Chapter 09


He lay me down on the bed and smile down at me.

"Should I turn off the light? "

He whisper and I quickly shake my head.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark "

He tease, a smirk plaster across his face.

"What? No!... I.. Okay, yes I am "

I sigh, breathing out and he chuckles.

It sounds so beautiful. Everything about him is beautiful.

"You're such a baby "

He lays down beside me then turn me to lay on my side and wrap his arm around me.

I stiffen for a moment because my back is pressed against his front.

No naughty thoughts please!

I gulp in and try to sleep but that seem so far from being possible cause Aidan's fingers are trailing down my thigh.

"What are you doing? "

I whisper, my breath hitching.

"Getting you to sleep "

He whisper against my hair which sends heat through my entire body.

I sigh and turn to him, eyes locking with green grey ones.

"Am I overstepping my boundary? "