♡Drenched happily in misery of love not because I don't have to but because of the desire to♡

Though distress wore many disgruntled faces, this instance the true embodiment of the goddess of distress has taken shape in the form of a hissing female apparition looming in front of a mauve colored doorway to an infant's room. The poison-laced question easily escaped her lips in contradiction to the tightened features as she stood at the threshold of the door.


A simple question it might seem to anyone but not without a multi-verse of responds at least to the figure holding a snug, brown bundle.

Why..man exist? Why...be born or, why...see one another in different envisage? Why...do we die? Infinite answers to that question but none will make sense because the woman did not pose the question for any of those answers.

Briefly the man's entirety tightened almost in mirror to the apparition's.

Somehow, unfathomable how, but his wife knew.

What should his respond be?

The woman that you ask of, the one you need answers of her existence to?

It is her that breathes life to my soul?

That your husband did not know he was yet to live until he walked into her husband's stall?

That he can swear he is created for her and just her?

Understand this though unapologetically selfish and a cheat may be the traits to describe to perfection the husband accepts but a callous and an uncaring monster most certainly Rash'ad Raamiz is not.

Reason his tongue failed to wag freely to his wife's askance, he has hurt her enough. Moving from the window and gently bringing the snuggled blanket forward Rash placed his sleeping son on his little baby bed but hesitant to face his wife an unavoidable task anyway so he manned-up yet he stood facing her, staring at her but not at her too ashamed to.

"None of my answers will- you don't want to hear my answer" he cowered off last minute leaving his wife's thoughts frazzled as to the man who stood before her, how accurate her intuition had turned out. Should have ran so far away with the man she had loved then, what stopped her?

Right, such loyalty to her family's honor!

"That you leave me each time finger-wrangling, toe-twitching worried for your safety but you were safe?" A short derisive foreign sound escaped her then. The husband did not know... "Soo soo safe in the arms of another?"

Tasting the waters was a struggle but finally succumbing and praying to the Almighty that his wife be satisfied with his weak attempt at placating only for fate to once and again remind people like him that beggars don't ride fine horses.

He wisely backed away from her advancing form, if will could kill those eyes..

"You shouldn't be on your feet for too long after birthing our son, the doctor-"

The angry heavily breathing and recovering new mother went on "Is it her color? I always heard of the fever for women of her kind" she was now mumbling to herself like a mad scientist on the verge of a breakthrough but just missing one important but fleeting puzzle piece.

"How did she fare on her back? Was she on her knees rather?" The crazed look in her eyes, barely standing on shaky form, he did that to her.

"Better at spreading her legs than I? Did she steal your soul just as you spilled your life essence withing her, lost yourself within her?"

Rash abandoned his fear and went to the mother of his children before her knees became completely unreliable.

"The doctor warned you stay off your feet".

The birth of their son was complicated and he did not wish she harmed herself. "Tell me how was she. Just what did she do better than me tell me and I'll surpass her Rash just tell me!" Yet she couldn't seem to think anything other.

Completely devastated, the husband carried his wife from his son's room to their bed attempting to avoid leaky desperate eyes though persistently she grabbed at him holding onto his cheek that he may not escape the damage he had caused.

"Tell me please Rash tell me so I can be better and you will forget her. I can make you forget her"

Hos wife's rant continued and sometime passed before she finally calmed enough to unconscious bliss he hoped stroking her still damp cheeks, his not faring better thinking of her earlier mumblings. She asked if he forgot their wedding day, what his response was to her fears. She begged him not to leave her. Even after his sins she still begged him not to leave her.

"I did not forget" but there was no guarantee her sleeping form will hear his anguished whisper.


Since the dawn of womanhood females have known their first place of the call of life; a nurturer to the men folk in their lives. Their father, their brother if a woman had any then their husbands and finally their sons and daughters and just as a military test run, failure is never acceptable. The success or failure of this task entirely on the female regardless all but males are to be excused. They are not emotionally attached and don't know better as the women, to blazes with whoever came up with that rule! Life was supposed to continue good as it started in their marriage earlier days. He was supposed to continually care for and her alone. No one should entice him like she can. Nothing sort of death should draw his attention to another. She shouldn't have to plead to see her husband shouldn't have to wake up to cold sheets shouldn't wake up to dew-ey pillows, to bring herself so low, she shouldn't have to have an induced labour to bring her husband to his home!

