Chapter 20

There were only a few other couples on the dance floor. The bride and the groom and a couple of others including us, which meant everyone had a clear view of everyone dancing.

I had to admit I felt a little shy. I even saw Maddy and the rest of the cheerleaders giving me teasing looks. "Don't be shy. It'll be fine", he whispered in ears reading my mind and soon I wasn't shy at all once I entered the warmth of his arms.

The dance was slow and nice. We didn't need to say anything. We were comfortable with each other in the moment. The song morphed into power of love by Celine Dion and after that a few others that I didn't notice.

I also didn't notice that the other couples including the bride and the groom had taken their seats a few songs ago. We were currently the only people dancing.

The last song which turned out to be my heart will go on by Celine Dion finished playing and our little bubble popped after we heard the applause from the audience. I blushed. It was then I noticed that we had all eyes on us.

"Alright, a little shout out to the young couple over there", the MC said pointing at us. I blushed even deeper. We went to take our seats. "Well that was something", Tony commented. "Yeah", I replied breathlessly.

"I like dancing with you princess", he said with a sincere smile on his face while he interlocked his fingers with mine. I couldn't help but smile back. "I like dancing with you too... Charming". Then I winked. At first he looked taken aback for a split second then his smile widened.

A while later after we had both stuffed our faces with cake and more food, Maddy came to tell me she was ready to leave. She looked so guilty like she was about to tell me that she was the one who got my parents killed.

I understood that it was because she didn't want to break us up or maybe she thought I would be mad at her for doing so. Either way, I wasn't upset. I mean I was a little disappointed but I was grateful for the time spent.

Coming here, I had no intention of seeing Tony but I ended up spending the whole day with him which made me feel a bit guilty for ditching Maddy.

I stood up gracefully, or at least I hoped so and turned to Tony. I put on a big smile to mask my disappointment. "Thanks for an awesome day Tony", I said taking his hands. "No, thank you. You made this wedding ten times more interesting". He smiled at me then he turned to Maddy. "Oh and sorry I stole your friend", he said not looking sorry at all. Maddy waved it off with a smile.

He walked us off to her car. He hugged Maddy goodbye and she went into the car to wait for me. Then he hugged me, told me he'd call me later if that was okay by me. I nodded in glee.

Then, as if in hesitation, he leaned in and kissed my cheek leaving me stunned. I entered the car as I absent mindedly bade him goodbye. The drive back home had me staying silent staring into space with a smile in my face and a hand on my cheek.


Maddy didn't say anything on the ride back home which was unusual but I shrugged it off. When we reached my place, she stopped. I got out. "Thanks Madds", I said. "No problem", she replied.

"I'm sorry for ditching you". She waved me off, "it's fine really. You chose to hang out with your lifelong crush. I totally get it. I'd do the same". She smiled showing me she wasn't upset. I smiled back. "Wanna come in?"

"Well, I should probably be getting home and..."

"I'm sure Jordan would really like to see you", I cut her off with a teasing smirk. Those seemed to be the magic words as she blushed, cut off the engine and got out.

I unlocked the front door. "Guys we're home", I yelled. "Sh!" Jake shushed, " we're watching a movie", he said not taking his eyes off the TV. Justin and Jordan didn't even bother to look up. Jordan didn't notice Maddy which gave me an idea. "Come on Maddy let's go upstairs", I said.

It seemed the name Maddy did the trick as Jordan looked up and his face lit up in a smile directed at her. In a flash, he had stood up and engulfed her in a hug. I rolled my eyes. "What? I get nothing?" I mumbled.

"Oh don't be jealous Jo", he cooed pinching my cheeks. I slapped his hand away. He smirked at me and gave me a side hug before turning back to Maddy. He gave her a once over before giving a very satisfied grin. "Wow, you totally look prettier in person than in the pictures Josie sent", he complimented.

Maddy's tan skin turned a shade of bright red. "Thanks", she said shyly. The twins were still engrossed in their movie and hadn't even spared us a glance. I wonder what they were watching. I turned back to Jordan. "Gee, don't I look nice?" But he wasn't even paying attention to me.

He and Maddy seemed to be involved in some kind of staring competition before Maddy broke it. "Jordan", she called softly. "Yeah?" He whispered back. "I need to go sit down. My feet are killing me", she said pushing past him and plopping onto the couch. I did the same and plopped down beside her.

Jordan looked dazed for a second but soon followed after us. Soon whatever the twins were watching came to an end and they finally acknowledged us. "Hey Josie, Maddy, how was the wedding?" Justin asked as if we just walked in. I narrowed my eyes and threw a pillow at him.

Maddy giggled, "it was nice Justin". "So, you bring back any cake?" Jake asked hopefully. "No we didn't bring back any cake", I said in exasperation. "Awwwwn", he whined. I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, it looks like Josie had a lot of fun at the party", Jordan spoke up in a teasing voice. I was confused. "What do you mean?" "Well, this here is a video of you performing a thousand years and this more interesting video is of you and Tony slow dancing alone", he finished with a smirk.

I blushed and looked at Maddy. She raised her hands in surrender. "Hey it wasn't me I swear". "Actually, it's on Kate's Instagram story". I mentally face palmed. Kate is a girl on the squad. "Really?" Jake asked. "Let me see", Justin said as they both took out their phones.

I took off my shoes and stood up barefoot and went to the kitchen to grab some orange juice. "Wow Josie. Your vocals sound amazing", Justin praised. I smiled and handed a glass to Maddy who whispered a thanks. "Thanks", I responded to him.

Jake snickered, "you and Tony look like you guys wanna make out", I threw a pillow at him which he swiftly dodged. He snickered even more.

"I'm proud of you Josie", Jordan said, "you've gotten over your stage fright. Look at you singing it loud". I beamed in appreciation. "Thanks but I owe it all to Tony. He helped calm my nerves".

"Wait, I thought you said no to being Tony's date", Jake pointed out. "Well yeah because I was supposed to attend Miss Harper's wedding but turns out she was getting married to Tony's uncle so our date was back on". "That's good for you", Justin said.

We chilled in the living room for a while before Maddy left. Then I went to my room to freshen up. I came back downstairs and the guys and I played some video games and watched some movies before going to bed. Tony did call before I went to sleep and I fell asleep listening to his voice. Best feeling ever!

The End!

A/N: just kidding . This is definitely not the end. We still have a long way to go don't worry . There's still a lot of adventure, drama, mischief, romance and lots more happening with our favorite group of friends so sit tight and fasten your seatbelts.

Also if you're enjoying the book so far don't forget to share to your friends and if you aren't enjoying it still share with your friends because they might.