Chapter 3

Christian's POV

I was in a dark place. It's harsh and cold, very unforgiving. Chill ran down my spine and I shivered from the intensity of it. Where am I? I can't see anything nor hear anything. The only sound I can hear is my own heavy breathing and the erratic beating of my heart. Suddenly there is a red light shining in the distance. My feet automatically dragging me towards the red light. I was nearing the red light when I hear voices, shouting in rage. Then came a roar followed by howls.

I couldn't believe what my eyes are looking at. It's a battlefield. The ground is soaked with a river of blood. Bodies are piling up on top of each other, some mangled in a twisted way. It's a gruesome scene. The air is heavy with the cloying smell of the dead, making me wanted to puke where I am currently standing. Then I saw them. A pair of black and white huge wolf fighting what looks like a human with long nails and sharp pointy fangs. I stare dazedly at them, not noticing they are looking at me. When I snapped out of my daze, I met their eyes and my knees buckled. Shit.


I woke up with a start, clutching at my chest, my hair damp from the excess amount of sweat. I was breathing heavily I feel like I'm gonna pass out again. I don't want to pass out again. I tried to calm myself down, but my anxiety isn't helping me at all. The door to the room abruptly burst open and the brothers rush in. "You're finally awake! God, you're scaring us! Do you know how long you've been unconscious?" Nathan ranted. "Nathan, stop it. He's trying to regain his breathing. You'll be making things worse." Matthew said, putting his hand on top of Nathan's shoulder.

Nathan stops his ranting. He looked at me and smile sheepishly at me. "Sorry, I'm just so worried. You've been unconscious for too long. Longer than the usual episodes." he rubbed his neck awkwardly. I am finally able to regain my composure and smiled at him weakly. " I know, I get it. You are worried about me." He scoffs. "That's an understatement, Chris. Behind him, Matthew shakes his head. "How long have I been unconscious anyway? Ugh, my head is killing me. Did you hear me scream or see trashing around?" I asked.

"Well, you've been under for 4 hours already. What is happening, Chris? Usually, it just takes around an hour. This is very worrying. I didn't know about the trashing, but you certainly did scream. Do you have a nightmare?" He walks closer toward the bed and kneels beside me, his face genuinely worried. "I've been under for 4 hours? For real?" I exclaimed in surprise. Matthew nods. "That's crazy! Ugh... I don't know why I've gone under for so long. Maybe I do have a nightmare, I don't know, I can't remember. But what I do know, it's bad. I know a bad sign when I feel one."

"Damn, do you want to go to the doctor? I can drive you there." Nathan offered. I shake my head no. "No need. I don't want to meet anybody else at the moment." He takes my right hand and gripped it softly, reassuring me. " I got it. Do you want to eat dinner? We were about to order pizza." I beamed at the word pizza. "Yes, please! I know my stomach is upset at me right now, but I'm also starving. Meat lovers please, throw in some coke and garlic bread." He chuckles at my antic. "You sure love pizza huh?" I grin at him. "It's my comfort food though."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll order the pizza, Matthew will stay with you," he said, standing up and walking towards the door. Nathan was about to walk out of the door when Matthew spoke up. "Don't forget his medicine when you return with pizza." Nathan waves his hand and walks downstairs. I sighed, my head is aching. Matthew walked closer to me. "Scoot," he said. I scoot over the other side to give him some space on my bed. He climbs unto the bed and settled down next to me. "Come here," he ordered. I looked at him, confused. "I'll massage your head." he clarifies. Oh. I crawl over and sat myself down between the space of his legs.

He grabbed both of shoulder and brought my body closer. Now my back is backed up to his chest. I can feel his heat through the fabric of our clothes, it's very calming to me. I relaxed my body and he began to massage my head gently, rubbing all the sore spots. I sighed in contentment. These brothers are seriously the best. They worry about me, care for me, and make me feel wanted. I crave some form of a companion after being alone for so long. Because of them, I got what I wanted. They are patient with me, waiting for me to open up to them. My walls are sturdy for the first time knowing them. But little by little, they chip away my defenses with ease, leaving me vulnerable.

They never judge me or take advantage of me. They protected me when I feel insecure, both from other people from myself. I used to cry myself to sleep, but now, not anymore. I mean, there is the time where I cry myself to sleep still, but that bad habit is slowly ebbed away. They are like my lifeline support, my pillar when I was about to crumble. Honestly, if I never met them or late at knowing them, I don't know what I will do. Probably dead in a ditch somewhere. I could describe them as my family, my brothers, but somehow it's not like that. It's something closer than all these labels could describe.

