

Heavy foot steps reverberated through the hallway as I sprinted the long stairs down to the dining room.

"Good morning mom! Good morning dad!" I greeted enthusiastically as we both exchanged kisses.

"Good morning my love! Good timing, breakfast is almost done." Mom responds, full of energy as she was busy preparing for our breakfast. "How's our little girl?"

I walked around the long glass table and sat down. "I'M GREAT!" I beamed and instinctively swung my legs under the table.

"That's good to hear love. Wash your hands first."

"Geez mom, how could I forget that?" I chuckled, sitting up from the wooden chair then walked into the sink. I pumped the liquid soap and took a small amount as I spread it around my soft palms.

I'm humming while rinsing.

As I was finished, I went back to my seat as soon as mom ushered us. "Breakfast is ready." Both mom and dad had sat down and began to eat. "Your teacher told us about the competition you've joined. How was it?"

I let my food chew first before I talk. Mom and dad taught me well on how to behave from eating. I should have table manners and not talk with my mouth full.

"Pretty good. They've already informed us that it's gonna held in other school."

"What was that all about?"


"Sounds good."

"During my high school, I love studying BioChemistry." Dad chirped in.

"Wow dad! Guess I took that from you." I replied gleefully and couldn't help but to smiled widely. They both just smiled at my comment.

Breakfast is done and I am currently fixing myself for the school. I brushed my hair until there's no loose strands before putting my pink cloth headband on.

I grabbed my long maroon necktie and put it around my collar as I stood in my stand mirror, examining every inch of myself.

Well, guess I'm ready to go.

I grabbed my handbag that was on my king size bed and walked out of my room down the stairs. Dad's already gone to work, me and mom was the only left in the house.

"MOOOM." I chimed as I went into the living room.

"You ready?" Mom asked. She was sitting on our long gray couch while rummaging through her hand bag.

"Yes I am."

Mom hopped up from the couch and followed me who's heading the main door.

"Maybe you forget something." Mom reminded while we're heading the car. "Cellphone, purse—"

"I already have it."


It took us 30 minutes before we arrived at the school. I'm currently studying in one of the most prestigious school, in Juvenille's Academy.

I'm 13, a 7th grader. My first year in high school was pretty amazing. I used to participate in competitions, quiz bees, extemporaneous speech, spoken poetrys and many other programs.

"Behave yourself." Mom spoke up as she dropped me off at the parking lot.

"I'm not a kindergarten anymore mom." I replied, putting my pink handbag on.

"I was just reminding you. Who knows? There could be some bad influence that might... You know? Bad influence is just around you. It's inevitable."

"Yeah you're right mom." I let out a heavy sigh before opening the car door. "I have to go, bye mom—love you." I kissed her as a goodbye.

"Love you too sweetie."

I hopped off the car and walked into the junior high building down to my locker. Perfect timing to see my classmate slash my best friend Jessica, vigorously putting a mound of papers into her locker and slammed it with such force.

"Hey what's the matter? Are you alright?" I asked compassionately as I came across her.


"Why? What ha—"


I was about to speak when cut me off again. "Main—"

"If she thinks she's the leader of the group, well, I'm the classy sassy member. And that doesn't stop her from being bossy. I'll sweep away the shit out of her."

I just chuckled at her statement. We mounted the stairs and straight ahead to our respective room. We both sat down, her seat was a few blocks away from me.

My gaze shifted onto my seatmate who's jotting down on his module and was busy answering.

"Don't we have that first thing this morning?" I asked curiously. Filipino is our first subject and he's obviously not finished anwering the remaining questions.

"Yeah, I just prefer to do this here rather than doing it at home."

"Well I guess that's not a homework anymore."

"Brenda." Someone spoke my name, it was Jessica. "Watch me." She mouthed with an evil look settled on her pretty face.

She walked sassily to Veronica who's currently standing behind the glass window while talking with others as she kept on caressing her long, shiny black hair.

I saw Jessica crossed her arms over her chest before interrupting them. "What happened to your hair? It looks like—"

"What? Don't tell me you don't like it? Does it look ugly to you? For your information, I worked hours to get mine just to look like this." Veronica retorted.

"No one said it was." Jessica replied casually as if everything's fine.

"Yes you are!" All the attention landed on them when Veronica began shouting.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!" She then began pointing her finger towards Jessica.

"No I'm not you ugly fat-ass!"

"Admit it! You just said it to yourself!"

"I didn't say anything like that! It's just you!"

"Don't ever say that to me! I heard what I've heard! And you did!"

"STOOOP!" I yelled as I held up my hands between the two of them. "QUIT IT OK?!" I uttered defiantly.

"It's just a hair, it's no big deal." I added.

"Yeah." Jessica agreed, glaring at Veronica from head to toe. "You know what, act as respectful leader before you despute with me just because of your stupid hair."

"You talk like you've owned big but in reality you owned nothing! So stop messing around."


After the tension happened between the two, Veronica walked away, not wanting to hear any words from Jessica. She maybe realized that Jessica was right all this time. She's being bossy since the day she was assigned to be the leader of the group. She's acting like she knows anything. But the truth is, she's being so naive.

We're huddled in Science Lab as the class was listening to the discussion of our Science teacher.

Five long tables since we are all divided into five groups. Four at the front and last is at the back. I'm in group 2 so I'm basically at the second row.

Minutes have passed, I was still listening to the discussion—but not until someone is tossing me a crumpled papers at my back which was pissing me off. What I hate the most is whenever I tried to look back, all their attention is on the front.

Pretending they don't have any clue. I know it's not my group members but it's obviously the group 1. They're only few inches away!

And I know that one of them is containing his or her laughter right now, knowing how annoyed I was already. It's been the fifth time since I've turned my back at them and none of them were responding.

Looks like they're having fun fooling around huh.

I secretly grabbed my phone out of my bag. I turned my camera on and slid it behind my waist without knowing them that the camera is on.

I waited until I felt someone tossing me again. I didn't mind it, instead I peeked at my phone to see who it was. And there I saw Zendee!

Then I quickly turned my back at him. "SO IT'S YOU THEN!" The class got deathly quiet as they heard me shouted. He was shocked and held his breath as everyone turned and looked at us.

His eyes were dilated. He didn't know how to react especially Sir De Leon was staring at us. He kept his eyes shifting to me then to Sir.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" He finally mustered up the courage to speak.

"YOU JERK!" I grumbled and was about to throw him a crumpled paper when someone tossed him a white board eraser.

All our eyes shifted to the front where we could see Sir throwing a penetrating gaze across us with his fists clenched and biting his lip in anger.

Oh no.


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