Chapter 11


I sigh as I throw the bag on the bed and rub my face with my palm.

I hope Aidan gets what I'm trying to say in the right way.

I pull off my gym clothes and sneakers and move into the bathroom, playing one of the music I downloaded yesterday.

I step into the tub and watch the scar near my breast keenly.

The memory is still fresh in my memory.


"Hey baby.. "

His voice echoed round the room and my body start shaking immediately, tears threatening to pour but I gulped them all in.

"My baby "

He said again and moved closer to me while I tried my best not to burst out.

If I cry, it's only gonna make matter worse.

He kissed my temple and hummed in satisfaction while I tried to compose myself.

Sebastian like I found out his name is, is a Mafia. The east Mafia to be precise and he's so dangerous! He's so deadly!

I've watched him kill People in cold blood and mercilessly.