"How are you now?" he muttered into my hair, nuzzling it tenderly. "I'm a bit better, thank you. If I never met you two, I don't know what the hell will I do. I'll probably do something crazy or worse, kill myself." I whisper softly. I can feel him tense when he hears the world kill myself. He hugged me, now nuzzling the crook of my neck. His breath is tickling my neck. "Don't say that," he mumbled. I know I just made him upset. This guy has a very soft heart, but he won't hesitate to use any means even if it's mean he uses violence to keep his beloved ones safe. He is always at war with himself when it came to that. The three of us always complimented each other, which makes us stronger, bonded with each other.

I ruffled his hair, carding my fingers through his silky hair. "I know, but it is the truth. I'm sorry if I upset you, Matthew. I'm just very grateful we met." I smiled. He nods his head. We stay in comfortable silence, waiting for Nathan's return. A few minutes later, Nathan returned to my room with a box of pizza and other kinds of stuff. "Sorry to keep you two waiting. Let's eat." He put down the boxes on top of the rug and sat down. "Hey, let's eat." I nudge Matthew with my head. He released me from his hug and got out of the bed, he turns to offer his hand to me. He helped me down unto the rug. I sat beside Nathan, and Matthew sat beside me, trapping me in the middle.

I ate my pizza and garlic bread at a fast pace, the sudden hunger that's gripping my stomach is urging me to eat faster. "Slow down Chris! You're going to upset your stomach!" Nathan grabs my wrist to stop me from eating further. "Ah shit, sorry. I just feel very hungry out of the blue." I gave him an embarrassed smile. "I know you're hungry, but be careful okay?" He pats me in the head. "Hey! I'm not a kid you know?" I swat his offending hand jokingly. "Yeah, I know, but you still call me daddy." He smirked. "That was a dare, okay? Stop making me remember! It's so shameful." I blushed

Matthew let out an amused laugh. "Not you too Matt. I thought you're on my side!" I pout at him. "Cute." he grinned at me. Dammit, they always like to tease me like this. I sulk. "Whatever! Hmmph." I turn my head away. "Hey now, don't sulk okay? I'm sorry, it's just so fun to tease you. How's your condition by the way?" Nathan asks, his left hand brush my cheek softly. I stare at him, I can feel myself leaning into his touch. "I'm fine for now. But I am not really sure about what will happen later. I'll call the doctor tomorrow." He looked at me affectionately. "Okay. Rest up then. I and Matt will take the notes for you. Take care of your health, yeah? It won't be long 'till we graduate. Exams are around the corner." He closes the gap and rests his forehead against mine. I close my eyes and let out a soft yes.

We stay like that for a few more seconds before he pulled away. I miss his touch already. I open my eyes and see Nathan and Matthew cleaning up the trash. Nathan then took out a bottle of the pill and handed it to me. "Drink this and rest early. Matt will be here in the morning to bring you food." I took the pill and reach out for the water bottle on the nightstand. I took out two pills and downed them with water. "Thanks. I appreciate it." I rasp out, feeling worn out. I tried to stand up but fail miserably. Matthew came in front of me and picked me up bridal style and walk to the bed. He placed me on top of the bed and cover me with the blanket. He kissed me goodnight before he leaves the room, his brother already waiting for him downstairs.

I feel weak, my eyes are slowly closing. I fought to open my eyes a bit longer and stare at the ceiling. Please don't give me a nightmare. I just want to sleep in peace, I need a goodnight's sleep. I thought to myself before finally closing my eyes and went to sleep. But of course, my prayer never gets its answer.


Two weeks later, the exams went by in a flash. Thank God I at least had the time to study. These past few weeks, my body keeps getting hot. It's not a fever, my doctor said so. But I just don't know why. It feels like burning me from the inside, my body is aching all over. Sometimes I got a headache too, my appetite went through the door. Right now, I can't stand the smell of meat. It makes me nauseous. What the hell is happening with me? Thankfully Nathan and Matthew kept close to me. One time, I fainted in biology class and don't wake up until school is over.

They pester the doctor to do a check-up on me. But the doctor found nothing wrong. He suggested maybe because I have a lot in my mind, it's just stress. I shrugged him off because my gut is telling me it's something else but I don't know what. I was so frustrated I began to do my own research. But fuck me and my life, it bears no fruit. I groaned in irritation, rubbing my eyes in annoyance. God, what is it do you planned for me? Why do I always get nothing out of it?

I decided to abandon my research and go to sleep. Gosh, I need to sleep so bad. The dark circle under my eyes are begging me just to rest. I stand up from my chair, stretch out a bit, and went to the shower. I stink so bad. After the shower, I plop down unto the bed, not caring if I was still in my towel. Surprisingly, it was very easy for me to fell asleep.

Beware, they are coming near. You must not pick the wrong choice. Your life depends on it. The world will go through a big change. Those who are hiding in the dark are preparing themselves to emerged into the light. Do not be reckless. You are the key. You must not fall into the wrong hand or it will be the end of you and your race.