Child´s play, part 4

-Is it honestly okay to do this? We are not causing trouble, are we?

-As long as you keep following my steps, it should be fine.

-A-All right... By the way, thanks for the magic tool, now it's a lot easier to understand what people are saying around here.

-You travel to another kingdom without even knowing the language, Do you really want to pass the tests? Or are you one of those insane lovers of fights in search of a challenge?

-Not at all! I´m 100% ready and willing to do what's necessary to be accepted! I would never dare to consider this so slightly!

The tune of the girl was high-pitched, but it was holding a very characteristic authority and determination.

She was being serious.

-... We´ll see.


The girl calls herself Lea, she told me so little after moving away from the guild´s land.

On our way I decided to buy a magic tool that translates the local language by hearing it, it has the shape of rings, though they are actually pendants.

It should be safe if it´s not something that gives her an advantage over the other candidates...

Right now she was following me through the roofs towards our destination. As expected, keeping my peace wasn´t a challenge for her, I would even dare to say that she was used to traveling this way.

Shkhara has houses that were built taking into consideration the beast-man and our instincts to do physical exercise, most of the streets and edifications have a minimum of 1 or 2 climbing points for feline clans like us. If I think about it regarding her intention to do the test, then is not strange to assume she´s not only trained in combat, but climbing and exploring dangerous fields too.

It may not seem like so, but she has covered the physical part.



-We´re almost there, once we touch the ground you have to circle that building on the left, it´ll allow you to get where the other candidates are just fine, you´re also forbidden from saying that I was the one who bought that tool for you, if somebody asks, you brought that with you since the beginning.

-Hm? Why so much ruckus? Can´t we say the truth and get it done?

This girl... Can someone like her become a cherry blossom?... I see it quite impossible...

-Haah* No. It´ll seem like I was helping you, and if the others get to know that I´ll be losing my post.

-What?! Why?!

-You see this?

I said pointing at the decoration holding my hair.

-Of course I see it! You pointed at that back there too!

-You know what it means?

-Umm, only the official members of cherry blossom are supposed to wear that kind of decoration, so you must have something to do with them.

-And that something to do is?

-C-Can we skip the questioning? I feel like my head is starting to pain...

-If you can´t deal with something like this you can forget about passing the written examination.

- Written what?!

-... You better e joking...

Lea began to play with her hair, her eyes didn´t dare to lock with mine and her skin was starting to be covered in sweat.

-Eh, uh, y-yhea, Joking! Yup! T-That´s what I´m doing! Just messing around! Ahahaha! Haha. Haa...



She´s so doomed...

-Haaah* I´m one of the supervisors. The rules say that I can´t get involved in any manner with the candidates outside of what my post dictates, even giving directions is enough to remove me.

-N-No way...

Tap* Tap*

-That´s why you have to do as I say, otherwise I´ll drag you to-




The forehead of Lea kissed the ground with a dangerously strident sound, her body was shaping a perfect arc where her back was completely exposed with her tail on the floor.

For the beast-man, this was one of the biggest stances of submission and surrender that one could do.

Due to our instinct for survival and violence being more intense than other races, most prefer to fight to the death before ever considering doing this.

This was the first time I got to see such an event.

And as I had imagined.

I didn´t know what kind of words use.

-... You put at risk your work because of my stupidities... And even had the kindness to show me the way and spend your money with all the risks... I´m truly sorry! Please forgive me!


The vocal cords of Lea vibrated in such an irregular manner, her body seemed to tremble from her bones and the creak that I was hearing came from her teeth.

-I´ll do anything to make it up to you... That´s why-

-Stop it. Just... Don´t say anything else.


With my help, Lea stood on her feet once again, the bruise on her forehead and the tears sliding down her cheeks were now perceptible.

-Look, uhh... You didn´t have to do all of that, I knew what I was doing, and even if I get caught the worst that could happen is a degradation and a temporal suspension, expulsion is still something I shouldn´t worry about just yet.


-I´m telling you, it´s fine, so stop making such an embarrassing act, you´re a lion, no? Show some pride.


Lea was holding up her tears as much as she could. Most would think that it was due to the scratch on her forehead, but the situation deserves another conclusion.

-I don´t know you, but I can understand that being here is very important to you. I´m not going to pry into details of your personal life since that would be going too far, so let´s make a deal.

-A-A deal?

-Yes. Want to hear it?


Lea dried up her eyes and dusted off her clothes, then she picked up air into her lungs to let it go with an exaggerated blow.

-I´m hearing.


She still seemed affected, but now her resolution to accomplish a duty still yet to be given overcame her anguish.

Being capable to do that was important in our job, so without knowing it she just earned some points in the interviews, if she manages to get at that point.

In any case, it may become possible for her to somehow achieve so with what I´m about to ask her.



-Complete the tests and face me in the final filter! That way you can pay me for the trouble!

-Face you?... A-Are you sure?


In a surprise attack I grabbed the wrist of Lea at the same time I kicked her toe.



Her back hit the ground, taking away the air stored in her lungs.

-I just need a quick glance to know that you´re a bit broken, so money is out of the table. I don´t like slaves so I won´t ask you to become one. The only remaining option is your body, but I´m not interested in romance, much less with another woman, so the last choice is a fight. You´re strong, and it looks like you have a certain preparation, exchange fists with you will have a positive impact on my skills. Or at least that´s what I believe.

-Cough* Cough* I-I get it, I´ll pass the tests and fight you.

-Good. Do we have a deal?

I offered my hand again, this time not just as helpful action, but as a promise.

-Haha! You can be sure of that!

Lea joined her palm with mine, making an implicit signature in our invisible contract with her huge childish smile.


I was already enthusiastic, now I´m more.

I´m looking forward to the end of this promise.


Somewhere else, below the streets of Lafonía.

The rats hid from the putrid light emerging from a pumping piece of flesh.

Around the nasty lantern, there was a group of hooded ones surrounding it with their attention placed over the spawn taking shape on the center.

-How are the preparations going?

-It will be ready, I promise.

-It has to be, otherwise, we won´t get our vengeance, and I don´t think you´d like to let down the black father and his executioners, do you? All of them seem to be monsters dragged out from a nightmare.

-Ha! Once we end those foregain pests and the power of the demon rests on the palm of our hands they won´t be needed anymore! We´ll kill that asshole and his freaks too!

-Haha. Well, let´s first accomplish the invocation, we can deal with them after that... Hehe, they will all regret what they did to us... All of them!


Just in the depths of darkness, the insane guffaws of those who disposed of their humanity can be heard.

And soon, a being of abominable power will join them.

Tough the shadow watching the play was quite worse.