds later I looked back up and our gazes met. He had on a surprised expression, then a confused one, then a look of realization maybe, then his face morphed into the biggest smile ever.

I couldn't help but blush and smile back. The bridal march song started and then we all stood up. He winked at me and that caused me to blush even more. I looked around hoping no one noticed our little exchange. It looks like everyone had their eyes on the bride as she walked in and we stood up. Well almost everyone, Maddy had a big fat smirk on her face aimed right at me. I just ignored her as the bride got to the alter and we all took seats.

The ceremony was a very beautiful. I cried a little when they said their vows. And when they kissed, oh it was the most beautiful thing ever. It's a good thing a girl on the squad had a tissue and that I was wearing water proof makeup. The wedding was over and now it was time for the reception.

Miss Harper or I guess she's Mrs Stryder now showed up in a sexy body hugging dress. The cheerleaders took a picture with the couple and with Miss - Mrs Stryder alone. I still hadn't gotten time to see Tony one on one.

After the photo session, Mrs Stryder caught up to me and Maddy. You know I still dunno how that name Stryder didn't ring a bell immediately I heard it. "Hey Josie, Maddy", she smiled. She looked like the happiest woman ever with her cheeks raised high and her eyes crinkling at the edges.

I had to smile back, I couldn't help it. Her smile was contagious. "Hey miss H. I mean Mrs S. It doesn't quite have the same ring to it but it'll catch on, right Madds?" The three of us burst out laughing.

"Anyway", she continued, "a little birdy told me that you can sing Josie". I turned to Maddy. She raised her hands up in surrender, "hey it wasn't me. I swear". "Relax", Mrs Stryder said chuckling, "I'm subscribed to your YouTube channel. I've seen you sing before. Also I follow you on Instagram". She smiled coyly at me.

My face flushed pink. "You're an amazing singer, which is why I was hoping you'd do me a favour", she finished. I became skeptical. "What favour?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her. She had on a sheepish express but still looked great because her makeup was flawless.

"I'd like you to sing at the party". My eyes widened at that. "What?" "Please. I've always wanted to sing a thousand years to my future husband ever since I heard the song in twilight but I'm a bad singer. Would you please do this for me?"

"Uh, I'd really like to help you but I can't..." I stuttered out. "Please. I'd be really grateful", she cut me off giving me the puppy dog eyes but I can't do it. Without the guys here I can't possibly sing. I was on the verge of refusing. "She'll do it", Maddy said.

The smile on Mrs Stryder's face was enough to light up a room. "Great. Do you know the lyrics?"

"Uh yeah. I know it but..."

"Of course she knows it", Maddy cut in, "Josie's the biggest twilight freak I know. She probably knows all the songs in the entire soundtrack".

"Awesome. The MC will announce you in about 45 minutes", Mrs Stryder announced looking excited. Somebody showed up then. "Miranda, come on, we've been looking everywhere for you".

"I've got to go girls. Thanks again Josie", she said before hugging me and leaving. I turned to glare at Maddy. She had on a guilty smile. This is just great!

A/N: here comes the bride, here comes the bride . I love weddings, who's with me? This has got to be my favorite chapter yet.

Also what are the odds that Josie and Tony were gonna be in the same wedding? How did they both not notice? And who else is mad at Maddy for selling out Josie? It's pretty obvious that Josie has stage fright if the guys aren't there. I hope she'll be able to perform.

In other news, who else is a big fan of the twilight saga? If you haven't seen it or read the books then you're definitely missing. That was greatest love story ever told. Shout out to Stephenie Meyer for creating something so amazing. And to Cristina Perri for singing a beautiful song.