She almost killed herself and all he has for her is sorry?

She had told him-


No not today. One more of her responsibility she seem to fail at.

"I witnessed his show of pathetic display" Calmly the poised figure walked through the disarray space of the married couple to the broken form on the bed. Words spoken with empathetic intent but confusing with the passive façade in those dark eyes maybe because the older woman stopping by the bed with loudly worded looks at the equally disheaveled beddings never liked this wife from the start.

The former always thought the latter was a no good, different from the elder sister who never disappoints, even her mother-in-law spoke of her with high praise, how changed her son was after their marriage.

But now with this, the instinct to guide her strong and sure afterall the girl had given her two grandsons, they make up for their mother's ineptitude.

"No leave them be". The new mother attempted to take the cover from the older woman who harshly tugged it away the look on her face debating if her sympathy should continue because the girl truely acted like the waste of space she is.

"No wonder your husband finds another woman more bearable. With such countenance?"

Instead of the anger she was gunning for tearful eyes and wobbling lips were the only reaction her biting hiss could garner.

Maybe a more lighter touch? Reluctantly lowering on the bed to take the bowling child into an unnaturally stiff hug, she never was affectionate. Only more...less appropriate with her grandsons and someday they shall become men oh she loathed that day.

"It's alright child" well pampered slim fingers filtered through the damp black stresses of the weeping young mother for a minute before regretful the older woman quickly untangled and moved away at the sudden wet feel, when her expensive hand crafted silver beeded nicab was substituted for a nose tissue.

Almighty give her strength!

"Sorry mother". The girl has the nerve to look more sad at her show of revolt? But the young woman just wished to be held and comforted.

Very displeased but acknowledging the apology with a flick of fingers so dainty bellies the true age of the matriarch who made certain to sit back further rather than near not risking a repeat.

"I will have it washed at home" She looked with more appaulment at the dampened front, "Thoroughly".

There was nothing to do about it, Allah forbid her touch it, the servants will do, the blissful thought of a cleansing bath immediately upon her arrival home comforted her back to the reason for this visit aside her grandsons.

"Now would you like for me to order for proper tissues to use for the rest of your days in this marriage? If you last that long" she scoffed the if , "or would you welcome correcting your husband, make him repent of his errant ways?"

But will that bring him back to how they once were? What...how can they control the heart of a grown man? She asked as much, from the responding look on mother's face obviously was not a wise move. But she found nothing wrong in one being assured?

No move of hers ever pleased the older woman, everything about her was wrong; from inhaling to exhaling, her children, the only ever best accepted decision as if she was the Almighty to command her womb; womb, spit forth boys so mother can be pleased at last! Sad thing, like the hopeless corner beggar, over and again she will humble herself always for scraps to feed her need for acceptance, she should have ran away.

Graciously the old woman held out a pristine kercheif like a goddess finally offering their subject respite from their woe. "Not that it will help any," with same grace leaned sideways for the silver matching purse sitting at the foot of the bed searching for something not bothering to face the younger woman putting herself together "but remove the substances from your face. I need to say what I must without distractions from.. that"

It did not take long to produce a nicely sealed milk-coloured package she watched confused as it was set at mother's other side and away from her thinking she would receive it immediately she really needed a cheer and mother only ever gifted her at her marriage and then at her first son's birth, her gifts were as rare as they are given.

"Earlier I asked you". Paused very dark knowing eyes watched the younger woman's unhidden desperate look at the perfectly wrapped pac on the bed, really she should not bother with the child but the the law of nature yada yadaring parents to correct erring young ones. Ahhhh heaving out a held breath the matriach looked back to the woman, she never took eyes off it and almost lunched at her when she dangled then held back the sealed bait.

"Do you want this my dear?" Yes yes yes. Getting a gift from mother was really a privilege.

Watching mother heave again when she nodded abated for whatever it was.

"Have you forgotten?" Slowly her head moved sideways..

"Good. Your response to the question will decide if you will earn this".


Love Is Not The Same For Every Person. Happy Lover's Month.

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