I had published two chapters of 21, as you can see. The other one that was posted first was just a mistake. I couldn't delete it anymore so this would be the correct version.
I instinctively got up from the bench once I have read the message. Mom was in the hospital??
Why?? Did something bad happen? I really hope not.
Dad said I have to go home all by myself and never in my life I went home alone, ever. It's either mom or manong used to drive me home from school.
It really aggravates me, especially the sky was getting dark, which a sign of heavy rain. Thunder and lightning scares me.
I don't wanna go home all by myself, what if some bad guys captured me and do something wicked to me? Like what I always see from the news.
What should I do? Just sit here and wait someone to pick me up?
A sudden beep of the car struck me.
"Darling! Over here!" My head snapped to the beeping car.
"Auntie?!" I asked in surprise. It's Aunt Alegra. What is she doing here?