Chapter 9

Kaien's POV

I gasped when Christian muttered my name. Either he remembers who I am, or it was just a slip of a tongue. I quietly exited the room when a voice greeted me. "Leaving so soon, Kaien? I thought you wanted to spend your time a little bit longer in there." I cocked my head to the side and found Orion leaning against the wall. "Spying on me now, Orion? You must have a lot of free time." I close the door and lean my back against it.

"Well, I do have a lot of free time, and you know it," he smirked. "And, what do you want? You want to visit him?" I asked. "No, no, no. I can't meet him just yet. The time is not right. I will visit him myself when that time arrives." He closes his eyes. "Then I'll change my question. What do you want from me?" He opens his eyes and stares at me. "What will you do now?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I stare back at him. "Don't play dumb, you know what I mean." I sighed. "Do you always have to be like this? What is wrong with some little talk?" He frowns. "Little talk is a waste of time. Although I have lots of free time, you don't. So, what is your plan?" He asked again. I shake my head. "I don't know just yet. Did you get any idea? You're the one they're talking about."

He huffed. "Well, it's not my fault. It's just fate, you know? Fate is such a cruel bitch. I don't want it myself. But beggars can't be a chooser." I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Ugh, I know. But isn't it weird? I know you, you know me, but he doesn't know you. Your existence to be exact. Why is that?" I looked at him again. "He's not matured yet. He is in the process of growing up. He won't be able to know my existence until he is in the final stage."

"Huh, that's confusing," I commented. "So, any ideas about what I should do?" I push off the wall and walk towards him. "I think I have an idea." He smiled. I nod, indicating that he could continue talking. "How about you try having retrograde amnesia?" I frown, not understanding the meaning of his word. "What is retrograde amnesia? Some kind of sickness?" He guffawed. "No. It's not a sickness. Amnesia in general meaning called memory loss. Retrograde Amnesia is the loss of memory or any sort of information that occurs before you got the amnesia." he explained.

"So... I will forget about everything?" I asked again, still confused. "Pfft, nope. There are two types of retrograde amnesia. It's either motivated forgetting or organic retrograde amnesia. You will have the motivated forgetting. It means you wanted to forget about the recent information. You know, the omega news?" I beamed at him. "That is such a good idea! But that means I only forget the recent event and I can act as Christian in daily life, right?" He nods at me. "Exactly. That will give Christian some time to rest and forget about it."

"How long until he reaches maturity?" He stopped smiling. "Honestly? I don't know. In his sleeping state, I guess it will take a little bit longer. Can you hold out until then?" I clench my fist as hard as I can. "I can. I'm aiming until the war is over. Hopefully." Orion glanced at me, his eyes reflect the emotion I'm currently feeling. "You can do it. I believe in you. I'll keep him safe here." He extends his hand towards me. I took his hand and shake it. "Thanks, I believe in you too." He smiled and we part our ways. It's time to act.


Nathan's POV

I woke up to the bright ray of the sun that escape through the curtains. I groaned as I feel my sore and stiff body due to the bad sleeping posture. I straighten up and stretches out my limbs. A satisfied sigh slips out of my lip at the sound of the cracking bones. A cold morning shower and a cup of strong coffee should do the job to wake me up fully.

I rose from the chair, still half asleep, and headed to the bathroom. And that's when my mind catches up to me. I whipped my head toward the bed and saw Christian sleeping form. And you know what? My traitorous body decided that it's okay to have a raging boner at the sight of a sleeping Christian. Not only that, my eyes can't help to check out his features and my mind keeps supplying dirty thoughts, making my already hard cock even harder.

I shake my head, trying to get rid of the dirty thoughts. And clearly, it's not working at all. My confined boner keeps twitching and the tip is already weeping. I scurry my way to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I strip down my boxer and palm my rock hard boner. I jerked off to the image of Christian. His eyes, his lips, his everything. I let out a hushed growl when I finally come. My seeds splattered on my abdomen and the bathroom floor.

I close my eyes, trying to catch my breath. It's mortifying and exhilarating altogether. Dear goddess, how can I be such a coward and a pervert at the same time? Jerking off to the image of my own best friend, just outside and still sleeping when I haven't had the chance to confess my feeling. OUR feeling. I'm not sure if Matthew feels the same as I am right now. If he did, he sure has more self restrain than I am. Ah, this is torture. I just can't seem to hold myself back when I'm near him.

I walk toward the sink, turn the faucet on, and wash my stained hand. When I look into the mirror, my reflection stares back at me, all flushed. Yeah, I definitely don't have self-control when it comes to Christian. I turn off the faucet and pick up my discarded boxer and put it back on. I unlock the bathroom and went outside. I glanced at Christian one more time before exiting the room.

I went back to my room and took a cold shower. I need to clear my head. There will be a pack meeting today, and this is not the time to be fantasizing. We don't have a lot of time before the war breaks out. It is important to make sure our offense and defense are perfect. Failure is not an option, especially when Christian's safety is the main concern. Done with the shower, I wrap the towel on my waist. I walked out of the bathroom and open my closet.

Linen khakis, a short-sleeved navy green t-shirt, and a pair of combat boots are perfect for the occasion. I close the closet and dressed up. A moment later, I'm out of my room and down the hall to the meeting hall. When I arrived, Matthew is already talking to Axel and Zade over the map. I stride towards them. "Good morning. How is the plan going?" I greet, standing beside Matthew.

"We are currently discussing the security systems. I think we need to install more traps." Matthew said. Axel and Zade nod in agreement. "I see. Where are you planning on installing them?" I set my gaze upon the map, frowning at the small writings. "The west of the border. We haven't had the time to set things up over there. And also maybe the forest. Thalia's barriers are powerful, but extra precautions are always good to have." Axel piped up.

"Alright, that's a good plan," I nod, "And how are the things with the underground bunkers?" I turn my head to Zade. "Things are going well. We are stocking foods and placing necessary medical pieces of equipment. Luther is taking care of dealing with the supplier along with Nadia." Zade replied.

"Okay. How about the offense? What is the current strategy?" I shift my gaze to the legends on the map. There are many drawings and lines on them. "The neighboring packs agreed to work with us. The Alphas are going to be here at the pack meeting tonight. We will discuss it then." Matthew explained, his nose scrunched up. He always does that when he is thinking. "Well then, I'll get my coffee and check up on the armory first. I need to make sure the armors I ordered have arrived. Then I'll continue with training the new batch of warriors." Matthew let out a small 'hmm' while Axel and Zade nod in acknowledgment. I skipped out of the room and made my way to the kitchen.